当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 完成句子(共5小题,计15小分)根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。小题1:去年我在长城上遇见了她。____________________________...

小题1:I met/saw her on the Great Wall last year.
小题2:I have something interesting to tell you./I have something that is interesting to tell you.
小题3:He gave/left/told me his telephone number when he left/He gave/left/tole his telephone number to me when he left
小题4:Liu Xiang is one of the most popular sports stars in the world.
小题5:Your mother wants to know if/whether you have arrived at/reached school safely.

小题1:last year为去年的含义,故本题使用遇见的过去式met或看见的过去式saw,on the Great Wall表示在长城上的含义,故本题可翻译为I met/saw her on the Great Wall last year.
小题2:something interesting为一些有趣的事,表示目的用动词不定式to tell,故本题可翻译为I have something interesting to tell you.
小题3:把某物留给某人可以写成leave sb sth,his telephone为他的电话号码的含义,when引导时间状语从句,表示当……时候的含义,leave也可以表示离开的含义,本题表示过去,leave的过去式为left,故本题可翻译为He left me his telephone number when he left。
小题4:one of表示其中之一的含义,后跟形容词的最高级和可数名词的复数形式,the most popular表示最受欢迎的意思,sports stars为体育明星的含义,故本题可翻译为Liu Xiang is one of the most popular sports stars in the world.
小题5:want to know表示想知道的含义,后跟宾语从句用if或whether表示是否的含义,后跟句子的正常顺序,arrive at school或reach school表示到达学校的含义,本题表示过去要使用过去的结构形式,安全的单词为safely,修饰动词,故本题可翻译为Your mother wants to know if/whether you have arrived at/reached school safely.
My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada.小题1:I want a pen pal in China.小题2:I think China is a very interesting country. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. 小题3:我会说英语. I also know a little French. I have a brother. Paul, and a sister. Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.小题4:I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 小题5:我最喜欢的科目是体育.It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
英汉互译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。(共5个小题,每小题1分)
  Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems.小题1:We should learn how to deal with our problems. Here are some ways.
Firstly, we should learn to forget.小题2:有时我们会生朋友的气。Good friendships may be lost. Sometimes children have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other.小题3:However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us: we can solve a problem by learning to forget.
Secondly, we should regard problems as challenges. Many students often complain about school.小题4:他们有太多的作业要做。They think the rules are too strict. Education is an important part of our development. As young people, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge with the help of our teachers.
Don’t worry about our problems.小题5:Lets face the challenges.
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Pete is an honest boy,    ?
It is raining        heavily         I have to stay at home.
    interesting story this is!
  read in the sun,          you will have your eyes hurt
We should learn to      well with others.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
翻译语篇 阅读下面的短文.将文中划线部分的句子做相应的英、汉互译。
The students were having their chemistry class. 小题1: Miss Li was telling the students what water was like. After that, she asked her students, "What’s water?" No one answered. A few minutes later, Miss Li asked again, “小题2:你们为什么不回答我的问题? Didn’t I tell you what water was like? ”
Just then a student put up his hand and said, "Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. However, where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black, and it has a bad smell"小题3:大多数学生同意他的意见。
“I’m sorry, children?” said the teacher, 小题4: "Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier.
That’s a problem.小题5:We should do what we can to make the world cleaner."
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. 请原谅,简。这是你的字典吗?
Excuse me, Jane. _________ this your __________?
2. 那个是她的学生证。
That is _________   _________  ID card.
3. 请拨打453-8641给大卫。
Please _________  David _________  453-8641.
4. 你手里的橡皮擦是什么颜色的?
_________ color is the _________ in your hand?
5. 你的游戏机在失物招领处里。
Your computer game is in the _________ and _________ case.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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