B. She is from England.
C. She is from France.
( )2. A. On Monday.
B. On Friday.
C. On Saturday.
( )3. A. She has to look after her baby.
B. She has to go swimming.
C. She has to do some cooking.
( )4. A. He was at school.
B. He was at the party.
C. He was at the book shop.
( )5. A. They want to listen to some songs.
B. They want to find what"s wrong with the radio.
C. They want to listen to the weather report.
B. His father.
C. His mother.
B. No, he didn"t.
C. He only played with it for a few days.
B. Please remember to tell Tom that he has got the money.
C. Please remember that I have given Tom some money.
( )2. A. I want to help you to learn the meaning of this.
B. I just want to give you a little help.
C. I wonder how I can help you.
( )3. A. I don"t want to use your bathroom.
B. You can use my bathroom.
C. May I use your bathroom.
( )4. A. He will go to London in a few days.
B. He will go away from London in two days.
C. He will start for London tomorrow.
( )5. A. I"m sorry if you"re unhappy.
B. I"m sorry if you"re angry because of me.
C. I feel bad if you are sad.
B. Nice to meet you.
C. Don"t you think so?
( )2. A. What about yesterday?
B. Yes, it is.
C. Yes, it does.
( )3. A. It"s fine.
B. It"s Wednesday.
C. It"s November 8th.
( )4. A. Nice to see you again, Rebecca.
B. How old are you, Rebecca?
C. How do you do, Rebecca?
( )5. A. I think smoking is bad.
B. Never mind.
C. Perhaps I will take your advice, Thank you.
- 1(-56)4中,底数是______,指数是______.
- 2设a,b是两个单位向量,命题p:“(2a+b)⊥b”是命题a:“a•b”的夹角等于2π3成立的( )A.充分不必要条件
- 3(4分)现有下列四种物质:① SO2、② NO、③ Na2SO4溶液、④ AlCl3溶液。其中,遇空气变为红棕色的是
- 4在2010年上海世博会的所有运动场馆都安装了光纤网络.场馆中光纤的主要用途是( )A.输电B.通信C.导热D.照明
- 5如图甲、乙分别表示两个不同地区的地形图,两图的图幅相同.请读图回答下列问题.(1)甲、乙两图比较,比例尺较大的是____
- 6本题满分10分.已知椭圆,椭圆上动点P的坐标为,且为钝角,求的取值范围。
- 7等腰△ABC,一腰AB的垂直平分线交AC于D,已知AB=12,△DBC的周长为20,则BC的长为( )A.6B.8C.
- 8社会主义和谐社会的特征是什么?_____________________________________________
- 9计算:[a+2a2-2a+1-a2-4a+4a+1÷a2-4a2-1]-a-1a-2.
- 10已知A、B、C、D、X、Y、Z均为初中常见物质,各物质间有如图所示的转化关系(图中已略去部分物质).其中D不是盐,B不是
- 1目前世界上已知的最早的纸是[ ]A.古埃及人的纸草B.西汉早期用麻做的纸C.欧洲以羊皮作纸D.“蔡侯纸”
- 21945年斯大林说,第二次世界大战与过去的战争不同,“不仅是占领一片土地,亦将其社会制度加诸其上。”战后体现这一言论的事
- 3下列关于我国古代官营手工业的叙述,不正确的是A.春秋战国时期,由官府垄断B.西汉武帝以后,煮盐、冶铁、铸钱等行业,都收归
- 4下列各句中加点的成语,使用不恰当的一句是 A.8月30日16时30分
- 5下表是2005年1—9月中美两国投资和消费占GDP比率的比较,这给我国经济发展的启示是 投资率消费率美国10%左右6
- 6模型是人们为了某种特定目的而对认识的对象所做的一种简化的概括性描述,模型构建是生物学教学、研究和学习的一种重要方法。对下
- 7下列地理事象按因果联系表述正确的是[ ]A.工业联系—工业地域—工业集聚—工业城市B.工业集聚—工业地域—工业城
- 8阅读下面的文字,完成下面问题。无花的蔷薇之二(节选)①鲁迅 中华民国十五年三月十八日,段祺瑞政府使卫兵用步枪大刀,
- 9在500mL 0.2mol-L-1的稀硝酸中加入1.92g铜片,让其充分反应.试求:(1)产生的气体在标准状况下所占的
- 10如下图放置的圆柱,则它的左视图是下面的( )