I want to join the Music society, because I like playing the _________.[ ]
试题【I want to join the Music society, because I like playing the _________.[ ]A.】;主要考察你对名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Thomas Edison was a great American (invent).
2. We have (fly) on the plane for two hours.
3. You must keep the child away from the (boil) water. It is dangerous.
4. I want to play on China s (nation) basketball team some day.
5. I think it"s very uncomfortable to wear high (heel) every day.
2. We have (fly) on the plane for two hours.
3. You must keep the child away from the (boil) water. It is dangerous.
4. I want to play on China s (nation) basketball team some day.
5. I think it"s very uncomfortable to wear high (heel) every day.
My mother can cook delicious crispy . [ ]
A. ice cream
B. cookies
C. hamburgers
D. noodles
A. ice cream
B. cookies
C. hamburgers
D. noodles
Don"t add more on it. It tastes enough. [ ]
A. salt, salty
B. salty, salt
C. salt, salt
D. salty, salty
A. salt, salty
B. salty, salt
C. salt, salt
D. salty, salty
Mrs. Green is Kate"s mother. Kate is her ______. [ ]
A. daughter
B. mother
C. father
D. son
A. daughter
B. mother
C. father
D. son
I wanted to explain , but he didn"t give me any __ . [ ]
A. excuse
B. chance
C. way
D. choice
A. excuse
B. chance
C. way
D. choice
- 1如图,在空间直角坐标系中的正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1,棱长为1,已知B1E1=D1F1=则BE1与DF1所成的角的
- 2若变量满足约束条件,则的最大值是 .
- 3Some people like to stay at home on Sunday, but ___ like to
- 4下列说法正确的是( )A.吸油烟机能将油烟吸走,是利用空气流动越快,压强越大的原理B.给病人测体温时体温计中水银在温度
- 5根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 Your local community is the area ne
- 6Listen! I heard Tom______ in the next room.[ ]A. sing
- 7直线x=0和y=-x将圆x2+y2=1分成4部分,用5种不同颜色给四部分染色,每部分染一种颜色,相邻部分不能染同一种颜色
- 8四个条件:b>0>a;0>a>b;a>0>b;a>b>0中,能使1a<1b成立的充分条件的个数是( )A.1B.2C.
- 9如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,点D在AC上,DE⊥AB于点E,若AC=8,BC=6,DE=3,求AD的长.
- 102011年11月28日联合国气候变化公约第l7次缔约方会议在南非德班(29o52"S,31o02"E)开幕,下图为德班气
- 1读“中国疆域图”,完成下列问题.(1)5个自治区:Ⅰ______自治区,Ⅱ西藏自治区,Ⅲ______自治区,Ⅳ宁夏回族自
- 2下图所示为上海重工业区位因素影响力变化示意图,①、②、③、④对应的可能是:( ) A.科技、交通、市场、劳动力的数量
- 3最近,科学家利用镍和钯作催化剂,成功地将二氧化碳转化为用途很广的一氧化碳或甲醇。下列有关说法正确的是A.该转化过程中,只
- 4如图所示,一带电粒子以竖直向上的初速v自A处进入电场强度为E、方向水平向右的匀强电场,它受到的电场力恰与重力大小相等,当
- 5在三角形纸片ABC中,已知∠ABC=90°,AB=6,BC=8。过点A作直线平行于BC,折叠三角形纸片ABC,使直角顶点
- 6—When was David born?—He was born________June 12,1989.[
- 7下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A.手不释卷融汇贯通其貌不洋擢发难数B.声色俱厉乔装打扮老生常谈莫衷一是C.陈词
- 8已知函数 (Ⅰ)求函数的最小正周期和值域;(Ⅱ)记的内角A、B、C的对边分别是a,b,c,若求角C的值。
- 9已知函数,其中(1)对于函数,当时,,求实数的取值集合;(2)当时,的值为负,求的取值范围.
- 10---Don’t you feel cold, Tim? You wear such a jacket in a day