They _________ (play) football every Sunday afternoon.
2. Please be quiet! We _________ (listen) to the song You and Me.
3. — Mrs. Green likes children very much, doesn"t she?
— Yes, that"s true. She __________ (write) a children"s book these days.
4. How many lessons __________ Peter __________ (have) on Monday?
5. It"s fine today. The sun __________ (shine).
试题【用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Look! The children _________ (play) football on the playgrou】;主要考察你对现在进行时等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. Tim usually _________ (get) up at six o"clock.
3. Be quick! Li Lei _________ (wait) for us at the school gate.
4. Han Meimei ________ (like) watching TV. She _________ (watch) TV every evening.
But now she ________ (not watch) TV. She _________ (get) ready for her final exam.
5. It"s six o"clock. My teacher ________ (work) in his office.
2. Jane (not watch) TV every day.
3. They (pick) pears on the farm last week.
4. Shall I (close) the door?
5. I"ll go to the park if it (not rain) tomorrow.
6. I"d like you (meet) my parents.
7. Would you help me (carry) the box?
8. I don"t like (sit) on Tom"s right.
9. Don"t keep the boys (wait) so long.
10. What do you say when someone (meet) you for the first time?
—No. Let"s go and have a look. Maybe the children are in trouble.
B. what are they doing there
C. what is happening there
D. what they talk about there
— Yes. Look, he ____ his car over there.
A. cleans
B. cleaned
C. is cleaning
D. has cleaned
—Sorry, I can"t. I ____ my shirts.
A. wash
B. washes
C. washed
D. am washing
- 1默写。(1)不畏浮云遮望眼,____。(王安石《登飞来峰》)(2)____,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。(马致远《天净沙
- 2If you intend to arouse students’ interest in your project,
- 3在海水晒盐过程中,溶液中氯化钠的质量分数(y)与时间(t)的关系为( )
- 4中国和日本都曾经是闭关锁国的封建国家,都遭受过西方国家的侵略。19世纪中后期,两个国家都进行了近代化的尝试。(14分)材
- 5如图所示的实验是来研究牛顿第一定律。(1)指出实验中应控制不变的相关因素: __ ____(注:至少
- 6下列划线的成语使用恰当的一项是[ ]A、小李认为差生一无是处,其实社会需要各方面人才,不能唯成绩论,看问题要全面
- 7酒精灯的使用要注意的事项?
- 8As students, ______, we should study hard to be well prepare
- 9实验室制二氧化碳时,除选用稀盐酸外,还应选用( )A.石灰石B.熟石灰C.木炭D.锌粒
- 10函数f(x)在R上为奇函数,且x>0时,f(x)=x+1,则当x<0时,f(x)=______.
- 1函数的定义域是( )A. (1,2)B. [1,4]C. [1,2)D. (1,2]
- 2把长江水引到华北和西北地区的水利工程是A.引黄济青 B.南水北调C.引黄入晋D.引滦入唐
- 3如图,为了探究浸在液体中的物体所受的浮力跟它排开液体所受重力的关系,某同学进行了实验:(1)图B中用细线将合金块挂在弹簧
- 4一艘远洋轮船在武汉装上货物后,船身下沉了一些,这时船受到的浮力______(填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”),当船从长江
- 5如图所示,图(a)中的理想变压器输入信号如图(b)所示(图线为正弦曲线),电路中电阻R=55Ω,交流电流表、交流电压表均
- 6直线L上的一点到圆心的距离等于⊙O的半径,则L与⊙O的位置关系是[ ]A.相离B.相切 C.相交 D.相切或相交
- 7下图中的物质都是初中化学所学的,其中A、B为单质,B是可供动植物呼吸的气体;甲、乙、丙为化合物,甲与过量的丙、乙与过量的
- 8下列省份不属于太平军主要活动地区的是 [ ]A.广东 B.江西C.浙江D.安徽
- 9若方程3x2m﹣1+1=6是关于x的一元一次方程,则m的值是( )。
- 10如果你有100万张牌,每张牌的厚度是一样的,都是0.5毫米,将这些牌整齐地叠放起来,大约相当于每层高5米的楼房层数[