当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。 Vision-phones    Radio , telephone and television are widely...
阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。 Vision-phones  
  Radio , telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you turn on the radio , you can
listen. When you use the telephone, you can listen to others and chat with them , but you can"t see anything
at all. Television is much better than both of them.People can watch TV and listen to it, but they can"t take
part in what they see.    
  Today, some people are using a type of telephone, vision-phone. Two people can see each other
with it.    
  Vision-phones can be very useful when you have something to show the person. It may also have
other uses in the future.Some day you may phone a library and ask to read a book on your vision-phone,
you can do some shopping through it , too. Perhaps in the near future , vision-phone will be widely used in
our everyday life. 1. When you use the telephone, you can____.     A. listen to others    
B. chat with others    
C. see each other    
D. A and B2. Which one is NOT widely used in the world?A. Radio      
B. Telephone    
C. Vision-phones  
D. Television3. When you are talking ,you can see each other from ____.A. vision-phones  
B. television  
C. radio      
D. telephone4. What can we do with vision-phones?      A. Just listen to others.      
B. Just chat with others.      
C. Just watch.       
D. Show something to others.   5. What will people do with vision-phones in the future?      A. Call up a library to read books and do some shopping.      
B. Listen to others and chat with them.      
C. See each other.      
D. Watch and listen to.
试题【阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。 Vision-phones    Radio , telephone and television are widely】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解 。  Pubs are an important part of British life. E-ven very small villages always
have one. People,especially men, often go to a pub for a drink in thesame pub.
Women now go to the pubs more thanthey used to, butthey usually don"t like to go
to apub on their own. Children under 16 are usuallynot allowed to go to the
  Until 1988, pubs were only open from 12 amto 2 pm. When it"s nearly time
for the pub toclose, the owners shout "last orders" and the"time". Pubs also sell
food or snacks, Typical pubfood is pie, chicken and chips, and bread with
cheese.  Pubs have names.  Here is often a sign out-side the pub shoWing the
name with a picture.Many pubs have two or more different bars. Thepublic bar
often has a pool table and
dartboard(飞镖). Local people usually go to such kind of bar.The saloon bar is
comfortable and well-furnished.Men and women often go there drinking
together.                       1. Who do you think will go to the pubs  more? A. Men.        
B. Women.        
C. Villagers.        
D. Children under 16.2. Do women often go to the pubs alone?A. Yes, they do.    
B. No, they don’t.  
C. Yes, they will.    
D. No, they didn’t.3. How long were the pubs usually open before 1988 ?A. For about 12 hours.    
B. For about 14 hours.    
C. For about 9 hours.
D. For about 2 hours.4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. An eighteen-year-old boy can"t go to the pubs.    
B. Women weren"t allowed to go to the pubs on their own.    
C. Pubs sell food or snacks,but they don’t sell drinks.    
D. Local people usually like to go to the public bar.5. What do you think. the public bar is like? A. It"s more crowded and comfortable.   
B. It"s comfortable and clean.    
C. It"s more crowded than the saloon bar.
D. The drinks there are more expensive.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It"s a fine Sunday morning. There are many children near the river. They are students of No. I 
Middle School. They are in Grade One. There are two teachers with them. All the students are Young  
Pioneers. They are having their "Young Pioneers" Day. They are" not playing games now. They are 
working. They are planting trees and flowers. Some of the girls are carrying water  for the young trees. 
The teachers are helping them. They all working hard. 1.—What day is it?
   — ______. A. Sunday 
B. Friday 
C. Saturday
D. Monday2. — What are they doing?
    — ______. A. They are planting trees and flowers.
B. They are playing games on Sunday.
C. They are playing basketball.
D. They aren"t working hard. 3. —How many teachers are there?
    —______. A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five4. —What work are the girls doing?
    —______.A. Playing games.
B. Cleaning the classroom.
C. Cleaning the windows
D. Carrying water for the yong trees. 5. —Who are helping them?
    — ______. A. The teachers
B. the workers
C. The children
D. We
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。    Jack works in a hotel. The hotel is about ten km away (远) from his  1  . He  2  leaves his home 
before 7: 00 . He often walks  4  the street, then   5   the first turning on the right. The No. 8 bus
 stop is  6  the park. He  7  the bus and   8   in front of the supermarket. The hotel is across from it. 
He gets  9   at 8: 00. He always says to  10 , "I must work hard! " (     )1. A. family    
(     )2. A. must      
(     )3. A. every day
(     )4. A. to        
(     )5. A. take      
(     )6. A. out      
(     )7. A. sees      
(     )8  A. gets on  
(     )9. A. here      
(     )10. A. he       B. house        
B. often        
B. everyday      
B. along        
B. get          
B. near          
B. watches      
B. gets off (下车)
B. supermarket  
B. him           C. hotel        
C. can          
C. on every day
C. in          
C. makes        
C. in          
C. takes        
C. goes down    
C. there        
C. you          D. home      
D. may        
D. on everyday
D. on        
D. takes                           
D. on        
D. stops      
D. stops      
D. hotel      
D. himself    
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
                               Letter 1
     Whatever I do, I always think about
if other people will like it. How can I stop
worrying about what they think?
                                          —Eva. New York

              Dr Molly"s Answer①
     You should tell him about your dream and
that if you work really hard, it might happen even
though you started late. The sooner you tell your
dad how you feel, the sooner you"ll be able to
work on making your dream come true.
                  Letter 2
     My dream is to be the Olympic team
player for gymnastics (体操). My dad thinks
I started too late and I"ll never be able to
make it. He puts me down, but I want his
support(支持). What should I do?
                                          —Erica, 9. London
            Dr Molly"s Answer②
     Nobody knows you at your new school. You
have nothing to lose, gather up all your courage
and go over to someone who looks friendly and
introduce yourself. You can ask that person about
your new school to break the ice. Good luck!
     Do you know how to keep healthy? If not, never mind. Look at the following table and you will
have a good idea.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
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Food Amount Calories (卡路里)Vitamins (维他命)FoodAmountCaloriesVitamins
Orange juice1 glass50cCoke1 can (听)90-
Green tea1 cup0EMilk (牛奶)1 glass150A, B, D
Mangoes (芒果)1102E, B, CApples165B, C, E
Bananas1100BTomatoes1 (large)30A, C
Pork (猪肉)100g166A, DFish100g93A, D, E
Chicken100g180A, DBeef100g390B12, B6