当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完形填空。     Each morning, I walked past a security guard (保安). He  1  everyone tha...
完形填空。     Each morning, I walked past a security guard (保安). He  1  everyone that walked by him. I  2  how
he knew so many people by their first names. The first few times I saw him. I didn"t say hello back to him
  3  he greeted me. I was lost in my own world. On Monday he asked, "How was your  4 ?" I told him about
my visit to my sick, elderly mother. He told me how  5  he was for my mother"s sickness. As I walked away,
I realized I did not even know his  6 . The following day, I asked,"What"s your name?" He answered,"Gary."
I said, "I"m Deborah." After that, we talked a couple of times a week. We  7  stories about our weekends, our
dreams, and our families. Gary got offered a new job and moved  8 . It has been years since I last spoke to
him, yet the memory feels like yesterday.
      I look back at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart. When you say  9  to a stranger
(陌生人) you become a pebble (鹅卵石) thrown into a lake. With each ripple (涟漪) you create, you spread 
 10  that continues to give.
试题【完形填空。     Each morning, I walked past a security guard (保安). He  1  everyone tha】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. watched   
(     )2. A. complained
(     )3. A. when      
(     )4. A. visit     
(     )5. A. afraid    
(     )6. A. age       
(     )7. A. wrote     
(     )8. A. away      
(     )9. A. yes       
(     )10. A. news     
B. believed
B. admired
B. until  
B. weekend
B. glad   
B. job    
B. heard  
B. over   
B. hello  
B. virus  
C. thanked
C. expected
C. before 
C. mother 
C. sorry  
C. name   
C. read   
C. on     
C. no     
C. love   
D. greeted  
D. forgot   
D. and      
D. sickness 
D. surprised
D. family   
D. shared   
D. in       
D. goodbye                                 
D. sadness  
1-5       DBABC      6-10       CDABC
     They"re best friends. They go to school together every day. They often go to the shopping mall at
weekends. Both of them have hair the colour of honey (蜂蜜), but one has big blue eyes and the other deep
brown eyes.
     One of the friends, Jenny Siegle, is in a wheelchair. The other, Augie, is an amazing dog who helps Jenny.
Jenny, who is 14 years old, is a quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪者), which means she cannot use her arms or legs.
Augie is a Freedom Service dog who is Jenny"s arms and legs.
     How does Augie do this? In school, he picks up the pencil or notebook that Jenny drops. Jenny is also
training Augie to pull off her jacket so Jenny doesn"t have to ask anyone for help.
     At home, Augie brings her the newspapers. He even helps clean Jenny"s room. When Jenny asks him.
Augie goes to get her parents or sister. Augie also carries his food dish back to Jenny so she can fill it with
dog food. Then Augie puts it back neatly in its place.
      At the mall, Augie wears a pack that tells everyone he is a Freedom Service dog. When Jenny wants to
buy things, Augie carries them to the counter (柜台). He gives the cashier Jenny"s wallet and waits for the
change (找零).
      P. J. Roche, who started Freedom Service Dogs, says, "These dogs are a social bridge, Kids who don"t
know Jenny come up to talk to her because she"s got a dog." Augie is truly Jenny"s best friend and helper
and her bridge to the world.
1. Augie is ___________.
A. a girl in a wheelchair
B. Roche"s friend
C. a helpful dog
D. a cashier
2. Augie helps Jenny do many kinds of things except ___________.
A. helping her take off her clothes
B. carrying things to Jenny at home
C. paying money to the cashier at the mall
D. helping Jenny learn all kinds of things at school
3. "Augie is Jenny"s bridge to the world" means that ___________.
A. it helps Jenny a lot in her life
B. it does everything it can for Jenny
C. it picks up things Jenny drops at school
D. children who don"t know Jenny come to talk to her because of Augie
     Mary was four years old. Her neighbour, Donald, owned a   1   company. One day Donald gave Mary a new
toy. Mary played with it. She said, "This is fun!" A few weeks   2   Donald gave her another toy. She played with
it and said, "I don"t like this toy. It doesn"t work." She was a (an)   3   little girl. Donald liked her honesty, and
they became   4   For years Donald gave Mary new toys, and she gave him very good ideas   5   the toys. 
       6   Mary was thirteen years old, Donald showed her a new ball. The ball   7   a balloon inside it. Mary wanted
to fill the balloon with water. She wanted to   8   the ball different colours. She wanted to put rice in it to make it
noisy. The company made these   9   and sold thousands of the balls.
     That Christmas, Donald gave Mary a  10  gift. He made her a vice (副的) president of the toy company. Her
job was to see  11  the new toys were fun. She made $200,000 a year. She  12  for three hours a day at her job,
and then she had to do her homework. Mary was  13 , but she also spent time with her family.  14  parents taught
her that working hard and doing her best is very important.
     Today Mary works at a college. She  15  students make decisions about their careers (生涯). Today the little
president with bright ideas helps students think about their future.
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. computer 
(     )2. A. later    
(     )3. A. shy      
(     )4. A. neighbours
(     )5. A. to       
(     )6. A. Whether  
(     )7. A. had      
(     )8. A. paint    
(     )9. A. cards    
(     )10. A. great   
(     )11. A. what    
(     )12. A. sang    
(     )13. A. happy   
(     )14. A. His     
(     )15. A. sees    
B. toy      
B. after    
B. honest   
B. relations
B. at       
B. While    
B. put      
B. create   
B. changes     
B. same     
B. who      
B. danced   
B. angry    
B. Her      
B. hears    
C. ball         
C. before       
C. quiet        
C. friends      
C. over         
C. When         
C. made         
C. imagine      
C. conversations   
C. common       
C. which        
C. worked       
C. busy         
C. Their        
C. feels        

D. balloon    
D. ago        
D. active     
D. classmates 
D. about      
D. Whenever                   
D. sold       
D. think      
D. mistakes   
D. simple     
D. if         
D. slept      
D. free       
D. Your       
D. helps      

     One afternoon little David was playing with his friends in the street when he was hit by a motorcycle.
He fell and broke his arm. And he was immediately taken to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm
and put it in a cast (石膏)-David couldn"t move it at all.
     "You must keep your arm in the cast for a month," the doctor said. "That will give your arm a chance
to become healthy again."
     At the end of a month David went back to the hospital. The doctor cut the cast and took David"s arm
out of the cast.
     "Can you move your arm, David?" he asked.
     David tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily.
     "Yes, it"s fine," he said. "Thank you very much."
     "In a few days it will be as good as new," the doctor said. "Just exercise it a little."
     "Will I be able to play the violin?" David asked.
     The doctor smiled. "Of course you will," he said. "You"ll have no problems."
     "That is good news," David said happily. "Because I couldn"t play it at all before."
1. How was David"s arm broken?
A. He hurt it himself.
B. A motorcycle hit him.
C. His friend broke it.
D. He fell off a motorcycle.
2. He had to keep his arm in a cast for about _____ days.
A. twenty
B. thirty
C. forty
D. fifty
3. The doctor told David to _____ after the cast was taken off.
A. keep his arm still
B. play the violin
C. exercise his arm a little
D. ride a motorcycle
4. At last David was pleased because _____.
A. he would get a violin
B. he would not have to play the violin again
C. he would play the violin with his friends
D. he thought he would be able to play the violin
     Robert De Vincenzo, the great golfer (高尔夫球员), once  1  a competition. After receiving the check
(支票), he went to the club and prepared to leave. He walked alone to his car and  2    a young woman.
     The young woman stopped him and said congratulations on his  3  then she told him that her child was
badly  4 and she was dying. But her family was poor. She did not know  5   she could pay the hospital bill
      De Vincenzo was moved by her  6 , and gave his winning check to the woman. "Make some good days
for the  7 ," he said as he put the check into her hand.
     The next week, he was having lunch in country club when a  8  came to his table."Last week, some of the
boys told me that you met a young woman after you won that competition."
     De Vincenzo said, " 9 "
     "Well," said the policeman, "I have news  10  you. She does not have a sick baby. She"s not even married.
She cheated (欺骗) you, my friend."
     "You  11  there is no baby who is dying? Said De Vincenzo.
     "Yes, that"s  12 ," said the policeman.
     "That"s the  13  news I"ve heard all week," De Vincenzo said happily."Life is more important."
     Good news or bad news? It depends on how you  14  things. You can be sad after being cheated. 
 15  you can choose to go on with your life bravely.
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题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. lost 
(     )2. A. hit  
(     )3. A  dream
(     )4. A. ill  
(     )5. A. who  
(     )6. A. lesson
(     )7. A. doctor
(     )8. A  boy  
(     )9. A. Yes  
(     )10. A. at  
(     )11. A. help
(     )12. A. good
(     )13. A. best
(     )14. A. put 
(     )15. A. Or  
B. won  
B. got  
B. money
B. well 
B. how  
B. story
B. nurse
B. coach
B. No   
B. in   
B. show 
B. right
B. worst
B. see  
B. So   
C. fell  
C. met   
C. check 
C. strong
C. why   
C. idea  
C. baby  
C. woman 
C. Sorry 
C. for   
C. mean  
C. wrong 
C. saddest
C. take  
C. And   
D. missed  
D. saved   
D. success 
D. healthy 
D. what    
D. advice  
D. mother  
D. policeman
D. Thanks  
D. over    
D. ask     
D. great   
D. poorest 
D. guess   
D. But     
     Years ago, a college teacher gave a group of graduate (毕业) students this job: Go to a poor place. Take
200 boys, between the ages of 12 and 16, and find out their living environment. The predict their chances for
the future.
     After doing some research, the students found that 90% of the boys would spend some time in jail (监狱).
     Twenty-five years later, another group of students was given the job: Go to test what the first group of
students had predicted. They went back to the same place. These 200 boys had then become men. Some of
them were still there, a few had died and some had moved away. The students found that only four of them
had ever been sent tot jail.
     These men had lived in a place full of crime (犯罪, 罪行) for many years. Why did the have such a good
record? When the students asked the reason, the men said," Well, there was a teacher…?
     The students found the teacher. What did she do to these boys? Could she give the students any reason
why these boys should have remembered her?
     "No," she said, "no, I really couldn"t give any reason."And then, thinking back over the years, she said
happily, " I loved those boys…?
1. The first group of the students took _____ boys to help them to do their job.
A. 12
B. 16
C. 90
D. 200
2. The underlined word "predict" in the passage most probably means "_____" in Chinese.
A. 证明
B. 预测
C. 提供
D. 证明
3. Which of the following is not true?
A. Four of the boys had been sent to jail.
B. The 200 boys were between 12 and 16.
C. The woman teacher could not give any reason at last.
D. The children lived I a place which was full of crime
4. What"s the main idea of this passage?
A. Predicting never works
B. Teacher"s love can change children"s life
C. Two hundred boys were tested by students
D. The two groups of students could predict the boys" future