B. In Beijing Union University.
C. In Beijing Foreign Languages University.
B. Less than five years ago.
C. More than five years ago.
B. More Language.
C. More love.
B. Because of her perfect language skill.
C. Because of her excellent voluntary services.
B. To get better test results.
C. To plan a sign language learning program.
试题【听材料,回答问题。1. Where is Hao Yue studying now? [ ]A. In Beijing University (大学).】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. We go to school on Friday.
C. We go to school on Weekdays.
( )2. A. The computer can"t give us much help.
B. We can do lots of things with the help of the computer.
C. We can"t live without the computer.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C.
( )5. A. B. C.
B. Oh, it"s still early.
C. It"s a quarter to nine.
( )2. A. That"s a good idea. Let"s make a plan for the journey.
B. What do you think of it?
C. The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.
( )3. A. It was all right.
B. It was cloudy.
C. It was dark.
( )4. A. It doesn"t matter.
B. Don"t be so serious.
C. I"m sorry. I got up late again.
( )5. A. Last week.
B. In the library.
C. Very interesting.
B. Thursday.
C. Friday.
( )2. A. In the super market.
B. In the classroom.
C. In the cinema.
( )3. A. She watched a table tennis match.
B. She played table tennis.
C. She saw a film.
( )4. A. She is reading.
B. She is writing.
C. She is drawing.
( )5. A. The report on the radio.
B. The war on Iraq (伊拉克).
C. The life of the president of Iraq.
B. not to draw on the wall
C. not to stand against the wall
B. picked up a piece of chalk
C. drew a sun on the wall
B. he cleaned the wall with his hand
C. he turned around and ran away
B. He found a picture on the wall.
C. He found nothing on the wall.
B. It was on David"s back.
C. It was taken away by his teacher.
- 1阅读下列材料,回答问题材料一:自公元1652年12月1日起及从此以后,……无论为英国人或别国人的殖民地所生长、出产或制造
- 2海上丝绸之路最早出现于[ ]A.西汉B.东汉C.三国D.秦朝
- 3一个物体从高度H处自由下落,落到地面上时,速度为v0,当它下落了全程的13时,其速度应为多少?当其速度为v04时,距地面
- 4下图为台湾岛轮廓图,读图回答各题。小题1:台湾岛修建环岛铁路,没有直接联系东、西部的横向铁路。据右图思考,这样选择线路主
- 5如图所示.三根长导线通电电流大小相同,通电方向为b导线和d导线向纸里,c导线向纸外,a点为bd的中点,ac垂直于bd,且
- 6在一幅三百万分之一的地图上,图上5厘米代表实地距离[ ]A、1.5千米 B、3千米 C、150千米 D、5千米
- 7回答问题:①地下水,②雪融化形成的水,③工业废水,④自来水,⑤纯净水,⑥矿泉水,⑦冰水混合物,⑧开水,⑨蒸馏水,这些水_
- 8已知一个多项式与3x2+9x的和等于3x2+4x-1,则此多项式是______.
- 9如图所示的电路中,三个相同的灯泡a、b、c和电感L1、L2与直流电源连接,电感的电阻忽略不计.电键K从闭合状态突然断开时
- 10下列根式是最简二次根式的是( )A.12B.0.3xC.x2+xy+y2D.203
- 1对话匹配:从B栏中选出与A栏相匹配的答语。 A.(
- 21977年,***重新恢复工作后出现的新面貌主要表现在① 知识和知识分子重新受到尊重②全国人民热烈庆祝粉碎“四人帮”③广
- 32002年12月26日,俄罗斯特种部队使用强力麻醉剂芬太奴(Fentanyl)和氟烷(Halothane)。下列有关氟烷
- 4下列说法正确的是A.在观察光的衍射实验中,下图所示的图样是不透明的小圆板的衍射图样B.紫外线的波长比伦琴射线的波长长,有
- 5I must have been a great _____ to my parents in those hard d
- 6以某一初速度从地球表面竖直上抛一个物体,能到达的最大高度为40m,某星球的半径约为地球半径的2倍,若在该星球上,以同样的
- 7CH4和O2(过量)混合气体840 mL(标准状况下),经电火花点燃充分反应,将反应后的气体(120℃)通过足量碱石灰(
- 8选出填入下列空白处最恰当的一项是:( ).不同历史发展阶段,不同地域的人们,由于生活经验的范围和性质不同,所( )而
- 9已知:如图,BD平分∠ABC,点E在BC上,EF∥AB.若∠CEF=100°,则∠ABD的度数为( )A.60°B.5
- 10化简31-3+4的结果是( )A.3-1B.3-3C.-1-3D.1+3