B. even though
C. only when
D. ever since
试题【I will never forget that terrible accident _____ it happened so long ago. [ 】;主要考察你对从属连词等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. As well as
C. As soon as
D. As much as
I think his father is _____ ____ him.
2. I like dolphins because they"re cleverer than any other animal.
I like dolphins because they"re ___ ____ animal.
3. This road is 10 kilometers long. That road is 300 meters long.
This road is ____ ____ ____ that one.
4. I"ll stay here instead of going there with you,
I won"t go there with you. I"ll stay here ____.
5. This passage is short and there are no new words in it, but it is difficult to understand.
____ this passage is short and there are no new words in it, ____ it is difficult to understand.
1. In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.
She hurried through her work _____ _____ she could catch the train.
2. The questions are too difficult for the children to understand.
The questions are _____ difficult _____ the children can"t understand.
3. The Blacks don"t live in this city any longer.
The Blacks _____ _____ live in this city.
4. I think it is necessary for you to come here tomorrow.
I_____ _____ _____ necessary for you to come here tomorrow.
5. Do you know the girl who is wearing in a green skirt?
Do you know the girl _____ a green skirt?
B. until
C. because
D. so
B. if
C. how
D. what
- 1血液循环过程中,静脉血变成动脉血的部位是( )A.全身各处的毛细血管B.肝脏C.心脏D.肺部的毛细血管
- 2材料一:中国、美国部分指标比较(2003年)材料二:我国东、西地区部分指标比较(2003年)(1)材料一和材料二分别说明
- 3 按照下面句子的思路及句式将后面的两句填写完整。 什么样的年龄最理想,鲜花说:开放的年龄千枝秀;
- 4已知函数为常数,)是上的奇函数.(Ⅰ)求的值;(Ⅱ)讨论关于的方程的根的个.
- 5设三角形的三边长分别等于下列各组数,能构成直角三角形的是( )A.1,1,3B.2,3,5C.0.2,0.3,0.5D
- 6下面句中加点成语使用不当的一项是( )(2分)A.我感到一种不可名状的恐惧,一种同亲人隔绝、同大地分离的孤独感油然而
- 7--You didn"t go to school yesterday, did you? --_____, thou
- 8The____ doctors in the country were attending the medical me
- 92010年11月23日,为期6周的“中国制造,无处不在”的广告宣传片在美国有线新闻网(CNN)播放,广告片以“携手中国制
- 10 小强说:“我家乡冬季时,树叶都落了,见不到一点绿色,真没意思。”小明说:“那就从我家乡运些树苗去栽吧,我家
- 1北宋苏洵说:“耕者之田资于富民……而田之所人,已得其半,耕者得其半。”这反映了当时实行的这种经营方式是A.井田制经营B.
- 2***在科学和教育工作座谈会上提出:“我们国家要赶上世界先进水平,从何着手呢?我想,要从科学和教育着手。”为此,20世纪
- 3——Why didn’t you call me this morning?——I ______ call you. I
- 4The villagers used to______ drinking water from the river ne
- 5阅读下文,回答问题。记得有人说过,一个人须从古今中外的作家里去寻找和自己性情相近的人。一旦找到思想相近之作家,心中必万分
- 62007年7月9日,温家宝总理主持国务院会议,研究部署节能减排和应对气候变化工作。中央政府重视节能减排工作,这表明我国在
- 7--Have you found the information about famous people yo
- 8用显微镜观察写有“F”字的玻片,从目镜里看到的应是( )A.FB.C.D.
- 9若2x-4是二次根式,则x的取值范围是( )A.x≥0B.x≤2C.x>2D.x≥2
- 10【问题情境】已知矩形的面积为a(a为常数,a>0),当该矩形的长为多少时,它的周长最小?最小值是多少?【数学模型】设该矩