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完形填空。      It was very cold outside my car. I did not want to get out of it   1   we passed by a cafe. Suddenly I noticed
a short old man, covered with some bits of cloth, shaking with the cold. He was waiting for anyone who would 
  2   him a coin or a cup of hot coffee.
      I asked my   3   to go over and hand this old man something. He looked into my husband"s face, smiled and
said, "  4  ". I felt so happy and I wished the old man could live   5   the cold night.
      I was sure to meet him again and find out how he was the next   6  , as I have to pass this way every day, I
did so the next evening, and he remembered the   7   and came up to my window and smiled at me. This time I
offered him a   8   of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave him my hand. He   9   the food, smiled and
said, "May God bless you." I looked at the old man and he   10   me think of my father. 
      I do hope all of us will remember that maybe one day, it could happen to one of us,  11  please do not pass
by a  12  person without offering at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness of any kind.
试题【完形填空。      It was very cold outside my car. I did not want to get out of it   1 】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1.A.after    
(     ) 2.A.send     
(     ) 3.A.father   
(     ) 4.A.Excuse me
(     ) 5.A.in       
(     ) 6.A.year     
(     ) 7.A.office   
(     ) 8.A.box      
(     ) 9.A.held     
(     ) 10.A.got      
(     ) 11.A.so       
(     ) 12.A.quiet    
B.Beg your pardon  
C.Take it easy     
D.Thank you      
1-5: BBCDB   6-10: DCBAC   11-12: AC
    Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. "I don"t
understand,but I frightened (使害怕) your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a purse from
Suzhou, she looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider on the table so I killed it for
her and she seemed very unhappy. Do English people like spiders?"
    "Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop front, so there was a ladder. Grandmother
stopped me from walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought some lovely
rose soap for my mother, a smart umbrella for my father and some new shoes for myself. When we got
back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to check if it was all right. Your grandmother
came in and screamed (尖叫)!" 
    "Then I broke a small mirror in the bathroom.Your grandmother"s face went white. I felt very sorry.
When I left I gave your grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were l 3. She didn"t like it. I
think she was happy l was goin9."
    I explained to Lu, "My grandmother follows the old customs (习俗). You must not give someone an
empty purse or they will have no money. You must not kill a "money spider" or the same will happen. Also
it is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table.An open umbrella in a house
means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years" bad luck, and 13 is also a very unlucky
number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid."
1.Why did Lu frighten the writer"s grandmother?
[     ]
A.Because he could not speak English.
B.Because he did many unlucky things.
C.Because he understood British customs.
D.Because he went shopping in England.
2.What do many British people think of spiders?
[     ]
A.They are afraid of them.
B.They keep spiders as pets.
C.They think some kinds of spiders are lucky.
D.They hope to see every kind of spiders in their houses.
3.What did the writer"s grandmother feel when she saw the umbrella?
[     ]
4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
[     ]
A.Thirteen is an unlucky number in England
B.People never give purses as presents in England.
C.For most British people,breaking a mirror means bad luck
D.It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder or put new shoes on the table in England.
5.How many wrong things did Lu do altogether?
[     ]
    A couple (夫妇) have travelled around the world in 297 days-without taking any planes Tom Fewins and
Lara Lockwood used 78 buses, 61 trains, 34 cars, 18 boats, six bicycles, and even one elephant. They wanted
to prove that tourists can still be well travelled without damaging the environment. They aimed to product less
than 3,000 kg of carbon dioxide (二氧化痰), compared with six times that amount if they had gone by plane.
    They spent ten months travelling 44,609 miles through l8 countries on land and sea.The couple"s world tour
began in June 2008 with a two-hour bus journey to London from their home in Oxfordshire. They took the
train, Eurostar, to Brussels and then caught a bus and train to Hamburg before going to Copenhagen. The
couple even rode on an elephant for l5 miles through the Chinese part of the Mekong River (湄公河).
    The couple hoped to write a book based on their journey to teach other travellers how to travel without
damaging the environment.
1.How long did it take the couple to travel around the world?
2.Where did the tour begin? 
3.How many ways of transportation did the couple use to travel around the world according to the passage? 
4.How was the travel different?
5.What did the couple hope to do?
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
   in,    but,    nothing,    appear,  farm,    before,    begin,   good,    happy,    bring
      When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way
I could   1   this was to work in the local paper factory in my town, or get married. I was very nervous when I
told my   2   I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say "  3   You are going to college (大学)." I was very
  4   when he said, "OK. Let"s go to the paper factory." 
      Two days later, he took me to the factory. I imagined everyone to be friends   5   together and having fun. I
even imagined there would be music and singing. I   6   I had watched too many moves as a teenager.
      When we   7   the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard (门卫) and one minute later we were   8  . I
walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was terrible. I ran
back to my father and said, "I want to go home. " He asked me, "What do you think of the   9  ?" 
      "Too bad," I answered.
      "And marriage is even   10  !" he said.
       I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard   11   I could get into a good 
college. I  12  studying English so I decided to major in (主修) languages at college. Thanks to my
father and our trip to the paper factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud
of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the
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(     ) 1. A. say      
(     ) 2. A. teacher  
(     ) 3. A. Yes!     
(     ) 4. A. angry    
(     ) 5. A. working  
(     ) 6. A. guess    
(     ) 7. A. looked at
(     ) 8. A. outside  
(     ) 9. A. workers  
(     ) 10. A. better   
(     ) 11. A. but      
(     ) 12. A. enjoyed  
B. do        
B. friend    
B. No!         
B. tired       
B. studying    
B. mean        
B. returned to    
B. inside    
B. guard       
B. harder      
B. if          
B. stopped   
C. receive     
C. father      
C. Really?     
C. nervous   
C. singing     
C. say         
C. arrived at      
C. back        
C. building    
C. worse       
C. so          
C. disliked  
D. find          
D. husband       
D. OK?           
D. surprised          
D. farming       
D. hope          
D. left for    
D. away        
D. factory       
D. easier        
D. or            
D. minded      
       Jane is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university.
But her family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. 1.           So she spends a lot of time on
her QQ. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made lots of friends.
       Last year Jane made a very special friend on QQ. 2.            He and Jane were both interested in rock
music. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ. Of course, they wanted to know more about each
other. 3.           He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became
good friends. 
       4.           Jane asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. But
when David finally stood before her, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!
A. David sent a picture of himself.
B. In fact, Jane is quite lonely.
C. One day Jane"s father was going on a business trip to San Francisco.
D. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco.
E. Jane and David chatted on QQ happily and became good friends.