— I’d love to, but just a minute, please.
B. tell me some information
C. to tell me any informations
D. tell me any informations
B. to go, and
C. going, with
D. going, and
1. The light is green. It is time for us _____ (cross) the road.
2. —How can I be a super star like Phelps?
—Well, it"s not easy. You must practice _____ (swim) for over eight hours every day.
3. The students each _____ (have) an online friend. They can talk to each other by using QQ or MSN.
4. Tina together with her friends _____ (study) in the school library every Tuesday afternoon.
5. It is fine today. Would you like _____ (enjoy) the sunshine with me?
6. —Can Nick _____ (wash) his clothes?
—Oh no, he is only three!
7. Why _____ (not go) for a walk after lunch? We really need some fresh air.
8. The boy"s bedroom is not clean at all. His mother is busy _____ (put) away all the toy cars.
9. —How long does the fat woman spend _____ (shop) on the Internet every day?
—Over one hour.
10. The museum _____ (open) at 9 a.m. every morning, so we can meet at 8.30 a.m.
B. to play; Right
C. to play; Good idea
D. play; You are welcome
B. to having
C. having
D. have
- 12011年是我们镇江市全力冲刺全国文明城市的关键之年、决胜之年。文明创建是全民工程,每个人都是创建的主体,都要履行创建的
- 2若两条平行线L1:x-y+1=0,与L2:3x+ay-c=0 (c>0)之间的距离为2,则a-3c等于( )A.-2B
- 3有人说,唐太宗李世民在位时期的“贞观之治”是唐太宗虚心纳谏的结果,下列历史人物中向唐太宗多次进谏,被唐太宗誉为自己的一面
- 4把分式中的、都扩大到原来的9倍,那么分式的值( )A.扩大到原来的9倍B.缩小9倍C.是原来的D.不变
- 5读我国某区域图,回答下列问题:(12分)(1)描述200毫米年等降水量线的分布特点并分析原因。(4分)(2)试分析阴影所
- 6【题文】下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是 (
- 7He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _____ ill f
- 8设p,q都是简单命题,且命题“p∧q”为假命题,则以下一定为真命题的是( )A.¬pB.¬qC.¬p∨¬qD.¬q∧¬
- 9—How_______ you?—I"m OK. [ ]A. are B. isC. am D
- 10在△ABC中,∠C=90°,若3AC=BC,则∠A的度数是( ),cosB的值是( )。
- 1国共谈判后,蒋介石冒天下之大不韪发动了全面内战。全面内战开始于国民党军队大规模进攻[ ]A.中原解放区B.东北解
- 2We found impossible to finish the work in such a sh
- 3甲、乙两地出产同种西瓜,但其品质却存在差异。经调查,在西瓜生长季节,甲、乙两地的光照条件和栽培措施基本相同,只是温度条件
- 4向含有AgNO3、Cu(NO3)2、Zn(NO3)2的混合溶液中加入一定量的铁粉,充分反应后,过滤。则下列情况中可能出现
- 5The koalas get up and eat at night. [ ]A. le
- 6生活中常见的物质放入水中不能形成溶液的是( )A.方糖B.植物油C.食盐D.味精
- 7下列各项中,没有错别字的一项是 ( )A.挺而走险尘芥堆干燥 B.一筹莫展煞风景溃乏C.卓尔不群挖墙脚安详D.娇生惯
- 8关于生物大分子的叙述,正确的是 [ ]A.蛋白质是由多个氨基酸分子通过肽键相互连接而成的化合物 B.DNA是一切
- 9小亮同学在研究凸透镜成象规律时作了如下的记录:当物距为30cm时,在光屏上出现倒立、缩小的像;当物距为20cm时,在光屏
- 10单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)小题1:We _______________(捐赠)5000 pound