— ______.
A. Yes, I"d like.
B. Yes, I"d love to.
C. No, I"d not like.
D. I don"t like to.
B. Yes, it"s.
C. Yes, it is.
D. Yes, this is.
1. Li Ming can go to Canada.
Li Ming to Canada?
2. I want to invite my friend to China.
Want to invite friend to China?
3. You may sleep in this bedroom.
in this bedroom?
4. He arrived in Beijing on Saturday.
he in Beijing on Saturday?
5. There are some trees in the picture.
trees in the picture?
6. I"d like three donuts.
three donuts?
7. The bike is about two hundred yuan.
the bike about two hundred yuan?
8. My parents will arrive here in two days.
Parents arrive here in two days?
9. I need some money to go to school.
Need money to go to school?
10. The little girl is sleeping.
the little girl ?
11. I come from the U.S.
from the U.S?
12. They can speak Chinese well.
Chinese well?
13. We walked to the bus station.
to the bus station?
14. Danny wants to buy a pair of cocks for himself.
Danny a pair of socks for himself?
15. My camera was good.
Camera good?
— ______.
B.No, she is
C.Yes, she is
D.No, she aren"t
— Yes, ______.
B.do they
C.they are
D.are they
— ______.
B.Yes, I did
C.No, I wasn"t
D.No, I did
- 1材料一:中新网11月7日电 据外媒报道,当地时间6日晚,美国总统奥巴马获得274张选票,连任总统已成定局。他在推特上发文
- 2---What about your adventure in the forest last week?---Wond
- 3如图所示为一种质谱仪的示意图,由加速电场、静电分析仪和磁分析仪组成.若静电分析仪的通道半径为R,均匀辐向电场沿通道线的场
- 4下列语句中加粗的成语使用不正确的一项是 [ ]A.这些豆蔻年华的小伙子,也许在没有喝酒前想也不敢想,能干出这些伤
- 5下列词语中加点字的读音,全都相同的一组是( )A.曲解 龋齿 趣味 是非曲直B.恰当
- 6读“我国主要种植业分布图”,完成下列问题。 (1)图中主要种植业区和非种植业区的界线大致与________毫米等降水量线
- 7It will _____ you about one hour and forty-five minutes to f
- 8The club welcome all new members ________ age.A.despiteB.reg
- 9若关于x的一元二次方程(a+1)x2+x+a2﹣1=0的一个根是0,则a的值为( )A.1B.﹣1C.1或﹣1D.
- 10读下图,甲、乙两国边境线较长。近年来,两国贸易发展迅速,但两国的边境贸易额较小。据此回答以下两题。小题1:导致两国贸易额
- 1某班同学利用寒假在5个居民小区内选择两个小区逐户进行一次“低碳生活习惯”的调查,以计算每户每月的碳排放量.若月排放量符合
- 2数列-1,85,-157,249,…的一个通项公式an是( )A.(-1)nn22n+1B.(-1)nn(n+2)n+
- 3师范大学的学生小叶在你们班的教育实习结束了,即将回校。她在两个月的实习期间,为同学们上了“快乐学习”的班课,开了学习经验
- 4乙醇俗名叫酒精,常温下是一种无色有特殊气味的透明液体,为了探究“乙醇能否溶于水”的问题,某化学兴趣小组进行了如下实验:[
- 5如图所示,A、B是两盏完全相同的白炽灯,L是电阻不计的电感线圈,如果断开电键S1,闭合S2,A、B两灯都能同样发光。如果
- 6下列词语中没有错别字的一组是A.胆怯龙门阵切中时弊削足试履B.圭臬炒鱿鱼揆情度理剑拔弩张C.继位流水账凭心而论征稿启事D
- 7解分式方程 xx-1=6x2-1+1.
- 8材料一:“问题奶粉”事件发生以后。国内部分知名奶业集团就“问题奶粉”向消费者发表联合声明,并做出相关质量承诺;他们在第一
- 9I _________ a lot from this guy. He borrowed my clothes, he
- 10在气候对人类生存压力日趋加大的今天,发展低碳经济,全面实现低碳生活成为人们的共识,某企业采用技术革新,节能减排,经分析前