2. — Does this piece of m _____sound nice?
— Yes. It"s wonderful.
3. We can play tricks (恶作剧) on friends on April 1, but they will not be a _____ with us.
4. India has the second l _____ population in the world.
5. Yesterday the teacher told us the earth r _____ around the sun.
6. I didn"t have my breakfast this morning. Now I feel so h _____ that I want to do nothing.
7. The Yellow River, the world"s f _____ longest river, has watered some of the oldest farms on Earth.
8. When I told them the funny jokes, they couldn"t help l_____ .
9. Some scientists said,"If you often go running alone in the morning, it would become b _____ for your
brain, you"d better run with your friends."
10.The plane flew higher and higher. At last it d _____ in the sky.
11.Now computers are w _____ used in our office.
12.The Red Army men walked a long way and their shoes were all w _____ out.
13. Li Ming can find many new things that we don"t know on the Web, and he"d like to s _____ them
with all of us.
14.What should you do when you suddenly hear shouts of "fire" and smell smoke t _____ the door?
8. laughing 9. bad 10. disappeared 11.widely 12. worn 13. share 14. through
试题【根据句意完成已给出首字母的单词,使补全后的句子语法正确,意义通顺。 1. — Can you take good care of y _____ while I】;主要考察你对分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
一Yes. It sounds perfect.
[ ]
B. to sing
C. singing
[ ]
B. writes
C. writeing
D. writing
[ ]
B. to write
C. writing
D. write
[ ]
B. play
C. to play
D. plays
[ ]
B. calls
C. called
D. call
- 1我国稀土资源丰富,下列关于稀土元素14462Sm与15062Sm的有关说法中,正确的是( )A.14462Sm与150
- 2天窗江南月 ①老屋的玻璃天窗,小巧晶莹,开设在光线不足的卧房。对于我们小孩来说,天窗不仅为我们平添光亮,更让
- 3翻译下列句子。1. 去年老李退休了。退休前他教了30年数学。 Last year Lao Li _____. Bef
- 4(9分)电流表A1的量程为0~200μA、内电阻约为500Ω,现要测其内阻,除若干开关、导线之外还有器材如下:电流表A2
- 5 —I couldn’t get through to you at home last night. You must
- 6老师在班级50名学生中,依次抽取学号为5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50的学和进行作业检查,这种抽
- 7华北平原属于我国地势的:A.第一阶梯B.第二阶梯C.第三阶梯D.第四阶梯
- 8如图所示为用伏安法测定一个定值电阻的阻值的实验所需的器材实物图,器材规格如下: (1)待测电阻Rx(约100 Ω) (2
- 9炎热的夏天,打开电风扇,身上感到凉爽,这是因为( )A.电风扇吹来的风降低了人周围空气的温度B.电风扇吹来的是凉风C.
- 10下图为1930年在甘肃北部居延汉代烽燧遗址中出土的汉代木简,它记录了这座烽燧所拥有的兵器及其他驻屯军用品的数目,其中有东
- 1读图题:读“某工业基地图”,回答下列问题.(1)主要工业中心:A是______,B是______,C是______,(2
- 2空气中含量最多且化学性质不活泼的气体是( )A.氧气B.氮气C.二氧化碳D.稀有气体
- 3化简: (1)6m﹣(3n﹣m)(2)2(3x﹣5)﹣(﹣x+4)
- 4在不知不觉之间,我们开始了从儿童向成年的过渡,我们把人生发育的这段时期称为( )A.少年期B.青年期C.青春期D.
- 5如图在等腰梯形中,,,高,则腰的长为
- 61,2,3……,100这100个自然数的算术平方根和立方根中,无理数的个数有_____个。
- 7对于定义域为D的函数y=f(x),若有常数M,使得对任意的x1∈D,存在唯一的x2∈D满足等式f(x1)+f(x2)2=
- 8When ______ the United Nations founded?A.isB.areC.wasD.wer
- 9某实验小鼠适宜生活在25℃左右的环境中,为探究低于适宜温度的环境(如10℃)对小鼠能量代谢的影响(能量代谢的强弱用单位时
- 10下列物体内能的增加,是通过做功而实现的是( )A.阳光把石桌晒热B.用火烧水,水变热C.烤红薯,红薯变热D.锯木板时,