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试题【补全对话。Name: Nancy Brown Date of Birth: May 23rd Age: 14 Favorite Sport: Baseball】;主要考察你对情景交际等知识点的理解。[详细]
Name: Nancy Brown
Date of Birth: May 23rd
Age: 14
Favorite Sport: Baseball
1. girl 2. she 3. her 4. Nancy Brown 5. When
6. May  7. 23rd  8. old 9. sport 10. likes  
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
Sorry,  When,  speech,   school,   have,   What
A: Do you like carrots ?                        
B: Yes, I __1__. I like all __2__. 
A: __3__  __4__ broccoli? Do you like broccoli?      
B: Yes, I do. Do you like vegetables?
A: No, I __5__ like vegetables. But I like fruit.        
B: How about apples? I don"t like apples.
A: __6__ , I like apples. And you know __7__ I really like?                                
B: What?
A: Ice cream!
    (Chen Han and Wang Wei are classmates.One afternoon,they are talking about their future in the
Wang Wei: so what are you going to be when you grow up?
Chen Han: I"ll going to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei,Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.
(     )Wang Wei: Sounds like an exciting job.But I don"think it"s easy to be astronaut.__1__
        Chen Han: I"m going to do some exercise every day so that I can be strong enough. And I"m going
        to study science at college. How about you?What are you going to be?
(     )Wang Wei: __2__Chen Han: Why are you going to be a teacher?
        Wang Wei: Because I like being with children.
(     )Chen Han: __3__Wang Wei: Yes, I have. I"d like to work here"in our hometown.I want to do
        something to make our hometownbetter.
(     )Chen Han: __4__Wang Wei:Great!Let"s woek hard at our lessons to make dreams come true.
(     )Chen Han: __5__
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. I hope I can do something for our hometown,too.
B. Pm going to be a teacher.
C. Have you thought about where to work?
D. You"re welcome.
E. How are you going to do that?
F. OK. Let"8 start right now.
     Man: This morning I’m talking with a very 1._________ young man, Jimmy, the Bike Boy Jimmy is
the boy 2._________ fixes up old bikes and gives them 3._________. Good morning, Jimmy.
     Boy: Good morning.
     Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.
     Boy:Well,4._________ you just said, I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants. Then I 5. _________ 6. _________ the bikes and 7. _________ them 8. _________ to kids who don’t have enough money
to buy their own bikes.
     Man: That’s 9. _________. What 10. _________you the idea?
     Boy: I guess I 11._________12._________ my father. He’s always helping people.
     Man: Wow! Your parents must be 13._________14._________you.
     Boy: I guess so. But now 15._________run out of money to buy old bikes.
     Man: Oh, that’s too 16._________.
     Boy: Yeah, I need to 17.________18.________19.________some way of 20._________money
or I’ll have to stop.

M: Oh, hi. What is your name again? Since this is only the 2nd day of school, I can"t
      remember the students" names yet.
W:   1   I have a hard time remembering names myself.
M: Uh, Karen, right?
W:    2   My mom"s name is Karen.
M: Nancy, Okay. I think I heard you were from England.
W: Well, I was born there, but my parents are Americans. I grew up in France.
M:     3  
W: But then we moved here when I was nine.
M:     4  
W: Well, he is a college professor, and he is in Scotland at the moment.
M: How interesting! What does he teach?
W: I have no idea.    5   He teaches chemistry.  

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 A.  So, what does your father do now?
 B.  It is Okay.
 C. Aha, just joking.
 D. What"s your mother"s name?
 E.  Oh, a world traveler!
 F.  No, it is Nancy.