当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 补全对话。Sarah: Hey, Lucy! Wait! Lucy: Hi, Sarah! How are you? Sarah: Fine, thank yo...


Sarah: Hey, Lucy! Wait!
Lucy: Hi, Sarah! How are you?
Sarah: Fine, thank you. 1_______
Lucy: I"m on duty today, so I have to go to school earlier to do my work.
Sarah: 2_______
Lucy: Today I must water the flowers in our classroom.
Sarah: What kinds of flowers do you have?
Lucy: 3_______ I like flowers very much.
Sarah: 4_______ Can I help you?
Lucy: Sure! 5_______
试题【补全对话。Sarah: Hey, Lucy! Wait! Lucy: Hi, Sarah! How are you? Sarah: Fine, thank yo】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1. A. Did you have
(     )2. A. Where are you
(     )3. A. The flowers are
               really good.
(     )4. A. I like animals, too.
(     )5. A. My work is going to be
               more interesting.
B. Why are you
   walking so fast?
B. What do you
     have to do?     
B. Do you like
B. Do you like animals?        
B. You can leave now.    
C. Did you take
    your schoolbag?
C. Do you know
    how to do it?  
C. We have
C. Do you like roses? 
C. I have done my
D. What are you
    doing now?
D. Are you on
    duty today?
D. Can you see
D. I like flowers, too.  
D. I have no time.    
1-5     BBCDA
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believe,   read,   interest,   careful,   bored
                                 Manners (礼貌) at an English Tea Party
     For the host (主人):
     Most importantly, the tea should be served in a friendly way, and the action of serving tea has to be
     Prepare some milk and hot water so that the guests can have their tea the way they like.
     Prepare more tea and cake than guests will need, so they"ll feel comfortable and eat as much as they want.
If possible, prepare the food by yourself.
     For the guess (客人):
     If you"re invited to a tea party and would like to bring something to the party, food that you"ve made or
flowers will be most welcome. It may be a good idea to discuss it with the people that have been to such a
party many times.
    At the party, you may drink as much as you want. However, you need to finish the cup of tea before
passing it to the host for more.
    If the tea is too strong or bitter (苦的), you can use hot water to make it weaker.
    If some sandwiches or cookies are served, take only one at a time, and then pass them to the next person.
Don"t break a cookie into small pieces.
1. If you"re the host, you ___________.
A. must serve the tea in a friendly way
B. should buy as much food as you can for the party
C. should prepare some presents for the guests
D. must serve the same tea to all the guests
2. If you"re a guest, ___________.
A. you"re not allowed to drink more than three cups of tea
B. you"d better prepare a present for the host
C. you can eat only one cookie
A. you can take one sandwich and one cookie at a time
3. From the reading, we know that we should ___________.
A. not drink too much while having tea
B. not make any noise while having tea
C. keep smiling and talking all the time
D. not ask for a second cup of tea until you finish the first one
4. We can infer (推测) from the reading that ___________.
A. you have to drink all the tea even if it"s a little bitter
B. the host must cook the food for the tea party by himself
C. it"s impolite to drink tea while eating
D. good manners are very important
5. If it"s the first time for you to go to an English tea party, you" better ___________.
A. make some food yourself at home
B. ask the host what you should bring
C. ask other people who have already been to a party like that many times for advice
D. Take the tea you like with you to the party
     A new fast food store has just opened near Carl"s school. Carl and his classmates often go there after
school. The store sells lots of food and the prices are reasonable, so many students enjoy eating there. Let"s
see what are sold there and the prices.
1. The underlined word "reasonable" means ________ in Chinese according to the passage.
A. 有理由的
B. 合理的
C. 不错的
D. 很贵的
2. If you have only $3, what food can you buy?
A. A chocolate
B. An egg sandwich
C. A hot dog
D. An apple pie
3. Julla has ordered a hamburger, a large glass of orange juice and two apple pies. How much does she
   have to pay?
4. If  Lucy wants to have food, drinks and desserts together with $10, what will she probably buy?
A. A hamburger, coffee and two ice creams
B. Turkey, orange juice and an apple pie
C. Vegetables, coke and fresh fruit
D. An egg sandwich, orange juice and an ice cream
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The cheapest dessert in Blue Rose Fast Food Store it ice cream.
B. In Blue Rose Fast Food Store, only five kinds of drinks are sold.
C. You can eat fish sandwiches in Blue Rose Fast Food Store.
D. There is a school near Blue Rose Fast Food Store.
      Robert: Look at this, a man found $750,000! He returned It and the owner thanked him with a phone
      Kate: You"re kidding! If I found $750,000, I wouldn"t Return it so fast.
      Robert: Why? What would you do?
      Kate: well, I"d go straight to Las Vegas (拉斯韦加斯,世界三大赌城之一) and try my luck there. I could
double the money in day and keep $750,000 for myself.
     Robert: You might also lose it all in a day, And then you could go to jail (监狱).
     Kate: Hmm. You"ve got a point there. So, what would you to if you found lots of money?
     Robert: Oh, you know me, Kate. I"m so honest that I scare myself sometimes. I"d take the money straight
to the police.
     Kate: I guess that wouldn"t be such a bad idea. Maybe the owner of the money would give you a big
reward (回报).
1. Who found the money? 
2. How did the owner thank him? 
3. How much was the money?
4. What would Kate do if she found that much money?
5. What would Robert do if he found the money? 
     In reallife, robots are mainly used in factories. They do many different jobs. Usually these jobs are too   1   ,
difficult or boring for humans.
     Robots also help disabled people and people who cannot look after   2   . For example, scientists are making a
robot to help   3   people. Now many of them have a dog to help them. The dog is called a guide dog. In the
future, guide dogs might be robot dogs.
     One robot dog is called Meldog. It has wheels. It usually "walks"   4   its owner. It is very clever. It knows
the speed of its owner"s walk. Meldog talks to its owner by   5   . The owner wears a special belt. This belt   6   
instructions to the owner from Meldog such as "Stop here","Turn left" and"Turn right".
      In the United States, another   7   of robot helps disabled workers. This robot, called Kilroy, helps disabled
computer operators. The robot   8   the sound of its owner"s voice. It follows instructions such as "Turn the
page" and"Make a cup of coffee".
      Robots are also used in American   9   . They can do simple jobs. For example, they shave (刮脸) patients
and brush their teeth and take meals from the kitchen to patients" rooms. It never gets lost   10   this robot has a
map of the hospital in its computer memory.
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(   )1. A. interesting 
(   )2. A. others      
(   )3. A. deaf       
(   )4. A. in front of 
(   )5. A. television  
(   )6. A. posts      
(   )7. A .type       
(   )8. A. guesses    
(   )9. A. cinema      
(   )10. A. until    
B. strange
B. another
B. blind  
B. behind  
B. radio  
B. writes  
B. size     
B. thinks  
B. hospitals
B. before  
C. dangerous 
C. them     
C. old       
C. under     
C. loudspeaker
C. reads     
C. set       
C. hears     
C. museum   
C. because   
D. safe             
D. themselves       
D. sick             
D. above            
D. mobile telephone 
D. sends            
D. double           
D. sees             
D. theatre          
D. whether