B: letter
C: sentence
D: notice
试题【If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _____. [ ]A: m】;主要考察你对可数名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. High-speed trains of the future will have no w______.
3. There isn"t so much s_____ to put these tables in.
4. People use a m____ to order dishes (点菜) and to find information on a computer.
5. I"ve no idea how everything is going with my brother. I haven"t r_____ any information from him.
6. What"s the p_____ of the city? It"s 50million. It"s larger than that of ours.
7. He likes traveling a lot. He often goes a______ on holiday.
8. Mount Qomolangma is the highest m______ in the world.
9. The word "r_____" has the same meaning as the word "garbage".
10. We should do our best to stop polluting to make the e_____ of our city cleaner.
B. million of stars
C. millions of stars
D. millions of star
2. W_______ air or water, nobody can live.
3. Rowan Atkinson is a funny actor. In his movie "Mr. Bean", he always makes us l_______.
4. I"m going to retire s_______ warm and beautiful.
5. On weekends, I often help my mother do the d_______.
[ ]
B. wheel
C. bicycle
D. runner
2.Not all the girls like to get their ears _________.
3.I haven"t seen my cat for a few days. I"m _________ about it.
4.The man who is wearing a suit might be running to _________ a bus.
5.Everyone needs to have at least eight _________ sleep a night.
- 1听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。1. Why do people in England often talk about
- 2盲目从众的人容易被周围的环境左右,最终不能坚持自己的主张,从而与成功失之交臂。克服盲目从众的途径有 [ ]①不断
- 3阅读下面一段文字,回答问题。(4分)寒来暑往,四季更替,这是自然界的规律。春天,冰雪消溶、草长莺飞;夏天,草木茂盛、蜂拥
- 4在干冰、一氧化碳、熟石灰、活性炭、酒精等物质中,请选出适当的物质按要求填空:(1)能消除冰箱中异味的物质是______.
- 5三个互不重合的平面把空间分成六个部份时,它们的交线有 ( )条.A.1B.2C.3D.1或2
- 6以下结构或部位中不能产生ATP的是[ ]A.线粒体的基质 B.线粒体的内膜 C.叶绿体的基质 D.叶绿体类囊体薄
- 7Mother _____ him to study hard, but it didn"t seem to help.
- 8Sarah Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of th
- 9I don’t know who invented __________ telescope, but I think
- 10下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A.我们要善于寻找并判断诗人提供的形象背后所蕴含的情感,欣赏活动不可停留在表面
- 1如图所示,在△ABC中,AD⊥BC,BE⊥AC,BC=12,AC=8,AD=6,求BE的长。
- 2过点P(1,4)作直线与两坐标轴的正半轴相交,当直线在两坐标轴上的截距之和最小时,求此直线方程.
- 3以下是几位同学对平抛运动的规律的探究,请据要求回答问题:(1)甲同学设计了如图A所示的演示实验,来研究平抛运动。两球置于
- 4华裔科学家高琨因“在光纤传输信息领域中的突破性成就” 获得2009年诺贝尔物理学奖,下列有关硅材料的说法正确的是 [
- 5 abcd是质量为m,长和宽分别为b和l的矩形金属线框,有静止沿两条平行光滑的倾斜轨道下滑,轨道平面与水平面成θ角。ef
- 6在人体的消化腺中,哪一结构分泌的消化液不含消化酶( )A.肠腺B.肝脏C.胃腺D.胰腺
- 7计算(1)-40-19+24; (2)-7+13-6+20(3)1+(-2)+|-2-3|-5(
- 8寒假里,春节刚过,还在上初一的冬冬的电话特别多,而且许多的电话是女生打来的,多是问作业和商量问题的。但妈妈还是担心儿子会
- 9根据汉语完成句子1.She is very____other people"s feelings. 她很能体贴他人的
- 10春节期间,同学小张在商店里购买了一款打折的进口商品MP4,原标价为人民币550元,实际支付400元。在这次购买活动中,货