B. any boy
C. any other boys
D. the other boy
试题【Jim is funnier than ______ in his class. [ ]A. any other boy B. any boyC. an】;主要考察你对可数名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
— Sorry, you can"t. Your father has to use it.
B. go to the movies
C. use the car
D. go to school
B. part-time work
C. part-time job
D. part time-job
B. butter
C. bread
D. turkey
2. After I came to this school, I knew how to cook _________ (美味的) food.
3. Jim"s favourite _________ (科目) is Home Economics.
4. The students in Grade 9 in a Middle School are called _________ (毕业班的学生).
5. Jordan is my hero. When I was young, I _________ (钦佩) him very much.
6. Don"t make any noise. I"m reading an _________ (文章) by a girl from the USA.
7. I don"t think ________ (地理) and _________ (科学) are _________ (不重要).
8. I love this game and I spend a lot of time __________ (练习).
9. There are many kinds of different __________ (语言) in the world.
10. China is a country with a long __________ (历史).
2. Don"t make any excuses. It"s ________ (useful).
3. Most bosses use ________ (few) people and ________ (little) money to do more work.
4. Please take the medicine ________ (two) a day.
5. In China, most schools are ________ (mix) schools.
6. She said, "I can teach ________ (me) English from now on."
7. In some American states, people can have ________ (drive) lessons at school.
8. We don"t know this song very well because it"s ________ (popular).
9. During our journey, it"s often sunny. So it"s a ________ (please) trip.
10. It"s _______ (bored) to talk to a man of few words.
- 1设数列{an}是公差不为零的等差数列,Sn是数列{an}的前n项和,且=9S2,S4=4S2,求数列的通项公式.
- 2 It is easier to make a plan than _____.A.carry it outB.to c
- 3下面句中加点的成语运用不恰当的一项是( )A.他活过的八十四年,经历了登峰造极的君主政体和曙光初现的革命年代。B.不可言
- 4材料一:滇池是云南省最大的淡水湖,素有高原明珠之称。滇池因周围居住着"滇"部落或有水似倒流、“滇者,颠也”之说,故曰“滇
- 5请用一句话概括出下面一则消息的主要内容,不超过20个字。(3分)今年4月19日上午,沙尘天气突袭天山北坡一带,沙尘笼罩了
- 6读漫画“如此汲水”,完成3、4题。图2一3小题1:图示漫画主要说明A.井越深,水质越好B.水有多深,植被根系就能扎多深C
- 7已知a∈R,函数f(x)=+lnx-1,g(x)=(lnx-1)ex+x(其中e为自然对数的底数).(Ⅰ)求函数f(x)
- 81904年,清政府颁布《奏定学堂章程》,不是因为[ ]A.帝国主义列强的要求B.西学东渐的广泛影响C.近代工业对
- 9【题文】集合,则下列结论正确的是
- 10(8分)已知:(1)该反应的生成物中含有的官能团的名称是__________,该物质在一定条件下能发生_______(填
- 1我们以这些殖民地善良的人民的名义和权利,谨庄严宣告:这些联合殖民地从此成为、而且名正言顺地成为自由独立的合众国,他们解除
- 2Every pet owner loves his pet. There is no argument here.But
- 3If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give
- 4日前,全球淡水资源日益减少,提倡全社会节约用水.据测试:拧不紧的水龙头每分钟滴出 100 滴水. 每滴水约 0. 05
- 5一个数a在数轴上表示的点是A,当点A在数轴上向左平移了3个单位后到达点B,点A与点B表示的数恰好互为相反数,那么数a是什
- 6After his journey,Gerald hoped to find an inn to _________ t
- 7下图是某同学在研究性学习中查阅的一张报纸。据这份报纸判断,他的研究课题最有可能是A.胡佛宣誓就任美国总统B.奥斯卡奖的历
- 8北京奥运会广泛应用了节能减排技术,成为节约能源、减少二氧化碳排放量的成功典范.下列措施中,不属于节能减排的是( )A.
- 9完形填空。 I should say I owe my success to my mother. My bel
- 10加强对官吏的检察是实现吏治清明的重要措施。秦汉具有监察职能的官职和机构是( )①御史大夫 ②刺史 ③丞相