当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     The computer makes doing schoolwork easier tor me than it was tor my m...
阅读理解。     The computer makes doing schoolwork easier tor me than it was tor my mom and dad. For example,
when writing book reports and stories,I use Microsoft Word instead of a pen and paper. That way, after
my teacher edits my work, I can go back and make revisions without having to rewrite the whole thing.
And Microsoft Word has a spell check! I use it all the time.
     For English class, we"re reading The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. As a pre-reading assignment (作业), my
teacher asked us to research teenage groups on the Intemet. I tried Google, Encarta, and Yahoo first, and
finally found an article on Time. com.
     For a geography assignment on the United States, I used Encarta to learn about the Mississippi River. I
needed to find out how deep the river is, how its widths and depths are different,what states it runs through,
and what kinds of fish live in it. I used the information to show how the geography of a country influences its
economy (经济). For example,the river"s trade paths,the number of fish caught in it,and the tourists it attracts
directly influence Southemers" jobs and incomes (收入).
     I never go to the library to do research. It takes too much time. Since I live in New York City and both my
parents work,getting to the library isn"t always easy. For a big assignment or research project, I used to stay
at the library to read,or sign out whatever books or magazines I needed. Now being able to find the information
in my own living room makes everything a lot simpler. Online dictionaries and encyclopedias (百科全书) also
save time.
      Sometimes, I think the computer spoils young people because it"s so easy-at least physically. But
computers are not like television, which does the thinking for you. You still have to use your mind. I prefer
using a computer. Easy, fun, and fast. 1. Does the computer make doing schoolwork harder for the writer?
2. What does the writer use when he wr tes book reports and stories? 
3. How does the wr ter complete a big assignment or research project? 
4. What does the underlined word "spoils" mean in English? 
5. What"s the ran idea of this passage? 
1. No. / No, it doesn" t.
2. Microsoft Word.
3. He stays at home using his computer and the Internet.
4. It means giving someone everything he wants, usually making himself badly behaved.
5. It tells about computers and network are widely used in teenagers" studies.
试题【阅读理解。     The computer makes doing schoolwork easier tor me than it was tor my m】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Cats and dogs are both popular pets. Cat owners think that cats are nicer pets in some ways. Cats are
cleaner, first of all. They keep themselves clean, and they do not make the house dirty. Cats are also quieter
than dogs. They usually do not make a lot of noise. Cats are safer, too. Dogs sometimes bite people, but cats
almost never do. Finally, cats are easier to take care of. You do not have to spend much time with a cat. In
fact, many cats prefer to be alone.
     Many children want to have a pet. Some parents may not like the idea of a dog or a cat in the house, but
pets can be good for children. A pet is fun for a child to play with. This can be especially important if there is
only one child. Also, children can leam a lot from a pet. They can learn about animals and the natural world.
Children also leam about taking care of something. They cannot forget about their pets. This is an important
lesson for all children.
     Most Americans think of cats as pets, but not all cats are pets. Some cats can help people, but others can
be problems. For example, on farms and in old houses, they kill small animals such as rats or mice. However,
some people do not want cats around. They like to watch birds in their yards. Cats may kill the birds or scare
them away. Cats can also be a problem in cities. In Rome, for example, thousands of cats live in the streets
and old buildings. They make a lot of noise, and they are dirty and dangerous. 1. The owners of cats think that cats are _____ than dogs. A. safer but dirtier
B. cleaner but noisier
C. more interesting and safer
D. cleaner and quieter 2. Pets are good for children because _____. A. pets are very popular
B. pets help children leam a lot
C. pets are easy to take care of
D. pets help children forget everything 3. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.A. cats can help on farms
B. cats and birds are friends
C. cats prefer living in cities
D. cats are thought as pets by all
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读表达。     If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how "foolish" the Finnish
people are.
     Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare (车费) of two
US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you
have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver will not show the
least sign of anxiety.
     The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside eaters. Hotel guests
have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining room to have their meals. The only thing they
need to do is to wave their room cards to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old
room card to take a couple of friends to eat dinner free of charge.
     The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed
with the boss on the payment. From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will
be paid accordingly.
     With so many loopholes (漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to
take "small advantages". But the strange thing is: all the taxi passengers will always come back to pay their
fare after they have dealt with their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining
room; and workers always give an honest answer of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on
good trust in everything they do, living in such a society has tumed everyone into a real "gentleman". 1. Are the Finns really foolish?
2. What is the taxi fare in Finland? 
3. Who should have free dinners in hotels? 
4. Will the Finnish workers get paid by the hour or by the day? 
5. What do you think of the people in Finland? 
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     If you are a young lady and you go to work by bike, the following suggestions can help you keep clean
and tidy.
     1. Get your clothes ready. Clothes allow you to cool off or warm up as your body temperature changes.
You can always take off something at a traffic light.
     2. Don"t give up skirts and dresses. Skirts and dresses are perfect for summer cycling. Choose something
soft and light. For a more fitted skirt, make sure you can move easily.
     3. Roll up your trouser legs. This can help you avoid dirty marks or torn (破损的) trousers. Wear sports
shoes and keep your high heels (脚跟) at work or in your bag for the day.
     4. Wear a cotton T-shirt close to your body. If you need to wear a jacket for work, try a cotton T-shirt
inside to take in perspiration (汗水). Once at work, you can take it off and put on a dry one.
     5. Wear something bright. Throw on a deep pink neck scarf or have bright rings or footwear on to make
yourselves seen easily. 1. Who is the passage written for? A. Small children.
B. Old gentlemen.
C. Young ladies.
D. School pupils. 2. What are mentioned in the second suggestion? A. Skirts and dresses.
B. Trousers and shoes.
C. Jackets and T-shirts.
D. Scarfs and rings. 3. Wearing a cotton T-shirt can help _______. A. avoid dirty marks
B. take in perspiration
C. cool yourselves off
D. make yourselves seen
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,根据上下文意思,将方框中的句子还原到短文中适当位置。     It was March 15, 2010. We went to Li Jiang"s home and took part in her birthday party. 1______ Some
hung up colourful lights in the room. Some put candles on a big cake. Everyone brought her a present. But
all the presents were not opened at the time. 2______
     When her mother came back, the party started. First,some girls sang pop songs and danced together.
3______ Everyone laughed happily. Then, Li Jiang did some magic for us. 4______ The happiest things
were that we blew out candles and ate the cake together. We all expressed our best wishes to her. Finally,
we helped her open the presents. All kinds of toys appeared in front of us!
     Li Jiang was very happy that day and so were we.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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A. Next, some boys told jokes.
B. We bought her a birthday cake.
C. So we didn"t know what they were.
D. We were all surprised at what she had done.
E. When we got there, we began getting ready for the party.
     Summer camps started from the US. They are programs for teenagers during the summer months in
some countries. Teenagers who take part in summer camps are known as campers. The traditional summer
camp usually means hiking, game-playing and campfires. Now modern summer camps can offer campers
a great many activities. Among them, the intemational summer camp is quite popular, especially with Chinese
     First of all, the intemational summer camp can bring campers unusual life experience. As we all know,
the experience in high school plays a very important role in life. The international summer camp is a great
way to establish (确立) the right values for life. Campers will experience the cultural difference-something
they can"t get at home from their families. During the international summer camp, children will become more
independent and see new things. They can also leam more through talking with students from all over the
     Making friends is another point. The intemational summer camp mixes (混合) Chinese students with
students from other countries in the world. No matter whether they live with a local family or live with other
students in dormitories (宿舍), they will all share experiences and cultures with persons from different
countries and cultural backgrounds, learn cross-culture communication skills by listening to others and
expressing themselves, and improve friendship over several weeks. They often stay in touch with each
other by email,MSN or QQ after the program finishes.
     The most exciting thing in the intemational summer camp is that Chinese campers can get excellent
chances to speak and use English in a real English world. Language is not only knowledge; it is a skill which
needs to be improved by using it. Campers from English-speaking countries are very friendly, warm-hearted
and helpful.
1. Did summer camps start from the US? 
2. What can children get from the summer camp but not from their families? 
3. How do campers communicate with each other after the program?
4. What are campers from English-speaking countries like?
5. What advantages of the intemational summer camp are mentioned in the passage? 