A. Some times
B. sometimes
C. some time
D. sometime
试题【I ________ have a nap after noon.A. Some times B. sometimes C. some time 】;主要考察你对频度副词等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. You can take the escalator to the second floor and get to the cafe. (对画线部分提问)
I the second floor and get to the cafe?
2. The New Year"s party was very organized and enjoyable. (对画线部分提问)
the New Year"s party?
3.I haven"t seen a TV play for long, and Lily hasn"t either. (变为同义句)
I Lily ________ seen a TV play for long.
4. The man on the bike is Jim. (改为含有定语从句的复合句)
The man ________ ____ ____ the bike ____ Jim.
5. If it doesn"t rain tomorrow, they"ll go to the park. (改为同义句)
it tomorrow, they"ll go to the park.
—_____ ever. I"m not interested in that at all.
A. Usually
B. Hardly
C. Almost
D. Never
A. never
B. often
C. sometimes
D. always
A. Once
B. Two times a week
C. For two hours
D. Once a week
B. often
C. sometimes
D. hardly ever
- 1(本题满分14分)已知顶点在原点, 焦点在x轴上的抛物线被直线y=2x+1截得的弦长为,求抛物线的方程.
- 2________ I agree with you; let’s combine our ideas into a st
- 3请用科学计数法表示下列各数;(1)我国领土面积为9597000千米2;(2)我国人口为l300000000人;(3)地球
- 4计算:16+38-214.
- 5约旦河是西亚地区的一条河流,发源于黎巴嫩、叙利亚,流经以色列、巴勒斯坦、约旦,注入死海,全长251公里。近年来,由于沿岸
- 6对下列各句修辞方法判断有误的一项是[ ]A、他的面孔黄里带白,瘦得叫人担心,好像大病新愈的人。(比喻) B、有
- 7设全集U=Z,A={1,3,5,7,9},B={1,2,3,4,5,6},则如图中阴影部分表示的集合是[ ]A.
- 8据图回答下列问题。青春期的男孩和女孩,心理上发生着明显的变化,有了强烈的__________,遇到挫折又有_______
- 9如图,河堤横断面迎水坡AB的坡比是1:,则坡角∠A=______°
- 10【题文】已知,若是的最小值,则的取值范围为A.B.C.D.
- 1下图中甲、乙、丙是放在阳光下的大小一样、密闭的玻璃装置.乙、丙中各放一盘发育阶段相同、生长良好的花,甲、丙中各放一只同样
- 2清明节、端午节、中秋节等传统节日都是按农历计算确定的,这一历法据说来源于[ ]A.黄帝时期B.夏朝C.商朝D.西
- 3These diagrams are especially helpful when we have a concret
- 4下图所示的家庭小实验中,主要发生物理变化的是 [ ]A.B.C.D.
- 5阅读以下材料(摘自马丁·路德《九十五条论纲》),回答问题:第27条:他们宣传说,当钱币扔在钱柜中叮当作响的时候,灵魂就会
- 6(1)计算:;(2)解方程:。
- 7根据相关提示,在下表序号处填入相应的内容。作者作品人物有关情节①《父亲的病》 为自己在父亲临终前高声呼叫深深忏悔 ②阿廖
- 8---________do you play basketball every day? ----Half an hou
- 9某同学设计了测定空气中氧气含量的实验,实验装置如图.该同学的实验步骤如下:①将图中的集气瓶分为5等份,并作好标记.②在带
- 10如图,水平放置的三棱柱的侧棱长和底边长均为2,且侧棱AA1⊥平面A1B1C1,正视图是边长为2的正方形,该三棱柱的侧视图