当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 情景交际 > 从方框中选出最佳选项完成下面的对话。A: How was your vacation, Fred?B: It was great.      小题1:A: Co...
A: How was your vacation, Fred?
B: It was great.      小题1:
A: Cool! Where did you go in the U.S.?
B:      小题2:      My uncle lives there. Then we went to New York to see my cousin.
A: What was Los Angeles like?
B: It was interesting. I really liked the zoo.      小题3:
A: Did you see any movie stars in Los Angeles?
B: No, but I saw Tom Cruise in New York.      小题4:      I got his signature.
A: Wow! That’s great!    小题5:
B: Hmm... Oh yeah, I went to Central Park. I played baseball with my cousin and his friends.
A. It has animals from all over the world.
B. First we went to Los Angeles.
C. What other things did you do in New York?
D. He was at a restaurant!
E. I went to U.S. with my parents.


小题1:由下句的“Where did you go in the U.S.?”可推知,上句是说自己去了美国。
小题2:由上句的“Where did you go in the U.S.?”可推知,作者要回答自己所去的地方。
小题3:由上句的“I really liked the zoo.”可推知,作者要谈论动物。
小题5:由下句的“I went to Central Park. I played baseball with my cousin and his friends.”可推知,上句是询问还做了什么其它的事。
试题【从方框中选出最佳选项完成下面的对话。A: How was your vacation, Fred?B: It was great.      小题1:A: Co】;主要考察你对情景交际等知识点的理解。[详细]
Z="Zoo" manager, C="City" government
Z: What about giving us more money?
C: I"m sorry, but the government doesn"t have any more money for the zoo.
Z: But if we don"t. find a solution soon, then we"ll have to close it. 小题1:_______________ It"s a tourist attraction.
C:Yes, but that"s the point. 小题2:           You"re going to have to find the money from somewhere else.                                                    
Z: 小题3:            Some of these animals are endangered. If we didn"t have zoos, they would die.
C: 小题4:            What if you advertised (做广告) the zoo more? In the newspaper or on the radio, for example.
Z: But if we don"t have any money, we can"t advertise.
C: 小题5:_______
Z: Actually, that isn"t a bad idea. You might be right!
C: I have the names of some company managers you could meet…

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A: Hello, Betty. What did you do last summer vacation?
B: I visited my uncle.
A:         小题1:       ?
B: He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city.
A:         小题2:        ?
B: I stayed there for a week.       小题3:        ?
A: No, I haven’t. But I’m going to spend a holiday there.
B: You’d better go to Dalian in summer. So you can enjoy swimming in the sea. 
A:     小题4:       . I will go there this summer vacation.
B:     小题5:       ?
A: By plane.
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Jane : Hello !
Mike :Hello ! May I speak to Ann ?
Jane : 小题1:___________________
Ann : (A few seconds later) Hello !
Mike : Hello ! Ann, this is Mike. Are you free tomorrow?
Ann : 小题2:                 What"s up?
Mike: We are going hiking tomorrow.
Ann: Yes, I"d love to. 小题3:__________________
Would you like to join us?
Mike: Let"s meet outside Zhongshan Park at 6:30 tomorrow morning
Ann: OK. See you tomorrow.
Mike :小题4:____________________
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In some western countries, it is believed that a person is in great danger of illness when he sneezes (打喷嚏). Therefore, people will express wishes when they hear others sneeze. The person who sneezed would apologize for that. Which situation fits western custom?

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Living habits make a person healthy, wealthy and wise. We should        in daily life.
① put litter into the dustbin
② stay up reviewing lessons all the time
③ go to school without breakfast
④ wash hands before meals
⑤ open the window and take a fresh breath as often as possible
A. ①④⑤             B. ②③④               C. ①②⑤
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