当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend-Tiger. We met ...
阅读理解。     I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend-Tiger. We met at the school fair (集市). Each year,
all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair. Everyone in fourth grade works at the fair. Some sell ice cream,
drinks and snacks. Others take care of the little children who ride the rides.
     I got the second job and I"ve never regretted it, because that"s where I met Tiger. My job was to help little
children get on the back of a little horse. I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for
them while they rode about. One thing was clear to me. I was growing older and should be more responsible
     Suddenly, a boy came to the horse. He took the little horse"s reins (缰绳)! The horse stopped,and the girl
on its back started to fall. I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs. It held the horse"s
reins and pulled the horse away from my legs. I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground. The girl
sat on top of me. She was laughing at the ice cream on my face. The horse"s reins were in Tiger"s mouth!
    Thanks to Tiger"s fast action,I saved the little girl. We were both heroes. And Tiger, the fastest dog I"ve
ever known became my new best friend. 1. According to the passage, ________ work at the fair. A. ice cream sellers
B. all the school children
C. little boys and girls
D. the fourth-grade students 2. The writer"s job was to ________. A. take the little horse"s reins
B. look after the children
C. get on the back of the horse
D. ride with little children 3. As soon as the little horse stopped, the girl ________. A. started to fall
B. laughed at the writer
C. hit the ground
D. sat on top of the writer 4. Tiger helped to save the little girl on the horse by ________. A. going fast by the writer"s legs
B. trying to catch the little girl
C. holding the reins with its mouth
D. riding the little horse around 5. From the passage, we know that ________. A. Tiger was actually a brave dog
B. Tiger wanted to become a hero
C. the writer didn"t want to grow up
D. the writer regretted working at the fair
1-5       DBACA
试题【阅读理解。     I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend-Tiger. We met 】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didn"t know what she had to do and wanted to
give up. She felt tired of fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another came over.
     Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen. He poured water into three pans and boiled (煮沸) them. After
boiling, in the first pan was put some carrots, the second was put some eggs and the last was put with coffee.
     The girl waited impatiently (不耐烦的), confused by what her father did. About 20 minutes later, her father
took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took the eggs and put them in a bowl. After that the coffee
was poured into a cup. "My sweet heart, what do you see?" he asked.
     "Carrots, eggs and coffee," she replied.
     Her father told her to close her eyes and asked her to touch the carrots. She did so and felt that the carrots
were soft. After that he asked her to take the eggs and break them. After peeling (剥开) them, she got the eggs,
cooked and hard. The last,the father let her smell the coffee. She asked, "What did you do this for, Father?" He
explained that each had the same unlucky experience-the boiling water,but each had a different result. The
strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak. The fragile eggs became hard after being cooked. The
coffee was very special, they could change water. "Who are you?" asked her father. "When bad luck knocks
at your door,what is your decision? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee?" 1. The girl complained about her hard life because she didn"t ________. A. want to give up
B. finish one problem
C. know what to do
D. get tired of fighting 2. The girl"s father took her to the kitchen to ________.A. ask her how to boil eggs
B. show her how to make coffee
C. teach her how to be a cook
D. tell her how to face difficulties 3. After about twenty minutes, the carrots became ________. A. soft
B. hard
C. salty
D. sweet 4. The underlined word "fragile" in the passage means "________". A. 美味的
B. 易碎的
C. 特别的
D. 可怜的 5. What can we learn from the passage? A. The girl"s father liked to eat some kinds of food.
B. Bad luck always knocks at strong people"s doors.
C. Boiled carrots,eggs and coffee had the same result.
D. People should make right decisions when in trouble.
题型:辽宁省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Elena jogged with her dad in some empty lots (小块地) at the edge of town. These out-of-the-way lots were
good places to jog. But the lots were fuIl of rocks and rubbish.
   One day, Elena saw a sign on the lots. It said, "New City Park." Elena was excited. Maybe the park would have
a jogging trail!
Elena told her parents about the sign.
    "I read about the park in the newspaper," said Elena"s father. "The city wants volunteers to help clean the area. Then the city will build a soccer field and a playground."
    "Will they build a jogging trail?" Elena asked.
    "No,the paper didn"t mention a jogging trail."
    "Well,perhaps if I help clean up the lots, they"ll put in a jogging trail," said Elena.
    On Saturday Elena went to the lots. Many adults were working there.Some were picking up rubbish. Some
were moving rocks.
    "I want to volunteer, "Elena told a man."What can I do?"
    "This is not a job for children, "said the man."You"d better go home."
    Elena looked around.She could carry rubbish. She could move rocks. A lady was pulling a bag of rubbish.
Elena saw a box of rubbish bags. She took an empty bag.
    "I"ll take this bag to the Dumpster," said Elena. "Here"s a new bag."
    "Thanks," said the lady. "Keep those new bags coming."
    Elena dragged rubbish bags. She told everyone she was glad to help build the park. She explained that she
hoped the park would have a jogging trail. 
    Elena went to the area every week. Soon everyone knew her and she told everyone how wonderful a jogging
trail would be.
    Soon the volunteers cleared the lots. The city could start building.The mayor (市长) gave a speech. He showed
a drawing of the new park.He told them about the soccer field and the baseball diamond. There would be picnic
tables. There would be a playground. The park would even have basketball courts. There was no sign of a jogging
trail. The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they
wanted to build a jogging trail around the park. They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she
wanted a jogging trail.The mayor said, "A jogging trail won"t be hard to build. Let"s do it!" Everyone clapped and
cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all.
    The mayor thanked the volunteers. Then he asked if they had any suggestions. The volunteers said they wanted
to build a jogging trail around the park.
    They told the mayor how helpful Elena had been and how she wanted a jogging trail. The mayor said,  "A
jogging trail won"t be hard to build. Let"s do it!"
    Everyone clapped and cheered. Elena cheered loudest of all. 1. How did Elena feel at the beginning of the story?
A. Happy and proud.
B. Sad and shy.
C. Excited and hopeful.
D. Unhappy and disappointed. 2. How did Elena know the city needed volunteers to help clean the lots?
A. Her father told her about it.
B. She read it in the newspaper.
C. She learned it from a sign.
D. She was told by other volunteers. 3. Why did Elena want to help clean the lots?
A. She wanted to play on the playground.
B. She wanted her name in the newspaper.
C. She wanted to work with other volunteers.
D. She wanted the city to build a jogging trail. 4. Why did the volunteers tell the mayor they wanted to build a jogging trail?
A. They needed a park to jog around.
B. They wanted to thank Elena for her help.
C. They thought it was a good place for jogging.
D. They hoped the mayor could jog with them every day.5. What can be the best title for the story?
A. Elena and a Mayor
B. Elena and New City Park
C. Elena and Some Volunteers
D. Elena and a jogging Trail
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
    Long ago,Bluebird"s feathers were the colour of dust. She did not like her ugly colour.She was attracted
by the colour of the lake near her home. It was as blue as the sky after a storm. Bluebird wanted to be the
colour of that beautiful lake very much.
    Flapping her wings one morning, Bluebird flew from her tree to the blue lake. Then she bathed in the water
three times. After each bath, she sang, "Blue water. Still water. I went in. I am blue. " Bluebird repeated this every
morning. On the third day, she came out the lake with beautiful blue feathers.
    Now Coyote was a trickster (骗子) —and hungry too. He stayed behind Bluebird "s tree for a long time every
day and watched her go to the lake. He pretended (伪装) to be interested in everything she did. He wanted Bluebird
for lunch, but he was afraid of the blue water.
    On the third Morning, Coyote saw Bluebird come out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers. Impressed, he
sat next to Bluebird"s tree and waited for her. When she returned, he asked, "How did you get blue feathers? I
want to be blue like the mountains too. "Bluebird didn"t believe Coyote, but she taught him how to bathe three
times each morning and how to sing her song. Coyote did what she said, and after three days of bathing in the
lake, his white fur turned deep blue.
    Convinced (确信的) that blue fur was even more beautiful than blue feathers, Coyote forgot all about being
hungry. He ran as fast as he could to the top of the hill. Standing on his back legs, he raised his front legs off
the ground and howled. But Coyote slipped (滑倒) and rolled down the hill. He couldn"t stop himself,and the dust
and dirt covered his new blue fur. He rolled and rolled until he hit into Bluebird"s tree heavily. No matter how
much he tried, foolish Coyote could not shake the dust from his fur. And so the fur of all coyotes has the dull
colour of dust to this very day. 1. How many times did Bluebird bathe every morning before she had beautiful blue feathers?
A. Three times.
B. Four times.
C. Five times.
D. Six times. 2. Why was Coyote a trickster?
A. He wanted to fly like Bluebird near the mountains.
B. He wanted to eat Bluebird but pretended to be curious.
C. He wanted to swim in the lake but was afraid of the water.
D. He wanted to sing Bluebird"s song but didn"t know the words. 3. Where did Coyote go after his fur turned blue?
A. To the lake.
B. To the tree.
C. To the cave.
D. To the hill. 4. Why did Coyote forget all about being hungry?
A. Because his fur had the dull colour of dust.
B. Because the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur.
C. Because he hit into Bluebird"s tree and hurt himself.
D. Because he thought blue fur was much more beautiful. 5. What words does the writer use to help you imagine the colour blue?
A. sky,lake,mountains
B. bird,coyote,storm
C. flapped,climbed,bathed
D. fur,feathers,dust
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     It was very late at night. An old man came to a small town. He found an inn (小旅馆) and wanted to stay
there for the night. After he went to his room, the owner said to his  1 ."Look at his bag. There must be much
money in it. Let"s take it away when he"s  2 , shall we?" "Oh, no," said the woman."He must  3  his bag when he
wakes up tomorrow morning. If he can"t find it, he"ll telephone the police."
     They thought for a few minutes. Then the woman had an  4 ."We have forgetful grass. Why not put some
forgetful grass into his food? If he  5  the food, he will forget to take his bag away."The old man ate the food
  6  the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door  7  and
the old man had gone away with his bag. He woke his wife up and said to her angrily, "How foolish you are!
Your forgetful grass isn"t  8  at all." "No, I don"t think so. He must forget  9 ," his wife said.
     "Oh! I remember now! He forgot to  10  for the night," cried out the man suddenly. Then they looked at
each other without saying a word.
题型:宁夏自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. sister     
(     )2. A. asleep     
(     )3. A. set off    
(     )4. A. idea       
(     )5. A. eats       
(     )6. A. onto       
(     )7. A. open       
(     )8. A. interesting
(     )9. A. anything   
(     )10. A. spend     
B. friend  
B. awake   
B. give up 
B. advice  
B. receives
B. for     
B. opens   
B. important
B. nothing 
B. cost    
C. aunt      
C. alive     
C. look for  
C. instruction
C. likes     
C. with      
C. opening   
C. delicious 
C. something 
C. take      
D. wife      
D. alone     
D. take off  
D. excuse    
D. refuses   
D. into      
D. to open   
D. useful                             
D. everything
D. pay       
     Mr. White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his eyes
and now he is near-sighted. But he wouldn"t want anybody else to know about it and he never wears a pair
of glasses. It often brings him some trouble.
     One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He got off a bus at a stop in a small town.
Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn"t smooth. There were stones here and there. He fell
over several times and it made his clothes very dirty. At last he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow
strongly and it got much colder. His hat was blown off while he was looking for the school. He had to run
after it but he couldn"t catch it. He was wondering why his hat ran into a house as if it had legs. And then he
ran into the house, too. A big woman appeared and stopped him by shouting angrily," What are you running
after my hen for?"
1. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. Mr. White wears a pair of glasses.
B. Mr. White works in a village school.
C. Mr. White likes reading in bed in his office.
D. Mr. White often has some trouble because of his near sight.
2. What was the weather like when Mr. White was walking to the village school?
A. It was warm.
B. It was windy.
C. It was fine.
D. It was cool.
3. Mr. White couldn"t get his hat because _________.
A. his hat had legs
B. his hat was the big woman"s
C. he couldn"t see his hat at all
D. he couldn"t run as fast as his hat