当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 根据汉语完成句子。1. 这部电影不适合孩子们看。        The movie isn"t _____  _____ children to see.  2...
1. 这部电影不适合孩子们看。    
    The movie isn"t _____  _____ children to see.  
2. 书为我们提供知识。    
    Books _____ knowledge _____ us.  
3. 没有人反对这个提议。   
    No one _____  _____ this proposal.
1. suitable for   2. provide; for   3. is against
试题【根据汉语完成句子。1. 这部电影不适合孩子们看。        The movie isn"t _____  _____ children to see.  2】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
根据汉语完成句子。   1. 赵州桥是由石头砌成的。          Zhaozhou Bridge                               stones.  2. 他们正在筹钱建一所新的学校。         They are           money                     a new school. 3. 你听说过那个美丽的地方吗?                   you                    the beautiful place?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
短语、句型:  1. 刘强不仅对家长有礼貌,对他的邻居也很有礼貌。     Liu Qiang is polite                to his parents                to his neighbors. (短语:not only…but also…)  2. 到会议结束时,他还没有露面。                              the meeting was over, he hadn"t turned up.(短语:by the time)  3. 北京以其众多的名胜古迹闻名于世。     Beijing                         its many places of interest in the world.(短语:be famous for) 4. 这是一座多么美丽的城市啊!                   the city is!(句型:感叹句How十adj./adv.+…!)   5. 她花了三个月的时间做这个试验。    It       her three months       this experiment.(句型:It takes/took sb.+时间/金钱+to do…)
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
语法:  1. 电影已经开始十分钟了。      The film       for ten minutes.  2. 昨天的会上问了很多问题。    Many questions                at yesterday"s meeting.    3. 如果我是你,我会按时到达的。    If I       you,I would arrive there on time.
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
1. 经过多年的努力,她的梦想终于实现了。         After many years" hard work, her dream                   at last. 2. 请问,到图书馆的路怎么走?                         , which is the way to the library? 3. 老师让同学们等车停稳后再下车。        The teacher told the students not        the bus until it stopped. 4. 每天晚上,我奶奶在家翻阅杂志。       Every evening, my grandmother                  magazines at home.   5. 我们应该把错的地方记在笔记本上。         We should                 our mistakes on our notebook      6. 他们的家庭生活和我们的相似,喜欢的食品和爱好也相同。      Their family life is                 ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies.  7. 如果你告诉他实情,他会很生你的气,但至少你证明了自己是诚实的。        If you tell him the truth, he"ll be angry with you, but                you"ll prove how honest you are.  8. 在回家的路上,我要去我女儿学校接她。       On my way home,I have to go to my daughter"s school to       her        .  9. WTO代表什么?      What does WTO                 ?10. 如果你不喜欢这个节目,就把电视关上。        If you don"t like the program,                the TV.
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
1. 你买东西的时候会不会带着自己的布口袋而不用塑料袋?      Do you take your own cloth bags when shopping                               using plastic bags?     2. 他们互相看了看便笑了起来。     They looked at                             and laughed. 。  3. 我们已经张贴出海报来告诉人们怎样保护环境    We have                              posters to tell people how to protect the environment.     4. 很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天怎么样?    I"m sorry I can"t go shopping with you today.                              tomorrow?  5 .多吃水果和蔬菜对身体健康有好处。                                      for our health to eat more fruit and vegetables. 6. 北京的援建工人一到什邡就开始了工作。      The workers from Beijing started working               they arrived in Shifang. 7. 他在这个诊所当了三年医生了。    He has                              a doctor in the clinic for three years.8. 体育迷有很多机会去观看激动人心的比赛。    Sports fans have lots of chances                             exciting competitions.    9. 你同意他想出来的计划吗?    Do you                              the plan that he has come up with? 10. 你的汽车出了故障,需要尽快修理。      Something               your car and it needs repairing as soon as possible.
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
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