当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示     Biggie Burger, a new fast food restaura...
判断下列句子是否符合短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示     Biggie Burger, a new fast food restaurant, will soon be opened in the town. A large group of kids and
parents were holding signs shouting outside it yesterday. They were there because hey didn"t want the
restaurant to open. Never!
     "This kind of food is really bad for us!" said Diana," It"s high in salt, fat, and sugar. it"s unhealthy and
we are going to say "no" to it!"
     "Our town has been a quiet place. Restaurants like this bring people and also a lot of trouble to this area,"
said Barbara." And I"m afraid they will take business away form our local restaurants."
     Other local people disagree. The officials believe that Biggie Burger will bring in huge amounts of money
to help improve the town. And 17-year-old Sandy can"t wait for Biggie Burger to open." I love their hamburgers and fried chicken wings! And I can get a job there."
     Sandy"s dad, a cleaner, agrees," Biggie Burger"s prices are just right for a family like ours."
     Michael, who owns a toy shop next door to Biggie Burger, is excited, too." Maybe people who come for
a Biggie Burger will spend a few minutes in my store and pick up something."
     The town will hole a meeting on Thursday to hear sides. Everyone is welcome to attend it. Come and voice
your opinion! (     )1. Biggie Burger was opened yesterday and many people were there.
(     )2. Diana thinks that the food in Biggie Burger is too expensive.
(     )3. Barbara is afraid that fewer people will come to the local restaurants.
(     )4. Sandy has found a job in Biggie Burger and loves food there.
(     )5. Cleaners like Sandy"s dad in the town can afford the food in Biggie Burger.
(     )6. Michael welcomes the opening of Biggie Burger.
(     )7. The town doesn"t care about people"s opinions when making a decision.
1-7      FFTFTTF
试题【判断下列句子是否符合短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示     Biggie Burger, a new fast food restaura】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     You probably know you should say "please" and "thank you" at restaurants. You probably know the rules
of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?
     Keep It Down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud
that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play the music
loud on an MP3 player, other people can"t hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. Not one
wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your cars, so even if you are alone when listening
to our MP3 player, you shouldn"t have it turned up too high.
     Take Them off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 player off and put it away. Libraries and
schools don"t allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don"t have rules, but is would
be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it just doesn"t make sense to listen your MP3 player at event. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event? your would miss what is going on and
others would wonder why you even came.
     Take One Out! Once is a while it"s okay just to take out one earphone and not other. Imagine you are
listening your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone,
tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order
food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it"s not for you.
     It"s Your Choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can
listen to music on their MP3 Players when read books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this,
you need to do what seems right for you. 1. The underlined word "volume" in Paragraph Two probably means _____. A. the type of music
B. the amount of a sound
C. the length of a song
D. the colour of and MP3 player 2. No one wants to listen to _____ from others" MP3 player. A. a loud sound
B. sad stories
C. a long movie
D. the words of a song 3. We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music _____. A. is not enjoyable
B. makes us tired
C. is bad for MP3 players
D. huts our ears 4. If we listen to our MP3 player at a play, _____.A. the theater won"t allow it
B. the actors will get angry
C. others won"t hear the play well
D. we will miss part of the play 5. We can take once earphone out when we _____.A. show others the way
B. talk to fiends on the phone
C. watch a sporting event
D. have dinner with our parents 6. It"s all right to use our MPS player in _____.A. schools
B. libraries
C. restaurants
D. museums 7. What can be the best title of this passage? A. Music Lovers
B. Music Manners
C. MP3 Players
D. MP3 Earphones
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     Going to Disneyland is a dream vacation for kids. You may have been to the
Disney-land in Hong Kong Or in other places. Soon you will be able to enjoy a Disney
Park in Shanghai. Shanghai Disneyland started building on April 8, 2011. There will be
many Chinese characters in Shanghai Disneyland, It is different from the Others. There
is a 10-kilometer-long river. It goes around the whole park. Shanghai Disneyland will
cost 24. 4 billion yuan to build. It will open in five years.
     How do you pay for things? Do you usually use cash (现金), or do you like to pay by credit card (信用卡)? If you are like a lot of people, you probably have at least one credit card. Also, you might use it more often than you probably should.
     Credit cards first became popular in the 1920s, At that time, businesses, such as hotels and companies,
gave credit cards to their best customers (顾客). Unlike today"s credit cards, customers could only use these
cards at the Store or business that gave out the card. Customers had to pay for things in full. They couldn"t pay
for something a little at a time.
     In 1950, a businessman named McNamara started a credit card company - Diners Club. Unlike earlier
credit cards, this card could be used by customers at many restaurants. Customers liked the card because they
didn"t have to carry a lot of cash with them. Restaurant owners liked the card, too. Why? They found out that
customers usually spent more money when they could pay by credit card.
     In its first year of business, Diners Club issued 200 cards, The customers who got the cards from the
Diners Club could use them at 27 different restaurants. Today, Diners Club has about 8 million customers,
and they can use their cards in over 7. 6 million businesses in more than 200 countries.
1. What can we know about the earlier credit cards from the passage?
A. They could be used everywhere.
B. Customers had to pay for things in full.
C. They were very popular before the 1920s.
D. Everyone could get this kind of credit card.
2. The underlined word "issued" here probably means "______".
A. showed
B. took
C. borrowed
D. provided
3. This passage is mainly about ______.
A. part of the development of credit cards
B. how to use cash
C. the number of people who use credit cards in the world
D. how credit cards help businessmen
     Jia Meng used to keep a diary (日记) in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Hei Longjiang
began to write her diary in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed
the language because her mother can"t read English."It"s like killing two birds with one stone." said Jia, "My
privacy (隐私) became safe and my English improves a lot."
     Jia"s mother is not the only mom who reads her child"s diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a
national survey among over 2, 3000 parents. The results show that 40% of parents read their children"s secrets.
That"s why, like Jia, many teenagers try to find ways to protect (保护) their privacy.
     Wu Lei, 15, of Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesn"t write in on paper. He writes online which he thinks
is perfectly safe because his parents "know nothing about the Internet."
     Lu Huan, 13, of Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her
on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone.
     "Parents want to know what is going on in their children"s lives," said Shao Xiazhen, a teenage expert in
Beijing. "But sometimes they go about it the wrong way." Shao suggested to teenagers that instead of hiding
their secrets, talking to parents is a better solution. "If your parents know that you are safe, they"ll let you keep
your secrets."
(     )1. Jia Meng writes her diary in English in order to improve her English.
(     )2. Recently, Renmin University of China had a national survey, and the results show that 40% of parents 
            read their children"s secrets.
(     )3. Keeping a diary online is the best way to protect the privacy according to the article.
(     )4. Lu Huan asked her parents to buy her a mobile phone in order to protect her privacy.
(     )5. Shao Xiazhen thinks parents will let children keep their secrets if they talk to parents and parents know 
           they are safe.
     You don"t have much time for you diary, but you really want to remember your best or worst moments
in life. Nine Square Diary (九宫格日记) is coming to help you. This new type of diary has nine squares which
represent nine different areas in life, such as plans, feelings and health. Writing this diary is just like filling
blanks. It is so convenient that you can finish it in only a few minutes.
     Here is a page of Nine Square Diary from Sun Ning. a middle school student.
1. Sun Ning went to ________ birthday party on Sunday.
A. his dad"s
B. his cousin"s
C. his friend"s
2. Sun Ning felt ________ when his parents talked with him about their jobs.
A. busy
B. glad
C. tired
3. Sun Ning ________ on June 12, 2011.
A. had a conversation with the headmaster
B. gave advice about building a space station
C. helped his cousin to get ready for the singing competition
4. The underlined word "select" probably means "________".
A. 挑选
B. 清洗
C. 烹饪
5. According to the passage, the Nine Square Diary is convenient because _________.
A. it is a new type of diary
B. it includes nine different areas in life
C. it can be finished only in a few minutes