当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 物主代词 > 根据对话内容填空(每空1分,共5分)(Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai.)Clerk:    Hel...
(Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai.)
Clerk:    Hello, Beijing Railway Station. Can I help you?
Kangkang: Yes, I’d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai    小题1: March 13th.
Clerk:    OK. The train leaves at 11:45 a.m. and    小题2: at Taishan Railway
Station at 6:44 p.m.
Kangkang: Great. And what about the   小题3: ?
Clerk:    We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper. What _  小题4: do you want?
Kangkang: I’d like to book 21 hard sleeper tickets.
Clerk::    Please    小题5: for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. May I have your name and telephone number, please?
Kangkang: Sure. I’m Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-2448. Thank you.
Clerk:    You’re welcome.


小题2:考查固定搭配的用法。arrive at/in到达。and前后连接两个动词时,第一个动词用什么时态,第二个动词就用什么时态,本句中and前的动词用第三人称单数的形式,故arrive也要用单三形式。故填arrives。
小题3:考查名词的用法。what about怎么样?根据下文回答价格,可知本句问多少钱?price价格。故填price。
小题5:考查固定短语的用法。pay for支付。句意:请在下午五点半之前支付。故先pay。
试题【根据对话内容填空(每空1分,共5分)(Kangkang is booking train tickets to Mount Tai.)Clerk:    Hel】;主要考察你对物主代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:I’m ______ _______( 害怕) speaking English in public.
小题2:How can we________ _________ (解决)the problems?
小题3:The headmaster called on the students to _____  ____(筹钱) for the poor boy.
小题4:They are ________ _______ (骄傲) their players.
小题5:He _________ ____________ (不再) felt lonely after the teacher had a talk with him.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
take ; hear; spring ; excite;  interest
Dear Li Wei,                  Sunday, April 7th
How are you?
I have some great news to tell you. Next week, we’re going on a spring field trip. You know,  小题1: is the best time to climb Mount Tai. There are many小题2: places to visit there. Mount Tai is in Taishan, Shandong. So we decided   小题3: the train. Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets. I also called to book some rooms.
Many of us didn’t have enough money, so Michael advised us to raise money, such as  
putting on a show, and to sell flowers and old books. It’s so   小题4: !
I’m looking forward to   小题5:  from you.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The Internet says people killed a lot of wild animals for m____小题1:____ money. Some people like e____小题2:_____ the wild animals, but they don’t know wild animals can also b___小题3:___ diseases to people. We must do something to s____小题4:____ the diseases from harming our h____小题5:____.
A____小题6:____, many people don’t know the i_____小题7:_____ of protecting the wild animals. The n____小题8:____of wild animals is smaller and smaller. In order to k___小题9:____ the balance of nature, we should try our best to p____小题10:______ wild animals and our environment.
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根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 (每空限填一词)。
小题1:There were many tears in my eyes when I was c___________ the onions. 
小题2:Which are you better at, spoken English or w____________ English?
小题3:Hangzhou is a good place for the v ____________to go sightseeing. 
小题4:-Lucy, could you move your things to your bedroom? The living room is too crowded. I can’t go a       to the kitchen.
-All right, Mum.
小题5:In J ______ , the first month of the year, it is always very cold in my hometown.
小题6:A        , please! I have something important to tell you.
小题7:Every man is a fool s       , and none at all times.
小题8:The fast food i________ isn’t bad for your health, but eating too much isn’t good for you. 
小题9:-Wow, long time no see. -We didn’t e__________ to meet you here.
小题10:He’s visited many countries and has learnt several f_______ languages.  
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
This is my school ________ is near the post office.                 

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