—Oh,yes,it is !
A.mine | B.hers | C.yours | D.his |
小题1:Zhijin Cave is known as the most beautiful underground (宫殿) in the world.
小题2:Susan usually has some pieces of b and a bottle of milk for breakfast.
小题3:In English the first name is the g name.
小题4:Spring is the best time for p trees.
小题5:— Excuse me.Are you f now?
— Sorry,I’m very busy.
小题6:It’s ten (分钟) walk.
小题7:He (使用) a lift to go up and down every day.
小题8:Food must be (保存) in cool places in summer.
小题9:We often listen to our teacher (认真) in class.
小题10:With the d of computer science,more and more work will be done by computer.
小题1:Three __________(four)of the students in our class have handed in their reports.
小题2:You needn’t be frightened because these insects are completely ____________(harm).
小题3:If you add some lemonade and sugar,the dish will be much ___________(taste).
小题4:How ____________(active)they are donating money to help the sick student!
小题5:Some of the film stars had been ____________(sing)before they entered the film industry.
小题6:The charity event is ___________(结束). We all think it is a great success.
小题7:I dislike this channel because ___________(少数)programmes on it are interesting.
小题8:Ice turns into water when the temperature is ___________(超过)0℃.
小题9:一Which of these shirts do you like best?
一I’ll take ____________(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.
小题10:The book he is fond of ____________(描述)how birds live.
A.He B. She C. We d. They
—No, it isn"t_________.
A.theirs; their | B.hers; his | C.your; mine | D.your; my |
小题1:Excuse me, what"s the ________/prais/ of this alarm clock?
小题2:My brother always__________// his teeth after meals.
小题3:He knows a lot about __________//culture.
小题4:Do you know what you said has great__________//on me?
小题5:I wish to __________//a wonderful cartoon character for the children.
小题6:Many art __________//will be on display in this exhibition.
- 1“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆三千越甲可吞吴。”此联所涉及的历史人物主要应该是[
- 2下列选项中,不属于地图三大要素的是[ ]A.图例B.方向C.图幅D.比例尺
- 3下面语段中画线的句子存在语病,请改正。 今年年初,芜湖市政府首次将发展公共交通事业列为民生工程,①全市上下为这一民生工
- 4—_____ were you late for the meeting this morning? —Because
- 5阅读下面唐诗,回答问题。积雨辋川庄作 王维 积雨空林烟火迟,蒸藜炊黍饷东葘。漠漠水田飞白鹭,阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。 山中习静观
- 6中国古代戏曲与古希腊戏剧、印度梵剧并成为“世界三大古老戏剧”。但是,中国戏曲一直到12世纪末才走向成熟,比其他两者晚了很
- 7写作。 日记一则,字数50-60。记叙一天的活动: 1. 早晨起床,吃饭,上学; 2. 上午
- 8关于使用燃气灶,小明认为把气流量开得最大,让燃气灶的火力最猛,做饭时间短,最能节约燃料;小华认为把气流量开得小些,可以节
- 9海基会和海协会达成“九二共识”是指 [ ]A、海峡两岸均坚持一个中国原则 B、加强两岸经济交流,互补互利
- 10将15.55g氯化钙和碳酸钙的混合物加入26.85g水中,然后向其中加入若干克10%的稀盐酸,恰好完全反应,生成了4.4
- 1下列命题中属于主观唯心主义的有:A.物是感觉的复合B.感觉是与外界隔离的屏障C.宇宙便是吾心,吾心便是宇宙D.现实世界是
- 2某同学在实验报告中记录下列数据,其中正确的是[ ]A. 用托盘天平称量8.75g食盐 B. 用500ml的容量瓶
- 3下列图示表示地球自转方向正确的是:( )A.①④B.③④C.②③D.①③
- 4【题文】函数的定义域为( )A.B.C.D.
- 52011年10月15日至17日,青岛市政府有关部门分批集中在青岛市级机关3号办公楼,一起通过网络问政于民,听民声、纳民意
- 6下列对概念的理解不正确的是A.纯净物里只含有一种物质B.含有多种元素的物质是化合物C.物质的可燃性属于物质的化学性质D.
- 7-- I’ll give the boys _____ to eat. A. something heal
- 8如图所示,在斜面上放两个光滑球A和B,两球的质量均为m,它们的半径分别是R和r,球A左侧有一垂直于斜面的挡板P,两球沿斜
- 9质量为m的物体从地面上方H高处无初速释放,落在地面后出现一个深度为h的坑,如图所示,在此过程中物体的重力势能减少了___
- 10(1)求过直线x+y+4=0与x-y+2=0的交点,且平行于直线 x-2y=0的直线方程.(2)设直线4x+3y+1=0