[ ]
B. has increased
C. increased by
D. increased to
________ you ever_________ to foreign music?
2. Beijing"s roads were quite narrow in the past. (用recently替换in the past)
Beijing"s roads ________ _________ quite wide recently
3. "Turn down the TV a bit, please!" Dad said to me. (改成间接引语)
Dad ________ me ________ turn down he TV a bit.
4. "Is there any fruit in the fridge?" Mrs White asked her husband. (改成间接引语)
White asked her husband ________ there ________ any fruit in the fridge.
5. Our geography teachers said to us, "The sun is the nearest to the earth of all the stars. (改成间接引语)
Our geography teacher________ us________ the sun is the nearest to the earth of all the stars.
— I yet. Do you have any good ideas?
A. haven"t decided
B. won"t decide
C. have decided
D. didn"t decide
— Sorry. He for a month.
A. had been away
B. was left
C. has been away
D. left
— If your job ______ by then
A. has been finished
B. finish
C. will be finished
D. will finish
A. changes
B. is changing
C. has changed
D. changed
- 1表面积为4π的球O与平面角为钝角的二面角的两个半平面相切于A、B两点,三角形OAB的面积S=25,则球心到二面角的棱的距
- 2We all know that two and one is three. Here "is" means "____
- 3经济全球化是当今引人注目的现象。阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 有人描述19世纪上半期的英国时写道:“现在看得很清楚
- 4下列函数中既是奇函数,又在区间[-1,1]上是增函数的是( )A.Y=2xB.y=x3+2xC.y=-sinxD.y=
- 5下列关于硅的说法中错误的是( )A.自然界中硅元素的储量丰富B.自然界中存在大量的单质硅C.高纯度的硅被用作计算机芯片
- 6阅读下列材料,完成下列问题。材料一:凡君主专制、立宪、民主三法,必当一一循序行之,若紊其序,则必大乱。……然则必欲予民权
- 7元杂剧作家中最负盛名的是关汉卿。其代表作是( )A.《窦娥冤》B.《水调歌头·明月几时有》C.《定军山》D.《念奴娇·
- 8定义域为的连续函数,对任意都有,且其导函数满足,则当时,有( )A.B.C.D.
- 9I ______ you for a long time. Where ______ you ______?A.Didn
- 10下列物质中属于纯净物的是( )A.银B.碘酒C.不锈钢D.矿泉水
- 1若多项式,其中A、B、C为常数,则A+B+C的值是( )。
- 2It is believed that a new kind of drug ______ by the scienti
- 3若椭圆+=1的离心率e=,则m的值为( )A.1B.或C.D.3或
- 4若直线x-y=1与直线(m+3)x+my-8=0平行,则m=______.
- 5李阳同学去文具店买钢笔,你觉得他怎样和营业员对话才得体? 李阳指着柜台中的钢笔对一位三十五岁左右的营业员说:“①___
- 6甲醇质子交换膜燃料电池中将甲醇蒸气转化为氢气的两种反应原理是 ①CH3OH(g)+H2O(g) = CO2(g)+3H2
- 7用NA表示阿伏德罗常数,下列叙述正确的是( )A.标准状况下,5.6 LH2O含有的分子数为0.25NAB.常温常压下,
- 8某地夏季高山上的温度从山脚起每升高100米,温度降低0.6°C,已知山脚的温度是24°C,山高800米,求山顶的温度是多
- 9. ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.A.No soone
- 10纽扣(日)内海隆一郎在路边上有个无人售货亭。杉田把自家的萝卜、小油菜、胡萝卜等蔬菜摆在约有半张席大小的货架上。蔬菜一袋从