当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 划线提问型 > 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Mr. Smith is a teacher. Yesterday he did a survey of what his s...
Mr. Smith is a teacher. Yesterday he did a survey of what his students did on their last day off and this is what he learned.
Linda went to see her grandparents. Her grandparents live in the countryside. They are very old. But they don’t like to live in the city. They want to have a quiet life. Tom helped his parents do some housework. He cleaned the room, took out the trash, washed all the clothes . At noon, he helped his mother cook lunch. Mary look after her little brother because her mother was ill. Her father had to look after her mother in the hospital. Mike studied history at home. He isn’t good at history. He thinks it is too difficult for him. His father helped him. Both his father and his mother hope that Mike can be good at all his subjects. They want him to study in a famous university one day.
小题1:Where do Linda’s grandparents live?
小题2:Why did Mary look after her little brother ?
小题3:Is Mike good at history?
(二) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。

小题1:They live in the countryside
小题2:Because her mother was ill.
小题3:No, he isn’t.
小题4:Tom (汤姆)帮他的父母亲做家务。
小题5:他的爸爸不得不照顾生病住院的母亲。/ 他爸爸不得不在医院照顾妈妈。

小题1:They live in the countryside根据第二段提到Linda went to see her grandparents. Her grandparents live in the countryside我的爷爷住在农村。
小题2:Because her mother was ill.根据第二段提到Mary look after her little brother because her mother was ill.玛丽照顾我的小弟弟因为她的妈妈生病了。
小题3:No, he isn’t.根据第二段倒数第二行提到He isn’t good at history他不善长历史。
小题4:Tom (汤姆)帮他的父母亲做家务。这个句子中考查help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事,do some houseword 做家务。
小题5:他的爸爸不得不照顾生病住院的母亲。/ 他爸爸不得不在医院照顾妈妈。Have to do 不得不做某事,look after sb照顾某人,in the hospital在医院。
试题【阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Mr. Smith is a teacher. Yesterday he did a survey of what his s】;主要考察你对划线提问型等知识点的理解。[详细]
“ Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site(网站), has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang Lin enjoy shopping online. Most online shoppers are students or young workers. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home use products (产品) are the most popular online.
It was reported that more than 250 billion yuan was spent on online shopping last year, 80% through Taobao. 
Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security (安全) online shopping. Wang Lin said, “It is very safe and convenient (便利). Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return the product.”
Taobao: China’s   小题1:    online shopping center
More Internet users   _小题2:    shopping online.
Women like online shopping   _小题3:     than men.
Clothing and home use produces are the ___小题4:  popular.
People spent 250 billion yuan on ___小题5: shopping last year.
It means “小题6:   for treasure” .
You can find almost    小题7:  you need.
It is very   小题8:    and convenient.
Don’t need to   小题9:    about the security.
If you are not satisfied with the products, you can get your money   小题10:  .

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It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul. Beautiful and bright eyes not only show a good health but also make you look very attractive. However, to have healthy eyes you have to look after them properly. Yours eyes need everyday attention.
Pay more attention to your diet. First, eat food that is good for your eyes. They are fresh fruits and vegetables as fish, eggs, and milk. Besides, a regular amount of vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.
A regular and enough sleep is necessary. It relaxes the eye muscles(肌肉)and gives them the rest required. Sleep not only helps the body to repair its tired tissues (组织). Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eye.
You must exercise your eyes every day. Blink (眨眼) yours eyes at regular periods(周期), which makes the eyeballs watery, and gives them a good wash.
We use our eyes in many unnoticeable and wrong ways. Fox example, if a small thing goes into our eye we start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing can cause damage(伤害) to your eyes. Don’t read or write in poor or bright sunlight. Always use sunglasses as sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Light should not shine directly(直接)in your eyes. Reading, writing, watching television or working on the computer for too long without a rest can also cause eye tiredness.
Remember to always look after God’s most beautiful gift to you. Your life will be very colourless without your eyes.
小题1:  to keep your eyes healthy
●Eating food good for your eyes,  小题3: as fresh fruits, vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质).
●Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly.
●Having a regular and enough sleep is   小题4:
●Reducing loss of  小题5: .
Eye exercising
●Having your eyes exercised every day.
 小题6: your eyes at regular periods makes the eyeballs watery .
Eye using
●It’s  小题7:  to rub your eye when something goes in.
●Read or write in soft sunlight.
●Light should never shine in your eyes 小题8:  .
●Take a 小题9: after reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer for too long .
Remember to always take 小题10: of God’s most beautiful gift to you

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They  careful  be  fact   take  would  other  stand  what  decide
with  year  expect  few  say
I am eighteen小题1:old this year. I 小题2: a pupil before and now I’m a university student. My mother was my first teacher when I was very little. Then , I had three 小题3:eachers in different schools. Now Miss Williams is one of my university teachers.
I have never 小题4: that I will be a teacher one day. I am a shy girl and I am  afraid of _小题5: before many people. I do not know 小题6:to say. But I will be a teacher tomorrow  morning!I made this 小题7: just two weeks ago. Miss Williams, my English teacher, told me there was a teacher job, just for two weeks in this summer. She asked if I _小题8:be interested . I wanted to make some money, so I 小题9:my word back.
There are about twenty foreign boys and girls in the class. They know very little English. I have _小题10: read the book that Williams gave me . Four of the lessons are very simple, in _小题11: too simple. I do not know what to do 小题12: these 小题13:_ simple words and sentences. I will read the lesson to them , and ask them to read after me, and then ask them to read it 小题14:. That will be about ten minutes, what shall I do next ?
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“A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Sometimes in life, you find a special friend: someone who changes you life just by being part of it; someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop; someone who convinces( 使相信 ) you that there really is an open door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship.
When you"re sad, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full; Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows; If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on; Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be ok.
And if you find such a friend, you feel happy because you need not worry. You have a forever friend for life and forever has no end.
Forever friendship
What’s a __小题1:___friend like?
★ ___小题2:___ your life just by being part of it.
★ Make you laugh until you can’t stop.
★ Make you___小题3:__ that there really is a way of __小题4:__ problems.
What’s forever friendship like in time of____小题5:___?
★ When you are not ___小题6:__, your forever friend can cheer you up.
★ Your forever friend can help you turn the ___小题7:__ and empty world into a bright and full one.
★ With the help of your forever friend, you can go through the difficult and sad times more ___小题8:__.
★ Wherever you go, he will follow you.
★ You can turn to him for help even when you lose your way.
★ Nothing can worry you if you find a ___小题9:__friend.
It’s ___小题10:___ for all of us to find forever friendship.

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小题1:He developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer and improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers.
小题2:During his lifetime, he had over 1000 inventions, most of which changed the world.
小题3:He is a great thinker. Many Chinese people are still influenced by his thoughts today.
小题4:He was a doctor. In 1938 he came to China from Canada to help the Chinese and died the next year after he operated on a Chinese wounded soldier.
小题5:He is one of the Chinese famous persons. He is the first astronaut who flew into space in China. We are proud of him!
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