小题1:Please call me if you have any problems ____________ (work) out.
小题2:Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize ____________ (two) during her life time.
小题3:I think it is ____________ (danger) for children to be close to wild animals.
小题4:The old man has been ____________ (die) since three years ago.
小题5:I know only one of the ____________ (visit),how about you?
试题【词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。小题1:Please call me if you have any problems 】;主要考察你对主谓一致等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. Sandy got a lot of presents at her ________ (nine) birthday party.
2. Something has been done to reduce the price of buildings. People are very happy when ________ ( hear) it.
3. It took me an hour ________ (do) my homework last night.
4. Playing too many computer games is (harm) to you.
5. My shoes are broken. They need (repare).
6. Mr. Black said that he ____________(come)back in five minutes.
7.Look, a young man (lie) on the ground.
8. She is very hungry. She _____(not eat)anything for three days.
小题1: You should say “thank you” when you _________(give) something.
小题2: We can never follow the fashion because it__________(change) all the time.
小题3: I think the computer needs _____ (fix) as it refuses to work from time to time.
小题4:His parents promised that they ___________(take) him to travel to Beijing if he did well in the coming exam.
小题5:He said that he was the truest friend that he __________ ever _________(know).
小题6: Any confirmed H1N1 flu case should _________ (report) to the central government and the public openly and immediately.
小题7: --- Why were you so busy the whole afternoon last Sunday?
---We ( plan ) to have a fashion show for poor children.
小题8:How many 3G mobile phones ___ China ___ (design) since the beginning of 2009?
小题9:None of us __________( offer) any information about when and where to meet him last Sunday.
小题10:The chairperson _____ (announce) the award as soon as he sees the principal.
Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. Amy Kim is 61 (consider) to be one of the best - known Chinese photographers in the world today, and some of her most famous photos 62 (be) in this exhibition. She really 63 (have) something for everyone. There _64_ (be) many great photos of the countryside. The few city photographs don"t 65 (succeed). I 66 (see) the same things every day and they don"t 67 (interest) me as much. But this show 68 (come) from a world - class photographer. Whatever you 69 (do), 70 (not miss) this exhibition.
小题1: _________ 小题2: _________小题3: _________小题4:_________小题5: _________小题6: _________小题7: ________小题8:________小题9: _________小题10:_________
A.like | B.Likes | C.have liked | D.liked |
A. is B. am C. are
- 12012年2月1日,中共中央国务院印发了《关于加快推进农业科技创新持续增强农产品供给保障能力的若干意见》。这是新世纪以来
- 2已知A、B、C、D、E都是元素周期表中的前四周期元素,它们原子序数的大小关系为A<C<B<D<E
- 3手机已经成为人们交流信息的一种必不可少的工具,人们之所以能够利用手机通话,是因为手机能通过__________ 传递信息
- 4图为世界某地区局部图,图中虚线为不同气候类型的界线。读图,完成下题: 小题1:图中河流①②③④各河段雨水补给量最小的是:
- 5首轮中美战略与经济对话取得了四项积极成果,从政治生活角度看,是因为 A.和平与发展是时代的主题B.中美之间存在着共同的利
- 62010年温哥华残奥会开幕式时,礼炮官兵在发炮的瞬间,均张开口,其作用在于 ( )A.让外耳道内
- 7如图为某河流局部水系及甲地月平均径流量曲线和降水量柱状图。完成下题(7分)。据图信息推测该地气候类型。简析7月份前后降水
- 8给你一只滴管,一架天平(附有砝码)、一只烧杯和一杯水,如何测出一滴水的体积.试写出测量步骤.
- 9中央电视台《焦点访谈》多次报道某些边远落后农村电价过高,农民负担过重.其中客观原因是电网陈旧老化,近年来进行了农村电网改
- 10有关蜡烛性质的叙述,不正确的是( )A.在常温下,蜡烛呈液态,不溶于水B.在常温下,蜡烛呈固态,不溶于水,密度比水小C
- 1下列词语中,每组加粗字的读音全都不相同的一项是[ ]A.模样/模拟 省事/省亲 刊载/下载 飞
- 2为了节能和环保,一些公共场所使用光控开关控制照明系统。光控开关可采用光敏电阻来控制,光敏电阻是阻值随着光的照度而发生变化
- 3Attached to his ________ was a letter he had written to his
- 4书面表达,根据中文提示,写一篇介绍你好朋友的短文。 May 是我最好的朋友,我俩3 岁时就是好朋友,她住得离我家
- 51977年10月21日,《人民日报》头版头条刊登了“高等学校招生进行重大改革”的报道。这一“重大改革”是A.教育领域拨乱
- 6“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞”是一代伟人***有关彩虹的诗句。彩虹是光的 ________ 现象。小冬在一次郊游中看
- 7根据平时的观察,一般容易找到苔藓植物的环境是( )A.背阴干燥B.向阳干燥C.背阴潮湿D.淡水或海水
- 8(14分)某化学兴趣小组为探究SO2的性质,按下图所示装置进行实验。请回答下列问题:(1)装置A中盛放浓硫酸和亚硫酸钠的
- 9世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年之际,以史为鉴,温故知新,我们应该清楚当今时代的主题是 [ ]A.竞争 B.和平与发
- 10“苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青”,作者刘禹锡描写了“陋室”的环境恬静、雅致. 苔,属于苔藓植物.下列关于苔藓植物的描述,不正确