B. questions
C. answers
D. differences
试题【Find out the ________ between these two pictures and circle them with your pen. 】;主要考察你对可数名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. The birds were flying about and twittering with d .
3. Did Mr Black leave any m for anybody?
4. The telephone r again ahout ten o"clock last night.
5. Will the b ring if I press the switch?
6. The idea s good.
7. She went m after the death of her son.
8. Many foreign friends are e to visit the Great Wall.
2. Missing the train m_____waiting for an hour.
3. I won"t w_____that he should have refused to help.
4. We will c_____the New Year with a party.
5. N_____ Day is on the first day of October.
6. A_____, I don"t know the answer,either.
7. New Year is a traditional Chinese f_____.
8. They want to travel d_____the holiday.
9. He doesn"t want to go out. He wants to r_____at home.
10. There are many d_____between living in a city and living in the country.
B. Customs
C. Interests
D. Actions
—He is a who works in the field on a farm.
1. We want some v _____ to help paint the house.
2. The soldier had a terrible w _____in his belly.
3. The little dog w _____ its tail with pleasure.
4. You"d better h _____ if you want to see him.
5. It is n _____ for old people to understand what they think and feel.
6. Mary r _____ to the door when she heard the car.
7. Mrs. White gave b _____ to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
8. The policeman is looking for the o _____ of the dog.
9. You really b _____ quite well.
10. The old woman lives alone. She often feels l _____.
- 1下列叙述正确的是A.推广使用太阳能、风能、海洋能、氢能,有利于缓解温室效应B.乙醇和汽油都是可再生能源,应大力推广“乙醇
- 2已知NA代表阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法正确的是A.34 g H2O2中含有的阴离子数为NAB.在含Al3+总数为NA的Al
- 3在某地图上,5厘米表示实地距离100千米,该地图的比例尺为[ ]A.1:2000000B.1:1000000C.
- 4芸芸在网上遇到一个很聊得来的网友,当网友约她见面时她毫不犹豫的答应了。[ ]
- 5有些同学进人初三后,觉得学习压力明显加重,总担心考不好,产生了考试焦虑现象。下列对学习压力和考试焦虑的理解不正确的是 [
- 6(1)23+(-15)+13(2)10+(-2)×(-5)2(3)(14-12+16)×24(4)(-6)÷(24-48
- 7对“I+WE=FULLY”这个公式理解正确的是 [ ]A.我加我们等于大
- 8Would you mind ____ hereA.smoke B.smokingC.not smokingD.smok
- 9 (10分)如图所示,处于匀强磁场中的两根光滑足够长、电阻不计的平行金属导轨相距1 m,导轨平面与水平面成θ=37°角,
- 10有下列命题:①设集合M={x|0<x≤3},N={x|0<x≤2},则“a∈M”是“a∈N”的充分而不必要条件;②命题“
- 1如图,带电平行板长为L,距离为d将电子(质量为m、电量为-e)在两板中央以速度v0垂直电场方向射入,飞出电场时侧位移为d
- 2已知圆C: 直线(1)证明:不论取何实数,直线与圆C恒相交;(2)求直线被圆C所截得的弦长的最小值及此时直线的方程.
- 3According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes f
- 4李芾字叔章,广平人。生而聪警。初以荫补南安司户,辟祁阳尉,出振荒,即有声。摄祁阳县,县大治,辟湖南安抚司幕官。时盗起永州
- 5— I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.— ____
- 6美国是典型的联邦制国家。下列内容符合联邦制国家特征的是A.全国只有一个中央政权,一部宪法,一种法律体系B.联邦制国家不是
- 7已知函数f(x)=12cos2x+sinxcosx-12sin2x(1)求f(x)的最小正周期、对称轴方程(2)求f(x
- 8阅读下面文言文,完成后面题。丞相平者,阳武户牖乡人也。少时家贫,好读书,有田三十亩,独与兄伯居。伯常耕田,纵平使游学。
- 9如果(a﹣x)2=a2+ya+,则x、y的值分别为[ ]A.,﹣或﹣,B.﹣,﹣C.﹣,D.,
- 10某桶装水经营部每天的房租、人员工资等固定成本为200元,每桶水的进价为5元,当销售单价为6元时,日均销售440桶,销售单