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In the past month,we’ve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plane,MH 370.
It took off from Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡),Malaysia.On March 8.It was heading to Beijing.But about two hours into the flight, the plane went missing.
There were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese.
A total of 12 countries including China and the US have joined the search for the plane.
Did it crash? We know that the weather was clear that day.The pilots didn’t make any distress calls(求救信号).And as of March l3,experts have not found any broken parts of the plane。
Was it hijacked(劫机)? Two Iranians(伊朗人)used stolen passports to get into the flight.But now they do not appear to be linked to any possible hijacking of the plane,international police agency Interpol(国际刑警组织)official said on March 11.
The search is still going on.It could take months or even years to find out what happened
to the flight.
小题1:When did MH370 go missing?
A.March 8B.March 9C.March llD.April 8
小题2:How many Chinese are there on the flight?
A.239B.1 54C.1 45D.85
小题3:What was the weather like that day? 
小题4:Did the pilots make any distress calls before the plane went missing?
A.Yes,they did.B.No,they didn’t.C.We don’t know.D.Maybe
小题5:How long could it take to find out what happened to the flight?
A.several monthsB.several yearsC.months or yearsD.3 months



小题1:细节理解题。问题:马航370是在什么时候失踪的?分析原文:On March 8.It was heading to Beijing.But about two hours into the flight, the plane went missing.句意:在三月八日。去往北京的飞机在两个小时之前失去了联系。明确了答案为三月八日。故选A
小题2:细节理解题。问题:在这次航班上有多少中国人?分析原文:There were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese.句意:在飞机上有239人,其中包括154名中国人。从中得知中国人有154名。故选 B
小题3:细节理解题。问题:那一天的天气如何?分析原文:We know that the weather was clear that day.句意:我们知道那天的天气是晴朗的。结合选项体现天气好,只有第三项fine.故选C
小题4:细节理解题。问题:在飞机失去联系之前飞行员发出求救信号了吗?分析原文:The pilots didn’t make any distress calls(求救信号).句意:飞行员们并没有发出求救信号。因此本题用否定回答。故选B
小题5:细节理解题。问题:寻找失联的飞机花费了多长时间?分析原文:The search is still going on.It could take months or even years to find out what happened to the flight.句意:搜索依然进行,可能要花费数月甚至数年的时间来找出飞机失踪的原因。明确答案的只有第三项。故选C
试题【In the past month,we’ve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plan】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Useful Information in Australia
Useful Numbers
All the telephone numbers are useful and free.
。Fire/ Police/ Ambulance(救护车)—000     Telephone information—12455
。Medical(医学的) Care—1300369359       Taxi—1800421113
Surfing the Internet
With so many Internet tearooms and public libraries, it’s easy to surf the Internet in Australia.
Also it’s very cheap for you to surf the Internet.
。Public libraries offer free Internet every day even during public holidays.
。Many travel managers provide connection which is cheap or free.
Post Service
All post offices around the country offer post services(服务) so you can receive mails as you travel around the whole country.
。Post offices are usually open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
。It costs 50 cents to send a standard(标准的) letter in Australia.
Public Holidays
On public holidays all shops are closed across Australia, so are banks and post offices.
。New Year’s Day—1st January
。Australia Day—26th January
。Christmas Day—25th December
小题1:If there is a fire, you can call________ in Australia.
小题2:Which is the right time to send a letter in a post office in Australia?    
A.At 8:30 on Tuesday.B.At 9:30 on Sunday.
C.At 8:30 on Saturday.D.At 9:30 on Monday.
小题3:Mr. Green lives alone in Australia and he isn’t in good health. He needs a nurse to look after him. What should he do?
A.Go to an Internet tearoom.B.Send a letter to his son.
C.Call 1300369359.D.Go to a hospital.
小题4:Which one might be open on public holidays?
A.Public libraries.B.Shops.C.Banks.D.Post offices.
小题5:Which one is not right according to(根据)the above passage?
A.Surfing the Internet is cheap in Australia.
B.It costs 50 cents to send a standard letter.
C.Australians go to work on 26th January.
D.Australians don"t go shopping on public holidays.

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Microsoft has stopped providing service for Windows XP since April 8,2014. Microsoft has provided support for Windows XP for the past 12 years. 【1】The computers that use the XP system are not as safe as before.

The "demise"(停用) of Windows XP will have the greatest influence on China because it has about 210 million XP users, who make up about 70.percent of the PC market in the world. Microsoft"s decision to "kill" Windows XP, a product with hundreds of millions of users, has a certain purpose to show its strong position in the operating system market.
At the same time, the "death" of XP has created opportunities for China"s IT companies to grow and develop. China can break the monopoly(垄断)of international IT giants and protect the internet security(安全) by having information technology and a policy that encourages innovation.
小题2:In which year, Windwos XP started to provid support?
小题3:According to the passage,how many XP users are there in the world?
小题4:How can China break the monopoly of international IT giants and protect the internet security? 
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?   
A.How to protect our XP system?
B.How to change your computer?
C.Why did Mirosoft stopped providing service for Windows XP
D.The influenc about the “demise” of Windows XP.

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If cars had wings, they could fly and that just might happen, beginning in 2011.The company Terrafugia, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, says it plans to make such a car-plane called “Transition”, to customers(顾客) by the end of 2012. “It’s the next ‘wow’ vehicle,”said Terrafugia vice president Richard Gersh. “Anybody can buy a Ferrari, but as we say, Ferraris don’t fly.”
The car-plane has wings that unfold for flying—a process the company says takes one minute-and fold back up for driving. A runway is still needed to take off and land.
The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies, although it is both. The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations, and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.
The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as an easier and cheaper way to fly.They say it saves you the trouble from trying to find another mode of transportation to get to and from airports: You drive the car to the airport and then you’re good to go.When you land, you fold up the wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you don’t have to store it at an airport—you leave it in the car park at home.
The car-plane is designed to fly under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum take-off weight of 1,430 pounds, including fuel and passengers.
The Transition’s price tag: $194,000, But there may be something else you need to pay, like a radio, transponder or GPS and so on.
So far, the company has more than 70 orders. “We’re working very closely with them, but there are still some remaining steps,” Brown said.
小题1:We can learn from the first paragraph that _________.
A.car-planes will be popular in 2012
B.people might drive a car-plane in 2012
C.both Transition and Ferrari can take off and land
D.Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusetts
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The car-plane needs a runway to take off and land.
B.A car-plane with radio and GPS will cost $194,000
C.The car-plane may fly at 8,000 feet
D.People can park the car-plane in the car park at their home.
小题3:Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “unfold” on this passage?
小题4:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Cars With Wings May come true soon
B.A Ferrari or a Car Plane
C.A Easier and Cheaper Way to Fly
D.Cars With Wings Can Fly as Fast as Planes

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These days, picture news is very popular with young people. Here are some photos chosen by Jim.

China’s first Hello Kitty theme restaurant was opened on Dec 23 in the capital of China. It’s all pink and sweet inside the restaurant. The table cloth , chairs, ceiling and floor are all pink, even the lamp light shines soft and rosy. Dining at Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant costs about 160 yuan ($25) per person.

Dustin and Sara from North Georgia &State University (NGCSU) of the United States perform Peking Opera at LiaoCheng University in East China’s Shandong Province. Eighteen students from NGCSU came to China to study Chinese culture during the summer vacation.
  Located in Miyun County north-east of Beijing, Fuling Mountain is a national-level forest reserve. As the mountain is cloudy and foggy all the year round, Fuling Mountain then began to be called Wuling Mountain. It is regarded as the Yellow Mountain in North China.

  Bill Gates,chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, attended an anti-smoking event ahead of the 25th World No-Tobacco Day, in Beijing on May 29,2012. Some Chinese famous people also attended the event. World No-Tobacco Day falls on May 31 every year.
小题1:What did Dustin and Sara do in China?
A.They climbed Fuling Mountain in Beijing.
B.They visited a Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant.
C.They performed Peking Opera in Shandong.
D.They attended an anti-smoking event.
小题2:Which is true according to the passage?
A.Bill Gates set up World No-Tobacco Day on May 31.
B.Fuling Mountain is always cloudy and foggy.
C.Eight students from NGCSU studied Chinese culture in China.
D.You have to wear pink clothes at Hello Kitty Dreams Restaurant.
小题3:The photos may come from ______________.
A.The Internet newsB.an advertisement
C.a science magazineD.a story book

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BBC News on TV, radio and online often brings you stories from across the world. Today we can hear “Life in China”. Have you got a story about life in China today? If you do, please put your stories here.
Wu Peng, Anhui

    I am a 14-year-old boy from a poor village in Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children in China, I live with my grandparents now. My parents went to work in Shanghai several years ago. They call me twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can go to school in Shanghai. I think every child needs parents’ love and care.
Cindy, Shenzhen

I like traveling and I have traveled a lot around China. During the trip, I often find that a number of Chinese often break the rules in public. For example, when I traveled in Hong Kong this year, I saw a kid eating noodles on the underground, which was against the rules. However, the kid’s mother didn’t think she did wrong. Can you believe it? Let’s improve our public manners.
Mike, Shanghai

These days, we’re asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say no to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to finish the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom.
小题1:How does Wu Peng contact his parents according to the passage?
A.By writing letters.B.On the telephone.
C.On the Internet.D.By sending text messages.
小题2:Who thought it was not right to eat on the underground?
A.Cindy.B.Mike.C.Wu Peng.D.The kid’s mother
小题3:What does Mike want people to do?
A.Care about left-behind childrenB.Obey the rules in public.
C.Improve their public mannersD.Stop wasting

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