当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 用方框内所给词填空并回答文后的问题。were looking,took,was walking,gave,was standing,saw...
试题【用方框内所给词填空并回答文后的问题。were looking,took,was walking,gave,was standing,saw】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
were looking,took,was walking,gave,was standing,saw
1. was walking  
2. was standing  
3. saw 16 took
4. were looking  
5. gave  
6. On Main Street.
7. Some rings.    
8. Two men (Thieves) .    
9. A black bag.  
10. A diamond watch.    
11. They were thieves.  
12. Fifty dollars.
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be, paper, sail, spare, enjoy, in, many, coin, prefer, while
     My hobby is playing chess-one of the greatest games in the world. My mom taught me    1   to play when I was seven years old. She    2   me every time for the first year. But the next year, on my    3    birthday, I won for the first time. Now I am always the winner between us.
     It only takes about a day to learn the rules.    4   if you want to play well, you have to practice for several years. You
don"t need much to play chess-just a chessboard and someone to play with. Chessboards    5   be very cheap, or quite
expensive. Some people collect chessboards as a hobby, but I prefer to    6   .
     There is a chess club in our school. We meet every week to play chess. I am the best    7   in the club, and the captain of the chess team at school. This year we    8    the All England Schools" Championship.
     I"m saving to buy a    9   .It"s very good for me to practice on it. Then I"ll    10    have someone to play with, and I"m sure I"ll make much progress(进步).
(     )1. A. what
(     )2. A. found
(     )3. A. seventh
(     )4. A. And
(     )5. A. can
(     )6. A. see
(     )7. A. player
(     )8. A. received
(     )9. A. computer
(     )10. A. sometimes
B. why
B. lost
B. eighth
B. So
B. must
B. look
B. doctor
B. won
B. book
B. hardly
C. how
C. beat
C. ninth
C. Or
C. should
C. play
C. waiter
C. lost
C. dictionary
C. always    
D. where
D. missed
D. tenth
D. But
D. will
D. listen
D. actor
D. owned
D. game
D. never
     In 1955,Ray Kroc   l    a small restaurant in California. It   2   next to the road, so customers could drive up to the restaurant and drive away   3   . It was owned by the McDonald brothers, Dick and Mac.
     The McDonald brothers had developed a new idea: "drive-in" restaurant, where people can order food   4   their cars.
     The restaurant also   5   on the number of choices on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very   6   . The restaurant specialized in   7    hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes.
     Ray Kroc recognized the potential of the McDonald brothers" restaurant, and he bought the rights to their idea. Mr Kroc wanted to   8   his own restaurant, and he wanted to use the brothers" family   9   . The brothers agreed, and the McDonald"s restaurant chain  10   .
(     )l. A. opened
(     )2. A. builds  
(     )3. A.easily  
(     )4. A. out    
(     )5. A. added    
(     )6. A. slowly  
(     )7. A. make      
(     )8. A.have    
(     )9. A.house    
(     )10. A. was born
B. built        
B. slowly         
B. from          
B. cut           
B. easily      
B. making        
B. own           
B. money          
B. came into being
C. was built
C. added up  
C. quickly  
C.to make  
C. appeared
D. building    
D. cut down    
D. satisfyingly
D. opened      
      An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon over-taken by a young motorcycle policeman. As he started to take out the ticket, the woman in the car said proudly. "Before you go any further, young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine. "
     The officer did not say a word, but kept writing.
     "I am also a friend of Chief of Police Barnes,"continued the woman, getting angrier each moment.
     Still he kept on writing.
     "Young man," she said, "I know Judge Lawson and State Senator Patton. "
     Handing the ticket to the woman,the officer asked pleasantly. "Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson?"
     "No. Why?" she replied.
     " Well, this is the man you should have known," he said, going back to his motorcycle,"I am Bill Bronson. "
1.The policeman stopped the car because  ___  .
A. it was an expensive car
B. the driver was a proud lady
C. the driver was driving too fast
D. the driver was going to attack him
2. The woman was getting angrier each moment because  __   .
A. the policeman didn"t know her friends
B. the policeman kept writing the ticket for her
C. the policeman refused to accept her offer of money
D. she didn"t know the policeman"s name
3. The woman driving the expensive car  __   .
A. failed to stop the policeman writing the ticket
B. warned the policeman not to move a step further
C. was surprised that the policeman did not know the mayor
D. told the policeman to stay where he was
4. The policeman was   __  .
A. an honest and fair fellow
B. a foolish and proud fellow
C. a silly and rude fellow
D. a kind-hearted fellow
5. The policeman   __ 
A. had no sense of humor
B. had a sense of humor
C. had no sense of duty
D. was playing a joke on the woman
     Danny was just tired about the way things were going. His mum came to school and talked on and on about Rick Jackson. It seemed that she would never stop talking. "Somebody"s got to stop that boy!" she was shouting. " Rick"s troubling everybody in the neighborhood. And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny. "
     Mrs Green, Danny"s teacher, was concerned a lot. "I didn"t know that Danny was being picked on," she said. " He"s never said anything about this to me ! "Mrs Green looked at Danny. "How long had this been going on?" she asked. Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble at school.
     Danny hadn"t said anything about the problem because he wanted to do things with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind.
1. We learn_____ from the reading that.
A. Danny was not a good student
B. Danny"s mother talked too much about the school
C. Danny"s teacher knew something about Danny"s problem before
D. Danny wanted to get away from Rick
2. When Danny"s mother came for Mrs Green,the matter was nowto Mrs Green?
A. serious
B. common
C. untrue
D. similar
3. Danny now____.
A. was tired of the school and his friends
B. had no friends at all
C. was not sure what he would do with the problem
D. made some new friends in the neighborhood
4. Danny didn"t say anything about the matter to Mrs Green because?  
A. she had known it
B. the other boys would tell her
C. he didn"t want to be in trouble
D. his mother didn"t want him to say it
5. The word " gang" in the reading means" _____".
A. a place for boys to play games
B. a group of young people
C. a school bus for children to and from school    
D. the teacher"s office