当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 根据中文提示,完成句子。 1. 他喜欢说不喜欢写。    He _______ speaking to _______. 2. 他说他讨厌乘飞机旅行。    H...
根据中文提示,完成句子。 1. 他喜欢说不喜欢写。
    He _______ speaking to _______.
2. 他说他讨厌乘飞机旅行。
    He said that he _______ _______ by air.
3. 在他小时候,他总是尝试新的实验。
    When he was a small child, he _______ always _______ out new ideas.
4. 我们好久没有收到他的来信了。 
    We haven"t _______ _______ him for a long time.
5. 他们上周都在为凯特的生日聚会担心。
    They _______ all _______ about Kate"s birthday party last week.
6. 老师让我们上课别说话。
    The teacher asked us _______ _______ talk in class.
7. 一定要让他准时还书
    _______ _______ that he can return the book on time.
8. 我已经把它写在这张纸上了
    I"ve _______ it _______ on this piece of paper already.
9. 当我看到她们时,她们正在喂马。
    They were _______ the horses some _______ when I saw them
10. 活到老学到老。
      You"re _______ too _______ to learn.
1. prefers, writing  2. hated traveling  3. was, trying  4. heard from  5. were, worried
6. not to  7. make sure  8. written, down  9. feeding, food  10. never, old
试题【根据中文提示,完成句子。 1. 他喜欢说不喜欢写。    He _______ speaking to _______. 2. 他说他讨厌乘飞机旅行。    H】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. 在回家得路上,我偶然遇上了好朋友。
    On my way home, I met my good friend ____ _____.
2. 建立和谐社会,人人有责。
    It"s everyone"s _____ to _____ a society in perfect hamony.
3. 周先生无论什么时候睡觉,总也睡不够。
    Mr. Zhou doesn"t get           sleep           he goes to bed.
4. 当他听到那个人令人伤心的消息忍不住哭了。
    He ____ help ____ when he heard the sad news.
5. 相信我!我不会让你失望的。
    Believe me! I ____ let you ____.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
根据所给汉语提示翻译句子。 1. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。
    ________ I didn"t do well in my lessons, I _______ gave up.
2. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久?
    How long did Bob ________ the world _______ in the long jump?
3. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。
    He couldn"t _______  _______ when he heard the sad news.
4. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。
    The train _______  _______ when I got to the train station.
5. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。
    The world will become much more beautiful if everyone _______ a contribution to _______ the environment.
题型:甘肃省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
按照所给汉语意思完成句子,注意语法正确,意思完整,词数不限。 1. 即使遇到很多的困难,我们永远不会放弃希望。
    Even if we meet with many difficulties, we will never ___________ hope.
2. 听到这令人兴奋的消息,他睡不着了。
    When he ____________ news, he couldn"t sleep.
3. 他是个篮球好手,他加入这个俱乐部两年了。
    He is a good basketball player. He ____________ in the club for two years.
4. 一方面,我们要学习好;另一方面,我们应该保持身体健康。
    ____________, we should study well; on the other hand, we ___________ keep healthy.
5. 夏天到了,天气正变得越来越热了。
    It is getting ____________ when summer comes.
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。     Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. 1 Our minds
also need a kind of food
. This kind of food is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge even we are very young.
2 孩子们对周围的一切都感兴趣.They learn something when they are watching and listening. When they are
getting older, they begin to read storybooks, science books and anything they like. 3 When they find something
new, they love to ask questions and try to find out the answers.
   4 获取知识的最佳方法是什么呢? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are
always getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. 5 If we study in the right
way, we will learn more and understand better.
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
汉译英。1. 他是这样一个人见人爱的宝宝。
2. 如果你下周二方便的话,我会来看你。
3. 蚌埠二中是一所中学生向往的学校。
4. 自从上个月起他一直在汶川作志愿者。
5. 在做重要决定之前,我们应该三思。
题型:0112 中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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