2.Does Li Ming know what to write about himself?
3.Can Jenny help Li Ming?
4.Can Jenny write the report for Li Ming?
试题【根据课本P72 的内容回答下列问题。1.Who does Li Ming ask for help? ___________________________】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
playing basketball and volleyball.And he likes playing basketball and volleyball. He also likes watching
ballgames. How many balls does he have? He has 5 basketballs, 12 baseballs, 10 tennis rackets, 4
volleyballs and 14 baseball bats and many other balls.
A. My father
B. My grandfather
C. My uncle
D. My cousin
2. He loves ________ very much.
A. sports
B. music
C. balls
D. A and C
3. He likes playing ________ and ________.
A. volleyball; baseball
B. volleyball; basketball
C. basketball; baseball
D. soccer ball; tennis
4. He has ________ tennis rackets.
A. 5
B. 12
C. 10
D. 4
5. He has _______ soccer balls.
A. 5
B. 12
C. 10
D. we don"t know
and volleyballs. I put two volleyballs in each (每一个) small bag. And I put two basketballs and two
volleyballs in each big bag.The number of the volleyballs is my age (年龄).
A. three
B. five
C. fourteen
D. seven
2. I have ______ basketballs.
A. six
B. eight
C. ten
D. twelve
3. What"s in those big bags?
A. Two basketballs and six volleyballs.
B. Eight basketballs and six volleyballs.
C. Six basketballs and six volleyballs.
D. Eight basketballs and eight volleyballs.
4.Where are the basketballs?
A. In the big bags.
B. In the small bags.
C. In a big bag.
D. In a small bag.
5. How old am I?
A. I am six.
B. I"m twelve.
C. I"m fourteen.
D. I am sixteen.
Ji Wei"s family grows rice on their farm .Rice is one of the world"s most important foods. More than half of the people in the world eat rice with every meal. In some languages in Asia , the same word means eat
and eat rice.
Like wheat and corn , rice is a kind of grass. Rice likes to grow in warm, wet places. China and India grow the most rice. Together , China and India grow more than half of the rice in the world.
2. More than ______ of the people in the world eat rice _____ _____ _____ .
3. In some _____ in _____ , the same word means _____ and ____ ____ .
4. Rice is kind of _____ .
5. _____ and ______ are also a kind of ______ .
6. Together, China and ______ grow more than _____ _____ the rice ___ ___ ___.
2. Does Amy like French fries? How about ice cream?
3. Does Mark like ice cream? How about tomatoes?
4. Does Lisa like hamburgers?
5. Does Lisa like French fries?
- 1读“鞍钢和宝钢的区位图”,完成下列问题。 (1)鞍钢的区位优势是_________________。宝钢的区位优势是__
- 2小刚的爸爸给小刚提出要求:“你是中学生了,要学会独立!”“你是中学生了,要自己管好自己!”这里所说的“独立”就是指[
- 3如图所示,轻弹簧一端固定,另一端在F=5N的拉力作用下,弹簧伸长了2cm(在弹性限度内),则该弹簧的劲度系数k等于(
- 4阅读下列材料:材料一 子日“富而可求也,虽执鞭之士,吾亦为之,如不可求,从吾所好……饭蔬食,饮水,曲肚而枕之,乐在其中
- 5作匀加速直线运动的物体,先后经过A、B两点时,其速度分别为v和7v,经历时间为t,则( )A.经A、B中点时速度为5
- 6下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分) A.能否在演出市场的经营中充分发挥名角的作用,为名角领衔的剧团找到适宜的分配方式,
- 7如图(a)所示,两平行金属板相距为d,加上如图(b)所示的方波形电压,电压的最大值为U0,周期为T.现有重力可忽略的一束
- 8Tom, _____ play games here. Father is relaxing. [ ]A. do
- 9下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A.漫步小径,微风送来一阵扑鼻的香味。环顾四周,我看见一技露出高墙的腊梅正在那里释
- 10若正比例函数y=kx与y=2x的图象关于x轴对称,则k的值=______.
- 1著名史学家张传玺说,“没有任何一个史学家,没有任何一本历史书没有理论、思想,其中包括那些倡导‘学术自由’的人。”这段话的
- 2根据语境,在下面的横线上补写一句得体的话。有一年,女士们时兴戴各式各样的帽子,结果当她们来到剧院看戏的时候,观众就只能看
- 3How ____ the football match is! I"m ____ about the players.
- 4China Daily is _____ a newspaper; it keeps us in touch with
- 5一 What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary _____? 一
- 6在四个小烧杯中分别盛放相同质量的下列物质,在空气中放置一段时间后,烧杯内物质的质量减少的是( )A.浓盐酸B.生石灰C
- 72009年我国外交工作以应对金融危机为主线,以多边峰会为重要平台,积极参与应对金融危机、气候变化等国际合作,各项外交工作
- 8由于31年前的真理问题大讨论,促进了人们的思想解放,从而使中国进入了改革开放的新时期。在改革开放的实践中先后形成了***
- 9右图中a表示人体的膈肌。据此判断甲、乙两人所处的呼吸运动过程分别是A.甲吸气、乙呼气B.甲呼气、乙吸气C.甲、乙都吸气D
- 10铜片和锌片用导线连接,并插入装有稀硫酸的烧杯中,下列说法正确的是( )A.铜是负极,铜片上有气泡B.铜片溶解C.电流方