当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 根据所给汉语提示翻译句子。 1. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。     ________ I didn"t do well in my lessons, I...
根据所给汉语提示翻译句子。 1. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。
    ________ I didn"t do well in my lessons, I _______ gave up.
2. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久?
    How long did Bob ________ the world _______ in the long jump?
3. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。
    He couldn"t _______  _______ when he heard the sad news.
4. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。
    The train _______  _______ when I got to the train station.
5. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。
    The world will become much more beautiful if everyone _______ a contribution to _______ the environment.
1. Though / Although, never   2. hold / keep, record   3. help crying   4. had left / gone   5. makes, protecting
试题【根据所给汉语提示翻译句子。 1. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。     ________ I didn"t do well in my lessons, I】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
按照所给汉语意思完成句子,注意语法正确,意思完整,词数不限。 1. 即使遇到很多的困难,我们永远不会放弃希望。
    Even if we meet with many difficulties, we will never ___________ hope.
2. 听到这令人兴奋的消息,他睡不着了。
    When he ____________ news, he couldn"t sleep.
3. 他是个篮球好手,他加入这个俱乐部两年了。
    He is a good basketball player. He ____________ in the club for two years.
4. 一方面,我们要学习好;另一方面,我们应该保持身体健康。
    ____________, we should study well; on the other hand, we ___________ keep healthy.
5. 夏天到了,天气正变得越来越热了。
    It is getting ____________ when summer comes.
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。     Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. 1 Our minds
also need a kind of food
. This kind of food is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge even we are very young.
2 孩子们对周围的一切都感兴趣.They learn something when they are watching and listening. When they are
getting older, they begin to read storybooks, science books and anything they like. 3 When they find something
new, they love to ask questions and try to find out the answers.
   4 获取知识的最佳方法是什么呢? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are
always getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. 5 If we study in the right
way, we will learn more and understand better.
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
汉译英。1. 他是这样一个人见人爱的宝宝。
2. 如果你下周二方便的话,我会来看你。
3. 蚌埠二中是一所中学生向往的学校。
4. 自从上个月起他一直在汶川作志愿者。
5. 在做重要决定之前,我们应该三思。
题型:0112 中考真题难度:| 查看答案
句子翻译。按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。1. 孩子们被告诫不要用太多的时间玩电脑游戏。
    The children were told ________________________ in playing computer games.
2. 他认为这部小说值得再读一遍。
    He thinks this novel ___________________________.
3. 你知道火星离地球有多远吗?
    Do you know _____________________________ Earth?
4. 许多对我们有危险的工作将来都能由机器人来做。
    A lot of work which is dangerous to us can ___________________________.
5. 这个男孩还没有到独立处理这样的难题的年龄。
    The boy isn"t ________________________ such a difficult problem by himself.
6. 到目前为止,已有很多人在网上对她的言论作出了反应。
    So far, a large number of people ______________________ on the Internet.
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据所给汉语,完成句子,每空限填一词。1. 为了预防“非典”,我们更应该注意保持干净整洁,除掉陋习。  
    In order to prevent SARS, we should pay ________ attention to ________ everything clean 
    and tidyand get rid of our ________ ________.   
2. 开车只需半个小时就可以到达购物中心。  
    It"s only half an ________ ________ to get to the shopping centre.   
3. 这个主意听起来不错,我会考虑的。  
    This idea ________ ________ a good one. I will think about it.   
4. 如果马路上没有人行道,你最好靠道路的最右边走。  
    You"d better walk ________ ________ the right side of the road if there is no pavement.   
5. 一旦这件事失去控制,更多的人就会遭殃。 
 Once it is out of control, more people will ________ ________ trouble.   
6. 早饭你想吃什么,鸡蛋、面包还是面条?   
    What would you like to have ________ ________, eggs, bread or noodles?  
7. 展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。  
    The cars ________ ________ are all made in China.
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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