当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。    Helen Keller was a ver...
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。    Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl. 1  the age of six months she could already say   2 
words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see or hear, and soon she
could not even talk. Since then Helen had to fight for   3   she wanted. When she was six, her parents
invited a teacher for her.   4  the help of the teacher, she    5   to see and hear the world around her
through her  6   . She learned to    7   the books for the blind. The teacher took Helen for long walks,
and   8 her about all the beautiful sights. Helen    9   flowers, climbed the trees and smelled a rain
storm before  10   came. She also learned how to swim and  11   a horse. After she  12   , she
became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous 13     is The Story of My life. Her
story has 14   new hope to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to   15  in darkness and
encouraged them to live and work.(     )1. A. At      
(     )2. A. a little
(     )3. A. how    
(     )4. A. With    
(     )5. A. wanted  
(     )6. A. eyes  
(     )7. A. watch    
(     )8. A. told   
(     )9. A. watched  
(     )10. A. they    
(     )11. A. take    
(     )12. A. grew up
(     )13. A. job    
(     )14. A. brought
(     )15. A. that    B. On            
B. little        
B. that          
B. In            
B. began         
B. ears          
B. look         
B. spoke         
B. touched        
B. it            
B. drive         
B. finished school
B. one          
B. taken          
B. these        C. In      
C. a few  
C. when    
C. Under  
C. liked    
C. hands    
C. see     
C. asked    
C. listened
C. she    
C. ride    
C. was young
C. book    
C. made    
C. them     D. Of          
D. few        
D. what        
D. Through    
D. decided    
D. mouth      
D. read        
D. said        
D. pulled      
D. those      
D. touch      
D. became blind
D. paper      
D. seen        
D. those      
1-5 ACDAB 6-10 CDABB  11-15 CACAD
试题【完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。    Helen Keller was a ver】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Reading Comprehension  One day a teacher and his student lay down under a big tree near the big grass area. Then the student
suddenly asked the teacher, "Teacher, I wonder how I find my good friend. Can you please help me?"
  Saying nothing for a few seconds, the teacher then answered, "Well, it"s a pretty hard and an easy
  "Look that way. There is a lot of grass. Why don"t you walk there? Please don"t walk backwards,
just walk straight ahead. On your way, try to find a blade (叶片) of beautiful grass and pick it up and then
give it to me, but just one."
  The student said, "Well, OK then…Wait for me…" and walked straight ahead to the grassy field.
  A few minutes later the student came back.
  The teacher asked, "Well, I don"t see a beautiful blade of grass in your hand."
  "On my way, I found quite a few beautiful blade of grass, but I thought that I would find a better one,
so I didn"t pick it. But I didn"t know that I was at the end of the field, and I hadn"t picked any because you
told me not to go back, so I didn"t go back."
  The teacher said, "That"s what will happen in real life. Grass is the people around you, the beautiful
blade of grass is the people that attract you and the grassy field is time. In looking for your soul mate,
please don"t always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you"ll waste your life
time. Please remember "Time Never Goes Back"."1. What did the student want to find?A. A good friend.  
B. Confidence.
C. Skill.
D. Energy.2. What did the teacher ask him to do?A. To walk straight ahead.
B. To find more blades of beautiful grass.
C. To find a blade of beautiful grass.
D. To find a beautiful flower.3. What does the beautiful blade of grass stand for?A. People.
B. Friendship
C. Time.  
D. Life.4. What can we learn from the story?A. We should save our time.
B. We should protect our environment.
C. We can always find many blades of beautiful grass.
D. We shouldn"t waste lifetime only in hoping a better thing.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Mr Knott was a worker . He worked in a big factory in London . He lived a long way from the
factory.  So he was usually quite tired when he got home . At half past nine one evening, when he was
just in bed, the telephone rang in the hall of his house . He went downstairs and picked up the telephone
receiver and said , "This is White Street 2876 . Who is that speaking, please?"   
     "Watt ," a man answered .
     "What"s your name, please ?" said Mr Knott .
     "Watt"s my name ," was the answer .
     "Yes , I asked you that. what"s your name ?" Mr Knott said again .
     "I told you , Watt"s my name ," said the other man . " Are you Jack Smith ."
     "No , I"m Knott ," Answered Mr Knott .
     "Will you give me your name ?" said Mr Watt .
     "Will Knott," answered Mr Knott .
     Both Mr Watt and Mr Knott put their telephone receivers down angrily and thought , "He must be

1. Mr Knott was usually quite tired when he got home because          .A. he was very old                                  
B. he lived a long way from his factory
C. he often went home on foot                
D. he didn"t like his work 2. What happened at half past nine one evening?A.  friend came to visit him .  
B. A man gave him a telephone call .
C. he couldn"t remember his friend"s name.  
D. Nothing happened.3. Who called him?A. A mad man                       
B. Mr Watt               
C. Jack Smith                        
D. Nobody4. What words have the same sounds as " Watt and Knott"?A. What and not.                   
B. What and know  
C. Wait and not                     
D. Water and now5. Who was the mad man?A. Mr Knott                          
B. Mr Watt    
C. Jack Smith                        
D. Nobody
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完型填空。  That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the street
corner.  He stopped to   1   the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He   2    wanted to have a
pair for his birthday.
  He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him   3    if
she could. But he also knew very well she had   4   money. He decided not to go home   5   as he looked
worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat down on the grass. Then he saw a
boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. Michael looked at him
carefully and was   6   to see that the boy had no feet. He looked   7   at his own feet. "It is   8   better to
be without shoes than   9   feet." he thought. There was no reason for him to   10   so sorry and sad. He
went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.(     )1. A. see      
(     )2. A. gladly    
(     )3. A. something
(     )4. A. little    
(     )5. A. at once  
(     )6. A. pleased  
(     )7. A. up        
(     )8. A. much      
(     )9. A. out of    
(     )10. A. look     B. look at  
B. nearly  
B. what    
B. a little
B. then    
B. excited  
B. through  
B. quite    
B. with    
B. feel     C. hear      
C. really    
C. nothing    
C. much      
C. just now  
C. surprised  
C. out        
C. very      
C. without    
C. appear     D. notice    
D. quickly    
D. anything  
D. lots of    
D. at all    
D. interested
D. down      
D. less      
D. having no  
D. seem      
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

  Beibei is a primary school 1._____. One Saturday, he was about to go out and play when he
remembered he had to keep a 2._____as his homework. He felt unhappy and
thought," 3._____do I have to do it every day? Sometimes, there is 4._____to
write about at all. "
  Suddenly Beibei heard a loud 5._____. "What was it?" He went to the
kitchen quickly, where the noise came 6._____, and found out what 7._____the
m atter. He was glad that he had something to write about
  He quickly went to the table and started 9._____, "Mother has 10._____
another bowl (碗) today. Ha!"
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________   
6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。     Everyone needs friends. But do you know1 to find real friendship and keep it? An American
writer  2   Sally tells young students some good ways to find   3  .Sally says finding friendship is
just like   4  a tree. You plant the seed(种子)and  5   it to make it grow.
     She says you should first choose someone 6 can be a good friend. It doesn’t matter whether
he has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and7  . If you have a bad day, a good
friend should 8 your complaints(抱怨)and do his 9 to help you. If you want to make a friend,
you should make each other 10  . But things cannot always be happy.  11  the best friends may have
quarrels(争吵). What should you do when you 12   with your friend? You may try to have an
honest talk with him when there is no one around. If he 13  want to talk, you can write a letter to
tell him how you are feeling.
     Sally also tells us some small but important things, 14 example, celebrating your friend’s success.
Remember that friendship is the  15   important thing in your life. Life is great if you have friends!(      )1. A. how      
(      )2. A. call    
(      )3. A. girls    
(      )4. A. watering
(      )5. A. take off
(      )6. A. what    
(      )7. A. beautiful
(      )8. A. look at  
(      )9. A. good    
(      )10. A. happy  
(      )11. A. Even    
(      )12. A. talk    
(      )13. A. doesn"t
(      )14. A. to      
(      )15. A. too       B. what        
  B. calls      
  B. teachers    
  B. planting    
  B. take away  
  B. which      
  B. helpful    
  B. look        
  B. well        
  B. happily    
  B. Though      
  B. talks       
  B. don"t    
  B. for        
  B. much        C.when      
C.take care  
C.listen to  
C. If        
C. quarrel   
C. didn"t
C. in        
C. more      D. which        
D. named        
D. classmates    
D. decorating    
D. take care of  
D. who          
D. wonderful    
D. listen        
D. best          
D. unhappily    
D. Ever          
D. quarrels      
D. isn"t    
D. at            
D. most          
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