B. chicken; tomato
C. chickens; tomatoes
D. chickens; tomato
试题【Do you have any ________and ________for lunch?[ ]A. chicken; tomatoesB. chic】;主要考察你对可数名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
C. citys
D.the cities
2.You are too tired. So the doctor hopes you can give up ________(work) and have a good rest.
3.He was ________(introduce) to my friends.
4.It is ________(say) that it will be sunny tomorrow.
5.Because of ________(Lily) hard-working, she went to a famous university.
2. Yuan Longping is famous for his h________ rice.
3. He g________ from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953.
4. Yuan Longping has d________ himself to research.
5. Yuan Longping was h________ with the name “Father of Hybrid Rice”.
6. China now p________ enough rice to feed her people every year.
7. In his s________ time, he often writes some stories.
8. It is just a cold. N________ serious.
9. Now Professor Yuan is working on d________ super hybrid rice.
10. She is a s________ swimming in China.
B. spacecrafts
C. spacecraft
D. underground
2. Mr. Wu teaches _______ (we)English. He is a very good teacher.
3. Linda often helps her friends. She is a _______ (help)girl.
4. Look,the baby has only three _______ (tooth).How lovely !
5. Lily and I _______ (be)in the same class. We are classmates.
- 1相传有个人因为不讲究说话的艺术,常引起误会,把好事办成了坏事。一天,这个人摆宴席,请来了一些客人,他见几位客人还没到,就
- 2若4x-1与2-3x互为相反数,则x=______.
- 3已知i、j分别是x、y轴正方向的单位向量,点P(x,y)为曲线C上任意一点,a=(x-1)i+yj,b=(x+1)i+y
- 4下列有关当今世界形势特点的表述,不正确的是( )A.缓和与紧张、和平与动荡并存B.地区冲突和民族矛盾明显加剧C.两极
- 51913年章太炎在报上刊登征婚广告,条件是:以湖北籍女子为限;须文理清顺;大家闺秀;要不沾染学堂中平等自由之恶习;有从夫
- 6沃尔夫在1935年写道:“(它)公认是科学史上最伟大的著作。……二百多年来,它一直是全部天文学和宇宙学思想的基础。”他所
- 7(14分)A、B、C三种元素的原子具有相同的电子层数,且都是短周期元素。已知A是一种金属元素,A原子的最外层电子数为1,
- 8如果把分式中的x和y都扩大2倍,即分式的值[ ]A. 扩大4倍B. 扩大2倍C. 不变D缩小2倍
- 9五四精神的主旋律是A.爱国精神和牺牲精神B.民主精神 C.追求真理D.文化启蒙
- 10在△ABC中,A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,已知a2=b2+c2+bc,则A等于[ ]A.120°B.60°
- 1Many things such as going abroad and owning a car, ____ impo
- 2The Chinese abacus(算盘), officially ______ as a cultural heri
- 3某高中生的下列行为中,属于参与政治生活的有( )①参与县乡人大代表换届选举 ②参与民主评议居委会干部 ③帮助村委会打
- 4放大镜实际上就是一只______镜,我们通过放大镜看到物体的像是______、______、______像;使用时,必须
- 5我国第五代隐形战机-歼20已研制并试飞成功,速度可达声速的2.35倍.若以680m/s的速度飞行,10秒内可飞行____
- 6如果关于x、y的方程组的解适合方程3x+y=-7,求k的值.
- 7如图,已知动点A在函数(x>o)的图象上,AB⊥x轴于点B,AC⊥y轴于点C,延长CA至点D,使AD=AB,延长B
- 8在我国古代,人们常以“牛”、“耕”作为名、字,如孔子的弟子司马耕,字子牛;晋国有位大力士姓牛字子耕,这反映了牛耕技术在当
- 9 麋鹿生态旅游区位于盐城周家海洋湿地保护区。下图为麇鹿生态旅游区江苏省内游客数量变化图。据此回答问题。(1)根据旅
- 10阅读诗歌,完成下列问题。 静女 《诗经·邶风》 静女其姝①,俟我于城隅②。爱③而不见,搔首踟蹰④