当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解        A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away so he ...
阅读理解        A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away so he takes some sandwiches along for
his lunch. As he goes along, he says to himself, "My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal. He is
going to give me good wine(酒) to drink. So what"s the use of these dry sandwiches. "As he says this, he
throws them onto the ground.
      He goes on and comes to a river. The river has become very big because of the rain in the past few
days. He cannot cross the river. He hopes there is a boat to take him over. So he waits and waits. He
waits for a longtime. Then the sun begins to set. The man says to himself, "I cannot go to my friend"s
house today. I must go home."
     Then he starts for(出发) home. Soon he feels very hungry. He wants very much to have something
to eat. But he doesn"t have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard sandwiches on the road. He
is very happy. He picks them up and eats them all.
      Do not throw good things away. You may need them later on.
1. It will take the man          to walk to his friend"s house.
A. a few days            
B. a few hours
C. a whole night        
D. one hour or two
2. He throws the sandwiches to the ground because        .
A. he doesn"t like them
B. the sandwiches are dirty
C. he thinks his friend will not like them
D. he. is sure to have a nice meal at his friend"s house
3. In "the sun begins to set", "set"  here means         in Chinese.
A. 落下                        
B. 升起
C. 变暗                        
D. 照耀
4. The story tells us that we         .
A. mustn"t walk a long way to visit a friend
B. mustn"t throw dry sandwiches away
C. must throw things away when we don"t need them
D. must always keep good things
5. He has to go back home because        .
A. it is late              
B. he hasn"t got sandwiches
C. it rains hard          
D. he is hungry
试题【阅读理解        A man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away so he 】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     One day, a farmer was walking along a road with his son Thomas. The father said, "Look!  There"s a
horseshoe __1__ the ground. Pick it up and put it in your bag." Thomas said, "It wastes my time." His
father said __2__ but he picked it up himself. When they got to a nearby town, they had a rest. There the
farmer __3__ the horseshoe and with the money he bought some strawberries.
     The father and the son went on walking. The sun was well up in the __4__. They soon drank up their
water, and there wasn"t a house or even a tree for them to __5__. Thomas felt too __6__ to walk on. At
this time, his father gave Thomas a strawberry __7__ he quickly ate it. After a while, his father gave him
__8__  strawberry and once again, his son lost no time in putting it in his mouth.
     And so they __9__. The old farmer gave the strawberries and the son ate them. When Thomas had
eaten up all the strawberries, his father said to him, "My dear son, if you picked up that horseshoe, you
would have your own strawberries __10__. Always remember the lesson: If you don"t worry about the
little things, you"ll find it difficult to do the great things."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. under      
(     )2. A. everyone    
(     )3. A. threw      
(     )4. A. sky        
(     )5. A. have a look
(     )6. A. excited    
(     )7. A. and        
(     )8. A. the others  
(     )9. A. turned up  
(     )10. A. to drink  
B. on          
B. anything    
B. sold        
B. mountain    
B. have a try  
B. cold        
B. though      
B. another    
B. came down  
B. to ride    
C. for        
C. nothing    
C. found      
C. river      
C. have a rest
C. full        
C. or          
C. others      
C. went on    
C. to use      
D. to            
D. someone        
D. bought        
D. tree          
D. have a picture
D. thirsty        
D. because        
D. other one      
D. got over      
D. to eat        
     Jack went to a barber"s shop and had his hair cut. But when he     1     out,he was not happy     2     
the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said,
     "What has happened to your hair, Jack?"
      Jack said, "I tried a new barber"s shop today,     3     I wasn"t quite satisfied with my old one, but
this one seems     4      worse."
      Bob  agreed , "Yes , I think you"re  right, Jack. Now  I"ll tell you     5      to do when you go into a
barber"s shop next time:look at all the barbers" hair, find out whose hair looks     6     , and then go
straight to him."
     "    7     shall I go to him?" Jack asked, " But that would be foolish ! "
     "Oh , no , it  wouldn"t," answered  Bob , " Who  cut  that man"s hair? Just think it. He couldn"t cut it
   8     , could he?     9      barber cut it. So you know he    10     be the worst barber."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )l. A. brought    
(     )2. A. with        
(     )3. A. so          
(     )4. A. very        
(     )5. A. why        
(     )6. A. worst      
(     )7. A. How        
(     )8. A. herself    
(     )9. A. Other      
(     )10. A. mustn"t    
B. came    
B. on      
B. when    
B. too    
B. how    
B. best    
B. What    
B. himself
B. Others  
B. can"t  
C. looked  
C. into    
C. and    
C. even    
C. when    
C. shortest
C. Why    
C. yourself
C. Another
C. must    
D. watched    
D. along      
D. because    
D. quite      
D. what      
D. longest    
D. When      
D. myself    
D. The other  
D. can        
     One day a woman wrote to her doctor to invite him to a dinner party at her house. The doctor wrote
a note (便条) to her, (A)______ he wrote carelessly, and the woman couldn"t read it. "What shall I
do?"  She asked her husband (丈夫). "I don"t know if  he"s going to come or not. I don"t want to
telephone him and say I can"t read his ( B) writing Her husband thought for a while and said, "Take  it  to 
 the chemist (药剂师). He will know it."
     The woman went to the chemist"s shop and showed the doctor"s note to the chemist. (C) He put on
his glasses and looked at it very carefully.
After a few minutes he returned with a bottle. He gave the
bottle to the woman. "Take the medicine (药) three times a day," he said.
1. 请在(A)处用恰当的连词填空                  
2. 请写出(B)处单词在文中的意思                  
3. 请把(C)处的句子翻译成汉语:
4. 请从文中找出一对反义词                  
5. 该短文最恰当的标题为:                  
A. A Funny Woman
B. A Doctor"s Note
C. A Dinner Party
     Little Tom loves      l      to stories. His mother      2     him many good stories. Tom thinks many
stories always     3     an end. That"s not good.
     One evening little Tom asked his mother to tell him a very, very      4     one, or he did not     5      to
bed. So his mother began to tell him     6      this:
      There was a very big old     7      , and there was     8      rice m it, but there was a hole (洞) in the
roof (房顶). Every day a bird went into the house and come out     9     a grain (谷粒) of rice. A minute
later another bird went into it and came out with another grain of rice. Then a third bird went into it and
came out with a grain of rice. Then a fourth bird.Then a fifth bird...  "Stop, stop ! I    10 _  go to bed."
Tom said.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A to listen
(     )2. A. says    
(     )3. A. coming  
(     )4. A. long    
(     )5. A. go      
(     )6. A. as      
(     )7. A. family  
(     )8. A. much    
(     )9. A. and      
(     )10. A. want    
B. listens  
B. tells    
B. come    
B. short    
B. goes    
B. like    
B. families
B. many    
B. with    
B. want to  
C. listening
C. speaks    
C. comes to  
C. longer    
C. going    
C. look      
C. home      
C. little    
C. take      
C. wants    
D. listening to    
D. talks            
D. come to          
D. shorter          
D. went            
D. same            
D. house            
D. few              
D. bring            
D. wants to        
     One day, a lady     l      (see) a mouse run across her kitchen floor when she was cooking. She was
very afraid of mice, so she ran out of the house, got on a bus and __2      (go) down to the shops. There
she spent 10 dollars __3      (buy) a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper said to her,"Put some cheese on",then
you     4      (catch) that mouse soon."
     The lady went home with the mouse-trap, but when she    5       (look) in her cupboard, she couldn"t
find cheese in it.She didn"t want _  6      (go) back to the shop because it was too late, so she cut  a
picture of some cheese out of a magazine and     7      (put) that in the trap. To her surprise, the picture
of the cheese    8      (be) quite successful! When the lady __9      (come) down the kitchen the next
morning, she    10      (find)there was a picture of a mouse which was put in the trap beside the picture
of the cheese!