2. You should get a chair________ on.(sit)
3. There are so many children ________ (play) in the park on Sundays.
4. It"s hot. You"d better________ both the windows and the doors.(open)
5. It"s not easy________ fish with your hands only.(catch)
6. Our teacher asked us________ to page 16.(turn)
7. You must________ to the teacher carefully in class.(listen)
8. He felt ________ (worry) about his son at that time.
9. He found a number of people already ________ (work) in the workplace.
10. Many children trust animals because they know ________ (keep) a secret.
6. to turn 7. listen 8. worried 9. working 10. to keep
试题【用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. Did you see the accident ________ this morning?(happen)2. You sh】;主要考察你对动名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
train, invite, guitar, babysit, do
1. Did you finish __________ your homework yesterday?
2. Mary __________ my baby the day before yesterday.
3. Thank you for your __________ I enjoyed myself at your party.
4. Do you have a __________ lesson on Sunday?
5. I have tennis __________ with the school team on Wednesday.
1. Miss Green enjoys __________ (live) and __________ (study) with us.
2. When __________Paul usually __________ (have) his piano lessons?
3. __________ you __________ (go) to the concert yesterday?
4. Tomorrow I am going to __________ (visit) the __________ (visit) from Canada.
5. Harry has soccer __________ (train) the whole evening.
- 15g磷与5g氧气反应,生成P2O5的质量( )A.一定等于10gB.不一定等于10gC.一定不等于10gD.是10g
- 2There are two faces of nature. One is good while the 小题1:
- 3下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一项是( )A.吴老师针对高三(19)班学生良莠不齐的现状,讲课时尤其注意分
- 4如果log12|x-π3|≥ log12π2,那么sinx的取值范围为( )A.[-12,12]B.[-12,32)∪
- 5某县4万多农民通过培训,走上了种植花卉的致富路,人均年增收1000多元。这给我们的启示有[ ]A、要尊重劳动、尊
- 6(12分)短周期主族元素A、B、C、D、E、F的原子序数依次增大,它们的原子核外电子层数之和为13。已知B元素形成的化合
- 7【题文】《宋史·食货志上一》记载:“(仁宗时)承平
- 8双曲线8kx2-ky2=8的一个焦点是(0,3),那么k的值是( )A.1B.-1C.653D.-653
- 9阅读下文,完成下面的题。 于是见公输盘。子墨子解带为城,以牒为械。公输盘九设攻城之机变,子墨子九距之。公输盘之攻械
- 10已知⊙O中,弦AB的长等于半径,P为弦AB所对的弧上一动点(不包括点A点B),则∠APB的度数为( ). A. 30°
- 1七律·长征 ***红军不怕远征难, 。五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。金沙
- 2近年空气质量逐步恶化,雾霾天气现象出现增多,大气污染危害加重.大气污染可引起心悸、呼吸困难等心肺疾病.为了解某市心肺疾病
- 3从纬度位置看,我国大部分位于属于中纬度地区,属于_________带,南部少部分位于热带,没有______带。
- 4如表列出了某种型号轿车的部分数据,试根据表中数据回答问题.长/mm×宽/mm×高/mm4871×1835×1460净重/
- 5单项选择—By the way, I"m off to Guangzhou. — .[ ]A.
- 6在某电解质溶液里,用M和N作电极,通电一段时间后,发现M极质量减小,N极质量增大,符合这一情况的是( )A.电解质溶
- 7潮汕方言中流传不少农业谚语,比如“立秋有雨,庄稼点头”、“生地葱,熟地蒜,肥田芋,压平埠(意为提高产量)”、“早田深水养
- 8下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是[ ]A、寒暄 残羹冷炙 走头无路 天有不测风云 B、烟霭 针砭时弊 唉声叹气
- 9实验室制取气体所需的装置如下图所示,请回答下列问题: (1)实验室制取二氧化碳所选用的发生装置为
- 10健康是永恒的话题,是人生的第一财富,健康新概念包括 ①躯体健康 ②心理健康 ③道德健康 ④社会适