–You can take _______ half. They’re exactly the same.
A.this | B.any | C.every | D.either |
试题【–Which part is meant for me? –You can take _______ half. They’re exactly the sam】;主要考察你对物主代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:She smiled h________ when she talked about her newly-born baby daughter.
小题2:Would you please tell Jane that a friend of h______ is going to see her tomorrow?
小题3:The meeting will last for three days, from Monday to W__________.
小题4:These days, you h______ ever have time for concerts, do you? You’re really too busy.
小题5:What a s_______! They offered me that job.
小题6:Though the picture was only d_______ half-way, it had been sold already.
小题7:Leo got two movie t , so he invited Jim to the cinema.
小题8:Tony is good at telling jokes, so he is always popular a_____ his classmates at school.
小题9:The milk is very s with much sugar in it.
小题10:Jim plays basketball very well and he has been a m of the basketball team.
A.she"s | B.her | C.she | D.hers |
A.something new | B.new anything | C.new anything | D.anything new |
小题1:Tom and Sam are twins, but there are some d______ between them.
小题2:Hawaii is f____ for its beautiful beaches.
小题3:Our math teacher is a s_____________ man.It seems that he never laughs.
小题4:Chinese medicine is now popular in many w _______ countries.
小题5:You can call Miss Zhang for more ________ (信息).
小题6:Your vacation ____________ (计划) sounds wonderful.
小题7:My eating ____________ (习惯) is pretty good.
小题8:Lots of _________ (游客) come to Qingdao every day.
小题1:Next Friday, Duan Linxi _______ (leave) Baoshan for Sishui.
小题2:I forgot ___________ (tell) him.So he knew nothing about it.
小题3:I try __________ (get) good grades in this English exam.
小题4:My good friend always makes me ___________ (laugh).
小题5:.He finished ________ (read) before 10:00 yesterday.
小题6:It takes me half an hour _______________ (exercise) every day.
小题7:Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs ______(be) also good for this.
- 1初级卵母细胞的减数第一次分裂完成于[ ]A.排卵前后,在卵巢内B.受精前,在卵巢内C.排卵前后,在输卵管D.受精
- 2融入世界经济潮流是国家发展与进步的必然选择。阅读材料回答问题。(16分)1、“天朝物产丰富,无所不有,原不籍外夷货物以通
- 3某工厂要制造A种电子装置41台,B种电子装置66台,需用薄钢板给每台装置配一个外壳,已知薄钢板的面积有两种规格:甲种薄钢
- 4某同学为检验溶液中是否含有常见的四种无机离子,进行了如图所示的实验操作。其检验过程中产生的气体能使红色石蕊试纸变蓝,白色
- 5下图为某日部分地区昼夜示意图,阴影部分表示黑夜,其余部分表示白昼。读下图回答问题。(6分)(1)按东、西半球部分,图上阴
- 6西红柿因其美味可口,营养丰富,越来越受到人们的青睐。用开水烫一下西红柿,会在其表面撕下一层皮,这层皮属于[ ]A
- 7设数列的各项都是正数,且对任意,都有,其中 为数列的前项和。(1)求证数列是等差数列;(2)若数列的前项和为Tn,求Tn
- 8端午节吃粽子是中华民族的习惯.今年农历五月初五早餐时,小明妈妈端上一盘粽子,其中有3个肉馅粽子和7个豆沙馅粽子,小明从中
- 9社会生活需要秩序,秩序来自__________。
- 10十全十美的人在现实生活中是不存在的。[ ]
- 1我国首部国家形象宣传片于2011年1月17日在美国纽约时报广场首播。之所以要重视在世界范围内宣传我国的国家形象,是因为[
- 22009年国庆放假8天。根据规定,用人单位在10月l—3日和6日期间安排劳动者加班的,应按不低于劳动者本人日或小时工资的
- 3某同学在做“利用单摆测重力加速度”实验中,先测得摆线长为97.50cm,摆球直径为2.0cm,然后用秒表记录了单摆振动5
- 4图甲是某生产流水线上的产品输送及计数装置示意图。其中S为激光源,Rl为光敏电阻(有光照射时,阻值较小;无光照射时,阻值较
- 5The doctors insisted that the patient was in danger, and tha
- 6已知高为2,底面边长为1的正四棱柱的俯视图是一个面积为1的正方形,则该正四棱的正视图的面积不可能等于( )A.2-1B
- 7美国学者威廉·卡赖在《1900年以来的美国史》中说“到1929年,美国……工业利润之高越出常轨,联邦税收政策偏袒富人。这
- 8制作人口腔上皮细胞临时装片的方法步骤:用洁净的纱布把载玻片和盖玻片擦干净;在载玻片的中央滴一滴生理盐水;用清毒牙签在自己
- 9物质的变化需要在一定条件下进行,通过控制反应条件可以控制化学反应的快慢.下列做法是为了控制化学反应变慢的是[ ]
- 10依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是[ ]①这两个__________的老朋友就在茶馆里畅谈起来。②作为上