当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完形填空。     A farmer asked his son, a fifteen-year-old boy to work on the farm for...
完形填空。     A farmer asked his son, a fifteen-year-old boy to work on the farm for one year. Every day the boy got up
early and worked  1  until evening, just like his father. Time passed quickly. The boy"s crops (庄稼) grew well. 
 2  the last day of the year, the father called his son to him,"I"m very happy to see that you have done well for
the whole year", said the father,"I"ll give you a present, tell me  3  you want".The boy smiled and showed his
father a big piece of bread made from his wheat (小麦). "I"ve already got the  4  present. No pains, No gains. I
think this is what you wanted  5  to know". His father was quite pleased to hear that.
试题【完形填空。     A farmer asked his son, a fifteen-year-old boy to work on the farm for】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. hard
(     )2. A. At  
(     )3. A. what
(     )4. A. worst
(     )5. A. I   
B. slowly
B. On    
B. how   
B. least 
B. my    
C. hardly
C. In   
C. where
C. best                                  
C. me   
1-5      ABACC
     Here"s an interview to a pilot about his life.
     (R=Reporter; P= Pilot)
R: How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
P: It varies (WES"J) from about 20 minutes on some domestic (区别) flights to as much as 18 hours on
    international flights. It all depends on if the flight is a short- or long-haul flight.
R: Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?
P: Yes, we take breaks during long-haul flights. Airlines assign (指派) three or four pilots to long flights.
    We take turns flying the plane.
R: If pilots are traveling all the time, how do they deal with jet lag (时差)?
P: Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots. I try to go to sleep as I would at home.
R: How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?
P: It is very important. We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates (估计) according
    to the number of people on each flight.
R: Do pilots eat the airplane food?
P: Yes, we eat business class food! Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don"t hate
    eating lobster (龙虾) every day! The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices
    so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning, only one of them will be sick. That way, at least one
    pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!
1. The number of pilots depends on _____.
A. how many hours a plane flies
B. what kind of planes they are
C. the airline companies assign
D. what the pilot likes
2. In order to know the weight of the airplane, the pilots must know _____.
A. the weight of everything put into the plane
B. the number of people on the plane
C. the weight of the things and people on the plane
D. the importance of the weight
3. What"s the Chinese meaning of the word "poisoning" in the passage?
A. 中毒
B. 难吃
C. 缺少
D. 浪费
4. What does the pilot think of the airplane food?
A. Airplane food is more delicious than lobster.
B. The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster.
C. The pilot doesn"t like the airplane food at all.
D. Airplane food is as delicious as lobster.
5. What question doesn"t the reporter ask in the interview?
A. How to keep passengers safe?
B. How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
C. How to deal with jet lag?
D. How to take breaks during flying.
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
anyway,    impossible,    succeed,    another,    no,    six,    once,    plan,    after,    ecause

     Do you know who is the most popular star on the Internet now? Yes, he is "Brother Coat" (大衣哥)
Zhu Zhiwen!
     A few months ago, Zhu Zhiwen was an unknown farmer. A video of his show has been watched by
more than millions of people,now his videos are the most popular. Zhu Zhiwen attracts Chinese netizens" (网
民的) hearts. And he is called"Brother Coat" by them.
     In March 2011, he took part in a program called "I"m a Big Star". He walked out onto the stage in a dark
green coat. Then he began to sing the me song of the TV drama Romance of Three Kingdoms (《三国演义》). When the audiences heard rich and powerful voice,all of them stood up and cheered. After that, he became a
well-known person.
     The judges (评委) asked him if he had any professional training. Zhu said no."When he started, I thought
someone played the original tape (原声带) by mistake. But later on, I got it," said one of them,"we can"t judge
a book by its cover.
" At last, he won the first prize in the program of "I"m a Big Star". 
     Zhu Zhiwen was born in a village of Shandong in 1969. He liked listening to the radio. When the music
played, he sang it along. Every morning, he would get up early and practiced singing near a river. He keeps
doing it for nearly 30 years.
     "When I"m working in the fields,"said Zhu Zhiwen,"I often sing for myself, some villagers even think me
crazy, but I really love it. I"m not singing for money, I"m singing for ordinary people in China."
     Mrs. Sun, a 56-year-old engineer, one of his fans said, "I watched his videos without getting tired of it!
It is samazing, and every time I watch it, I am filled with excitement and his voice is perfect! I am crossing
my fingers in hope that he has a bright future."
1. Who gave Zhu Zhiwen the nickname of "Brother Coat" (大衣哥)?
A. His father.
B. The villagers.
C. His mother.
D. The netizens.
2. When did Zhu Zhiwen become a well-known person?
A. In 1969.
B. In 2011.
C. Two years ago.
D. A few years ago.
3. Why did the audiences stand up cheer when Zhu Zhiwen sang the song?
A. Because he was funny.
B. Because he wore a dark green coat.
C. Because his voice was rich and powerful.
D. Because he gave some gifts to the audiences.
4. The underlined phrase "judge a book by cover" in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A. 以貌取人
B. 志存高远
C. 众口铄金
D. 哗众取宠
5. Which of the following is TRUE? 
A. Zhu Zhiwen is 45 years old now.
B. Mrs. Sun enujoys Zhu Zhiwen"s songs.
C. A famous singer taught Zhu Zhiwen to sing.
D. Zhu Zhiwen often sang for his fans when he was young.
     With a heavy bag in her hands, Alice stopped (1) ________ (have) a rest on her way to the bus station.
As she was standing by a new, bright car,which was just at the side of the road, she (2) ________ (see) a
policeman coming towards her."Excuse me, madam," said the policeman, "can you read the sign over there?"
     "Yes, of course." said Alice."It says "No Parking". What (3) ________ (be) the matter, sir?"
     "Well, madam. So could you tell me why you are parking your car here?"
     "But this isn"t my car." said Alice.
      "I"m so sorry, madam!" said the policeman. "Er..., anyway, if the owner doesn"t come soon, I
(4) ________ (put) a traffic ticket (罚单) on it..." But he couldn"t finish because another woman had arrived.
     "Happy birthday, dear!" said the woman,"I (5) ________ (be) here waiting for you since 9∶40! I knew I
could catch you here this time of day! I have a surprise for you. (6) ________ (come) and see your birthday
     "Thank you, dear." said the policeman."But where is it?" His wife pointed at the car."Here it is," she said,
"but you (7) ________(drive) it away at once. There"s a "No Parking" sign over there."
     Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large   1  . The other had no wife yet.
Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.
     One day, the single brother said to himself, "It"s not   2   that we share all the rice. I"m   3   and I need less
than my brother." So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and   4   across the field   5   their
houses, putting it into his brother"s store-room.
     At the same time, the married brother thought, "It"s not fair to share all the rice. I"m married and I have my
wife and children to   6   me when I am   7  . However, my brother has no one to take care of his   8  " So,
each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother"s store-room.
     Several months passed by. They found   9   strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night
the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto
the ground and tears  10  their eyes at once.
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(     )1. A. group.     
(     )2. A. right      
(     )3. A. poor       
(     )4. A. jumped     
(     )5. A. from       
(     )6. A. look after 
(     )7. A. worried    
(     )8. A. hope       
(     )9. A. them       
(     )10. A. appeared  
B. family   
B. popular  
B. happy    
B. played   
B. through  
B. look for 
B. old      
B. children       
B. this     
B. filled   
C. class       
C. interesting 
C. alone       
C. went        
C. off         
C. look out    
C. healthy     
C. farm        
C. it          
C. dropped       
D. team    
D. wrong   
D. rich    
D. rode    
D. between                  
D. look at 
D. dead     
D. future  
D. that    
D. rose