当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > It’s 9:00 in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father sits in a chair. ...
It’s 9:00 in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father sits in a chair. He’s watching TV(看电视). His mother stands near the window. She feeds(喂) the birds—Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where is Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate is looking for(找) him. They play games in Kate’s room.
(  )1.There are ________people in the family.
A. three        B. four     C. five         D. six
(   )2.Who sits in a chair?
A. Jim  B. It’s Jim    C. Jim’s father        D. It’s Jim’s mother
(   )3.Where is Jim?
A. He’s is watching TV.        B. Behind the door.    
C. He’s looking for Kate.  D. Near the door.
(   )4.Jim and Kate are ___________.
A. good friends         B. two girls                           
C. two boys             D. brothers and sisters
(   )5.Where’s Kate?
A. She’s behind the door.  B. She’s near the window.             
C. She’s in her room.      D. She plays games.
1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C

小题2:根据Jim’s father sits in a chair.可知选C
小题3:根据Where is Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door.可知选B
小题5:根据They play games in Kate’s room.可知凯特在她自己的房间里面,选C
试题【It’s 9:00 in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father sits in a chair. 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Mary is an American girl. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith find work in China. So they live in Wuhan now. Mr. Smith works in a big shop. Mrs. Smith teaches English in a middle school. Mary goes to that school on weekdays. On Sundays she goes shopping with her mother. She likes dumplings very much. Every time they’d like many dumplings. It’s 6:30 in the evening now. Mrs.Smith is cooking. Mr. Smith is helping her with the housework. What’s Mary doing? She is doing her homework carefully. 
小题1:Mary is in ______ now.  
小题2:______ go shopping on Sundays.   
A.Mr. and Mrs. SmithB.Mr. Smith and Mary
C.Mrs. Smith and MaryD.The Smith family

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There are many kinds of cars in the world. My grandmother thinks that is because cars are like their drivers. She says, “Rich people have expensive cars, big people have large cars, and old people have old cars,” But I don’t agree with her.
My neighbor, Mrs. Hill, is 82 years old. She drives only on Tuesday, and she drives only to the bank. She never drives more than 30 kilometers an hour. Do you think Mrs. Hill has a very old and small car? No! Her car is new. It is very large and it can go 200 kilometers an hour! My friend Mike is an artist. He draws beautiful pictures with a lot of colors. But his car is black! Mrs. Bates has a very old car. It often has engine(发动机) trouble. Does she have that kind of car because she is very poor? No, she has four factories and two million dollars in the bank. My aunt Mary has a car. Every Sunday, she drives to the country with her husband, her three children , her mother and their dog. 
Now you read about my friends and their cars. Do you agree with my grandmother?
小题1:My grandmother thinks________.  
A.big people drive small carsB.old people drive new car
C.poor people have expensive carsD.rich people have expensive cars
小题2: Mrs. Hill’s car is _______.
A.fast and newB.fast but oldC.slow and oldD.fast and small
小题3:Mrs. Bates may be ________.
A.a workerB.an artistC.a bossD.a bank clerk
小题4:What kind of picture does Mike draw? 
A.He often draws pictures with black
B.He often draws very colorful pictures
C.He draws pictures with only a few colors
D.He never draws beautiful pictures
小题5:There are _____ people in my aunt’s car on Sunday?          
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Monday…..oh, I don’t like Monday because I will(将) have to go back to school again after the weekend. Tuesday is not so bad. I usually play tennis with my friends after school. On Wednesday evening I don’t go out. I stay at home and do my homework. I like Thursday because the next day is Friday. I always go out on Friday –maybe to the cinema. I love the weekend. On Saturday I stay in bed until lunchtime, and I sometimes go to the shops in the afternoon. In the evening we go to a club—there are good bands there every Saturday. Then on Sundays I go to my friend’s house or she comes to mine. I usually visit my grandmother for an hour in the afternoon. Then the weekend is over and it’s Monday…. And I feel bad again!
小题1:The writer doesn’t like the Monday because _________
A.Monday is the first day of a week
B.he just spent(度过) a happy weekend
C.Monday is the first school day of a week
D.he will have many lessons on Monday
小题2: The writer thinks Tuesday is not so bad because _______
A.he can play tennis with his friendsB.he has no homework to do
C.he has a P.E. classD.he is free
小题3: The writer may go to the movies on _______
小题4:What does the writer NOT do on weekends? 
A.Stay in bed until lunchtimeB.Watch football games on TV
C.Go to his friend’s houseD.Go shopping in the markets
小题5: From the text, we know that the writer _______
A.doesn’t like school very muchB.likes to stay at home
C.only likes FridayD.only likes Saturday

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The Internet can show you lots of jobs all over the world. If you want to find a job on the Internet, use the words “job search” or “employment (职业)” to find the websites you need. Type in what you want and where you want to work. In a few seconds, a list of jobs will appear on the screen. You can also type in the name of a company to learn about jobs there. Many websites list full-time and summer jobs.
Job search websites can help you in other ways, too. They show you how to write a good resume(履历) and how to get ready for an interview(面试). They also tell you what to say to an interviewer on the telephone. Some websites give you interview conversations to practice. One website even has a dictionary of interview words. A good employment website can be a big help in your job search.
Good luck with your job-hunting.
(    ) 11. What should you do first if you want to find a job on the Internet?            
A. To type in “job search” or “employment” to find the websites.
B. To write a good resume.
C. To get ready for an interview.
D. To get an English dictionary.
(    ) 12. Some employment websites tell you how to have a job interview            .
A. face to face       B. in an e-mail     
C. in a letter         D. on the telephone
(    ) 13. From the passage, we know that            .
A. you can’t look for a summer job on the Internet
B. Some websites show you how to write a resume
C. if you type in the name of a company, you will get a job there easily.
D. the Internet can only show you a list of jobs of your own country.
(   ) 14. The underlined word “job-hunting” means            .
A. searching a job       B. giving a job     
C. doing a job          D. changing a job
(   ) 15. What’s the main idea of the passage?            
A. The Internet lists a large number of companies.
B. You can find many websites on the Internet.
C. It’s about how you can use the Internet to find a job.
D. There are different ways for you to look for jobs.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Much meaning can be carried clearly, with our eyes, so it is often ___1____ that eyes can speak.
Do you have such kind of ___2___? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he ___3___ that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same in daily life. If you____4____ at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel __5__ toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he __6__ her. When two people are in a talk, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, ____7___ make sure that the listener does pay attention ___8___ what he or she is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time, to show something that ____9___ cannot express. (表达).
Clearly, eye contact should be done according to the relationship (关系)between two people and the place ____10____ you stay.
(   )1. A. spoken           B. said          C. told         D. talked
(   )2. A. experience        B. eyes          C. mind        D. news
(   )3. A. found            B. knew         C. finds        D. sees
(   )4. A. look          B. are looking     C. are looked   D. looked
(   )5. A. happy            B. angry         C. sad         D. thankful
(   )6. A. likes             B. hates         C. thanks       D. looks at
(   )7. A. in order that       B. so that         C. in order to    D. for
(   )8. A. for              B. of             C. with         D. to
(   )9. A. eyes             B. words          C. minds       D. body
(   )10. A. which           B. that           C. where        D. there
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