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Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.
What’s going on in the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s the life like in the deepest(最深的) part of the sea?
If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.
TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds(思想). TV often give us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.
小题1: Some people say the world is smaller than before because    .
A.TV makes the earth smaller and smaller
B.all people like to watch TV
C.watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day.
D.TV bring the outside world closer to people.
小题2:We can      when we watch TV.
A.go to live in the other countries
B.answer TV many questions
C.get a lot of information
D.ask TV some questions
小题3: People learn better through TV than through radio because   .
A.TV sets are bigger than radios
B.people can not only hear but also watch
C.without TV people can’t open their eyes
D.it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio
小题4: The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds” means:   
A.our minds can only be opened by TV
B.something is wrong with our minds
C.it can help us to get our knowledge(知识)
D.TV is new to us
小题5:This article(文章) tells us      .
A.it’s good to watch TV
B.not to watch TV any more
C.students shouldn’t watch TV at any time
D.to stop reading to watch TV



小题1:细节理解题。根据文章的开头TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV,电视使外面的世界离人们的家更近了,一些人说这个世界因为电视而变小了。由此我们可以知道是因为有了电视拉近了人们与外部世界的距离,才使得人们觉得这个世界变小了,故选D。
小题2:推理判断题。根据文章中If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot,如果你想回答这些或其他的问题,就打开电视吧,你可以看到很多也能学到很多。由此我们可以推断在看电视的时候我们可以得到很多信息。故选C。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文章中But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.,有了电视人们可以更好的也更容易的学习很多知识。为什么?因为他们可以听也可以看。由此我们可以知道电视比收音机更好的地方是人们不光可以听还可以看。故选B。
小题4:推理判断题。TV also helps open our minds,这句话意为,电视还可以开阔我们的思想,即通过电视我们可以获得很多知识,开阔我们的眼界。故选C。
试题【Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activitie】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Miss Smith is only twenty. She is of medium build, and she has brown, curly hair. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and teaches the children. She has a lot of work to do every day, but she often plays games with her students after school. The children like her a lot. On Sundays she usually drives her car to her parents’ house and stays with her parents, but sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sunday. She drives back to school on Monday morning. She likes singing, dancing and swimming. She is a good teacher.
小题1:Miss Smith is             teacher.
A.a popularB.an oldC.a ChineseD.an English
小题2:What’s Miss Smith like?   
A.She likes her students.B.She likes her teacher.
C.She is not too tall.D.She isn’t too heavy.
小题3:Miss Smith goes to see her friends             .
A.every dayB.on SundayC.on SaturdayD.on Friday.
小题4:Miss Smith usually goes out             .
A.on a busB.by bikeC.by carD.by air
小题5:Miss Smith likes             .
A.sportsB.her studentsC.her workD.A, B and C

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May 2, Saturday
We arrived in Hangzhou at 3:00 pm. After we walked out of the train station, we took a taxi to the hotel. The hotel was very clean. We stayed there for three days. Then we wanted to travel to Hainan.
May 5, Tuesday
In the morning we went to Hainan by plane. The people in Hainan were very friendly. Then we went to a beautiful beach. It was sunny. So we had great fun playing in the water.
May 7, Thursday
It was rainy today. So we went to a museum. We saw many old things there. Then we went to the aquarium (水族馆) to see some sea animals. We saw many kinds of fish. They were very lovely. I hope I could come to Hannan again.
小题1:How did the writer go to Hangzhou?
A.By train.B.By plane.C.By taxi.D.By bus.
小题2:The writer stayed in Hangzhou for          days.
小题3: They          on Tuesday.
A.visited a museumB.saw some sea animals
C.had dinner in a restaurantD.played in the water
小题4:It was          on May 7.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer wanted to visit Hainan again.
B.The writer took a train to Hainan.
C.The people in Hainan were very friendly.
D.There were many kinds of fish in the aquarium.

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Ted and Susan are good friends. Last Saturday, Ted asked Susan to go with him to watch a movie or take a walk down by the lake. Susan really wanted to go, but she was really busy all Saturday. First, her mom asked her to help clean the house in the morning, and then she had to go to the dentist’s at 12:30. Two hours after that, she met Julia to help her with her science. Then she had to go to soccer practice with her brother at 4:30, and her mom asked her to cook dinner for the family at 5:30. Then, she had to do her history homework.
Ted knew that Susan was going to have a full day. So he asked her to watch a video at home. Susan thought that was great, but something was wrong with their video player. So they had to just play a game.
小题1:What did Susan have to do on Saturday morning?
A.Watch a movie.B.Clean the house.
C.Go to the dentist’s.D.Take a walk.
小题2:What was wrong with Susan?
A.She had a fever.B.She had a sore throat.
C.She had a toothache.D.She had a stomachache.
小题3:What time did Susan meet with Julia?
A.At 12:00 p.m.B.At 1:00 p.m.
C.At 2:00 p.m.D.At 2:30 p.m.
小题4:How many things did Susan have to do on Saturday?
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Susan couldn’t watch the video because the video player didn’t work.
B.Susan’s Saturday was not busy.
C.Susan can’t cook diner.
D.Ted couldn’t play a game with Susan in the evening.

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Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
A. strange       B. tradition    C. allowed  
D. turned over         E. turned out
    A good trick doesn’t leave lasting damage and always makes people laugh. It can even amaze them with its creativity. Some schools and universities have a long  小题1: of students playing good tricks. These tricks sometimes include school buildings and cars.
The California Institute of Technology, a university in the US, has a special day on which students are 小题2: to play big tricks. One time, a group of students took apart a car, moved the parts into a student’s room and then put the car back together next to the bed.
It was a quiet evening at an American high school. Going home, the headmaster got into his car and started the engine. It’s quite  小题3:  that the wheels turned, but the car didn’t move! It   _小题4:  that some students had found a way to lift the car up so that its tires were just above the ground.
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Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Last year, over 11,000 abandoned dogs were put down by government dogcatchers. Why? Because there was too little kennel space to keep them. Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) is a charity that rescues and finds homes for unwanted dogs. It’s a huge task and if this     had received more support last year, fewer dogs would have been put down.
To support the efforts of HKDR, the Social Service Club held a fun festival last weekend. ‘We hoped the festival would raise money and also raise people’s awareness of the point of abandoned pets,’ said Louise Wong, the club president.
The club organized stalls       second-hand clothes, delicious homemade cupcakes and even the fashions to keep pet dogs warm in the winter. Although there were fewer stalls than last year,      items were sold. Louise explained that this was because prices were not set too high this year.
The festival also      performances by the school choir and the hip hop group HK Boys. The crowd was extremely excited, and some members of the      said there was too much noise to hear the performers. Louise admitted that everyone would have been able to hear if there had been better sound equipment.
The most interesting part of the day was the dance challenge, with contestants(选手) showing off some amazing moves. This year there were more contestants than last year. According to Louise, that was because the prizes, including G. E.M. concert tickets, were better.     , this year’s fun festival was a big success. It raised far more money than last year: a record HK$12,000. And the festival also raised joy among the special guests – some of our four legged friends from HKDR!
A.teamB.groupC.club D.organization
A.few B.fewerC.many D.many more
A.put offB.put onC.put outD.put up
A.familyB.band C.audienceD.community

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