当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.   On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her cla...
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.   On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something they
were thankful for. She thought that these children from poor families actually had little to be thankful  for.
And she found most of them drawing  pictures of  flowers  or tables  with  food. The  teacher  was  very
surprised to see the picture Douglas handed in. It"s a hand, a simple hand.
   But whose hand? The class were very interested in the strange picture. "I think it must be the hand  of
God that brings us food," said  one child. "A farmer," said another, "because he grows  beautiful  flowers."
Finally when the others were at work, the teacher went over Douglas" desk and asked whose hand it was. "It"s your hand, Teacher," he said quietly and shyly.
   She remembered that she had often taken Douglas, a dirty lonely child, by the hand while having a class 
  break. She often did that with the children. But it  meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps  this  is  everyone"s  thanksgiving, not for the material things we get, but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to
others.1. Whose hand did Douglas draw?       A.The farmer"s.    
B. God"s.
C.The teacher"s.  
D. His own hand.  2. Why did Douglas draw the picture?    A. He was good at drawing it.          
B. His teacher asked him to draw it.
C. He wanted to show his thanks to the teacher.
D. He hoped to get a prize in drawing.3. What do you learn about Douglas from the passage?A. He was a lonely child.          
B. He was very active in class.
C. He always kept his hands clean.  
D. He often answered questions loudly.4.  According to the passage, which of the following is an opinion, but not a fact?  A. The teacher went over Douglas" desk and talked to him.
B. Different people show their thanksgiving in different ways.
C. The teacher often took Douglas by the hand after class.
D. Most of the students were drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food.
1-4 C C A B
试题【阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.   On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her cla】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
词汇应用用所给单词的适当形式填空。     Hello! Welcome to our Music Program. And now if you often listen to this program, you (1)______
(know) that it’s time for our (2)______(week) competition. Last(3) ______(week) prize of two theater
tickets (4) (win) by Bill Martins. Congratulations, Bill. I hope you (5)(receive) your tickets by now. This
week we are offering a classical CD to the first listener who can name the piece of music and the person
who wrote it. I will play the piece of music in a few (6)______(minute), but before I do, you need (7)______(get) a pencil and a piece of paper, as I’m going to give you some help which should make your job a
little (8)_____(easy).
     Although the person who wrote the music was born in Italy, he spent most of his life (9)______(enjoy) the beautiful seaside in Spain. The second point: There (10)______(be) also a famous play which has the
same title as this music and which is usually performed (演出) in the open air in summer. Now for the next point: When this piece of music was first performed, many audiences (观众) got up and walked out. They thought the music was terrible. And now for the last point. Part of his music (11)(use) for an advertisement which you can see on environment. So, that’s four things to remember. If you (12) (give) us the answer,
please ring 893-7224. And the music is coming up now.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
interest, lot, make, thousand, hobby, if, nothing, like, important, enjoy

       Zhang Tiejun,14, Sichuan: On my first day of middle school, the teacher asked us to sit according
to height. The shorter students would sit in the first row, and the taller in the last. I’m one of the shortest,
but he asked me to sit in the last row. With tall classmates in front of me, I had to stand up to see the blackboard and take notes. I got high scores in the next midterm exam, and the teacher put me in the first row.
       Li Yuhan,13, Heilongjiang: I like playing basketball with my classmates. One day, when we were
playing, some tall students came and told us to leave. We asked why. Then one of them threw our
basketball away and said: “ Because we will beat you if you don’t go away.” We had to pick our
basketball up and walk away.
       Wu Yunqiang, 13, Beijing: I’m the best painter in my class. There was a school painting competition last year. I thought I should take part on behalf of our class. But the teacher didn’t put me in the contest.
Instead, the teacher gave the chance to a classmate who is at the top of the class in studies, but knows nothing about painting.
       Liu Yuyan, 14, Guangxi: One day, two students didn’t bring their homework to school: our monitor Li and me. The teacher told Li not to forget next time. Then he began to blame me. He said: “ You must
have watched TV last night and not done your homework. Ask your mother to come to school
tomorrow.” The truth was that I did the homework that night , but forgot to bring it to school. From then
on, I didn’t forget it because I don’t want that unfair treatment any more.
        Suggestions: Life is unfair sometimes. There’s something unfair at school, too. When you’re
wronged(受委屈) by those who have more power than you(like teachers and some classmates), there
may be nothing that you can do about it. Don’t think too long about it. Just make sure you don’t do the
same kinds of things to others in the future. But in a case like Liu’s, you can go to the teacher’s office to
talk to him or her frankly(坦诚地). Let the teacher know the truth and understand you better. And if you
feel something is wrong that you can’t accept, go to your parents or a trusted(信得过的) adult for help.

1.What did the student Li Yuhan and his classmates meet one day?
A. Some tall students didn’t let them play basketball.
B. Some tall students beat them and took away their basketball .
C. The teacher didn’t let them enter the painting competition.
D. They beat some tall students and took away their basketball.
2.The teacher let Zhang Tiejun sit in the first row finally because________.
A. his parents phoned the teacher.
B. he himself went to ask the teacher.
C. he’s one of the shortest students.
D. he was good at studying and got good marks.
3. Who forgot to bring her homework and was blamed by the teacher?
A. Wu Yunqiang
B. Liu Yuyan
C. Monitor Li
D. Zhang Tiejun 
4. What can’t we students do when we are wronged?
A. Don’t think too long about unfair things.
B. We can go to the teacher’s office and have a good talk with him/ her.
C. We can give the same unfair treatment to those that have ever given us.
D. We can ask our parents for help.

    I was in line waiting to pay. In line there were two people before me. A little boy was buying some
rather strange clothes. He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that
he was going to a kindergarten(幼儿园) party. He had done a great job of putting together interesting
    I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change(零钱). It seemed that he had robbed his pig    bank(猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was short after counting  all
 the money. The boy thought for a moment  and said, "Please keep the shirt and I  will  come  back  with
 more money. "
    It was clear that he had already used all the money he had and he was $ 8.00 short. The lady in front of me said, "Well, I could pay half of  that. "I told the boy that  I could pay the other half. We  dug into our
handbags. However, both of us only had ten-dollar  bills(纸币)  and we  needed t he cashier to  get  the
change for us. Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and
touching as all these strangers seemed to react(反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, "I have too much money." The cashier didn"t need our ten-dollar bills. Then the
lady in front of me, who had been the first to offer help, said, "Wait! I didn"t even get a chance to give
    I smiled at her and said, "You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this. " The
little boy smiled and thanked us. We wished him the best and he left. I was left with a good feeling. I had
seen the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, "It sure
feels good to give, doesn"t it?" I smiled back and said, "Yes !"

1. What is this passage mainly about  
A. Love and goodness.              
B. Culture and tradition.
C. Friendship and honesty.            
D. Communication and understanding.
2. Why did the writer and the woman both feel glad? 
A. Because the boy had saved some money.      
B. Because they both didn"t need to give anything. 
C. Because the cashier didn"t look down on the boy.
D. Because all the shoppers around were willing to help the boy.
3. What"s the correct order of the following events?
   a. The cashier got enough money for the boy"s shirt.
   b. The cashier counted the boy"s money.
   c. The shoppers looked for some change in their pockets.
   d. The boy went to the line to pay.
A. b, a, c, d        
B. b, c, a, d        
C. d, b, c, a        
D. d, c, a, b
下面所示为6本书,请阅读第1到5 题后的叙述,根据个人所需,为每个人选择一本最合适的书。
1. Cathy is afraid of speaking in front of a group .
2. Bob wants to take a vacation, but he hasn’t decided where to go .
3. Lily is interested in the famous magician , Liu Qian, now.
4. Mr. Green can’t sleep well at night.
5. Linda would like to join a rock band after she leaves university.
题型:浙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案
版权所有 CopyRight © 2012-2019 超级试练试题库 All Rights Reserved.
A. How to Relax Yourself Before Sleeping
B. A Tour Guide.
C. Five Ways to Be More Confident .
D. Magic Temptation.
E. Help You Find Dream Jobs .
F. Music Heaven .