完成句子,使改写后的句子完整,并与原句意思相符,注意每空只填一个单词。1. Although he is a child, he is good at taking photos.
Although he is a child, he ___________ ___________ ___________ taking photos.
2. They plan to go to Hong Kong for vacation.
They __________ __________ to Hong Kong for vacation.
3. Our English teacher often rides to school.
Our English teacher often__________ to school __________ a bike.
4. Could you play the violin at the age of five?
__________ you __________ to play the violin at the age of five?
5. I have four apples. Jack has six apples.
I have __________ apples __________ Jack.
Although he is a child, he ___________ ___________ ___________ taking photos.
2. They plan to go to Hong Kong for vacation.
They __________ __________ to Hong Kong for vacation.
3. Our English teacher often rides to school.
Our English teacher often__________ to school __________ a bike.
4. Could you play the violin at the age of five?
__________ you __________ to play the violin at the age of five?
5. I have four apples. Jack has six apples.
I have __________ apples __________ Jack.
1. does well in 2. are going 3. goes , on 4. Were able 5. fewer, than
试题【完成句子,使改写后的句子完整,并与原句意思相符,注意每空只填一个单词。1. Although he is a child, he is good at taki】;主要考察你对动词的分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
—Look at the children in the lake. They are playing happily. Let"s _____, too.
—Good idea![ ]
A. go hiking
B. go camping
C. go boating
D. go sightseeing
—Good idea![ ]
A. go hiking
B. go camping
C. go boating
D. go sightseeing
I want to watch the ball game. Can you _______ the TV? [ ]
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. open
D. close
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. open
D. close
We"ll ___________ learn English well soon. [ ]
A. can
B. able
C. be able
D. be able to
A. can
B. able
C. be able
D. be able to
We should work hard to make our dream ________ true.[ ]
B.to come
B.to come
- 1如图,在长方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,AB=BC=2,A1D与BC1所成角为90°,则直线BC1与平面BB1D1D
- 2作为市场交易的灵魂是 A.平等原则B
- 3如上图,在梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AD⊥AB,AD=1,AB=2,BC=3, P是BC上的一个动点,当取最小值时,的
- 4如图所示,已知ABCD,试用两种方法,将ABCD分成面积相等的四个部分(要求用文字简述你所设计的两种方法,并在所给的两个
- 5下列景观在兴建时主要考虑其美学价值的是( )A.埃及的金字塔B.深圳的“锦绣中华”C.南京中山陵D.河北赵州桥
- 6Advertisers are increasingly cautious about taking out ads _
- 7Don"t make the OK sign with your fingers in ______.A. KoreaB
- 8在医院输液或抽血时,针头插入的血管是[ ]A.动脉B.静脉C.毛细血管D.三种血管都可以
- 9(本题12分)要求摩托车由静止开始在尽量短的时间内走完一段直道,然后驶入一段半圆形的弯道但在弯道上行驶时车速不能太快,以
- 10以下实验基本操作正确的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 1“人而无信,不知其可也。”这句话告诉我们①人如果不相信别人,就不能在社会上立足②不讲诚信的人,是难以在社会上立足的③为人
- 2我国五代隐形战机—歼20已研制并试飞成功,速度可达声速的2.35倍.若以680m/s的速度飞行,10秒内可飞行
- 3下列各项中,不属于皮肤附属物的是 [ ]A.汗腺 B.指甲 C.毛发 D.感觉神经末梢
- 4现要验证“当质量一定时,物体运动的加速度与它所受的合外力成正比”这一物理规律。给定的器材如下:一倾角可以调节的长斜面(如
- 5饮用工业酒精配制的假酒,会使人双目失明甚至死亡,其致毒成份及中毒类型分别是( )A.乙醇化学物质中毒B.乙醇细菌性食物
- 6-I have missed a chance to go to Beijing University.-_______
- 72014年3月5日,十二届全国人大二次会议开幕。来自全国各地的近三千名人大代表带着人民的重托,汇集北京人民大会堂,商议国
- 8下列各项,划线成语使用恰当的一项是( )A进入高三以来,一向成绩平平的周大强学习特别刻苦,进步很快,令人刮目相看。B大
- 9滥伐森林可能引起的生态环境问题是[ ]A、河流含沙量增大 B、地下水位持续上升 C、土壤肥力下降 D、河流水位下
- 10下列现象或事实,用分子的相关知识加以解释,其中错误的是 A.“十里桂花香”,说明分子在不断地运动 B.水银温度