当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 物主代词 > 在下列各句的每个空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出。小题1:Remember always be p       with these poor...
小题1:Remember always be p       with these poor kids. They need our care and love.
小题2:Don’t l       heart when you are in danger.
小题3:The man p        the sick child with some food last night, and now the boy is much better.
小题4:Hope Project has sent many s      designed(设计) computers to some schools in poor areas.
小题5:The teenagers in the 21st c       are much more different as we thought.


小题1:句意:记着要一直对这些可怜的孩子们有耐心。他们需要我们的关心和疼爱。be patient with对……有耐心。
小题2:句意:当你处于危险中时,不要失去信心。lose heart 失去信心。位于祈使句中用动词原形lose.
小题3:句意:昨晚,那个男人为生病的孩子提供了一些事物,现在那个男孩好多了。provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物。根据时间状语last night,此处用一般过去时provided 。
小题5:句意:正如我们所想,21世纪的青少年非常不同。the 21st century21世纪。
试题【在下列各句的每个空格内填上一个适当的完整的单词,该词的首字母已给出。小题1:Remember always be p       with these poor】;主要考察你对物主代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:I’m sorry to say that those shoes in your size are not ____________ at our shop. (可以获得的)
小题2:He ______________ hard after he finished the 200-metre race. (呼吸)
小题3:The shirt with blood on it is one of the _________________.  (工程师)
小题4:Old people can’t get used to the new lifestyle _______________. (马上)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Rub this oil into your skin and your headache will_____________ (appear) soon. Have a try!
小题2:Last week two children were burnt to ____________in the fire. (die)
小题3:His father began to learn English in his ____________( forty).
小题4:The worker in blue was paid _________ but did most for the factory. (little)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
小题1:Our teacher told us that the earth ____________ (move ) around the sun.
小题2:Audrey Hepburn ___________(honour) with a number of awards during her lifetime.
小题3:--Why didn’t you understand the problem? I explained it just now. 
--Sorry, I _______________(consider) where to spend my holiday.
小题4:Please stop talking, guys. I can’t hear what the youth worker__________(announce).
小题5:How happy the students from different countries were            (see) each other yesterday!
小题6:The old man seems rather sad. Perhaps he ________ (lose) something important.
小题7:Before I saw the film, I _______________ (not see) a film for 2 years.
小题8:His parents promised that they ____________ (take) him to the USA if he did well in all his subjects.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Could you please      me with my English? (help)
小题2:Our Party had her       birthday a few days ago. (nine)
小题3:Which do you like _______(good),carrots or tomatoes?
小题4:I want______ (buy) a book.
小题5:The old woman is walking ________ (slow).
小题6:She said that she________ (see) the film.
小题7:Wow ,the soup ________  (taste) so nice
小题8:The boy should stop ________ (wear) that silly earring.
小题9:Don’t worry about the ________ (child) heath. They can look after themselves.
小题10:Your sister is too young ________    (go) to school.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Dali has beautiful      .(风景)
小题2:Although junk food isn’t       , many people like to eat it. (健康)
小题3:Many young people usually enjoy      . (流行音乐)
小题4:We should ________the difficulties in our studies. (克服)
小题5:The price of these shoes are very     .(便宜)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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