( )2. A. No, not yet. B. Yes, he did. C. Yes, he has.
( )3. A. Because China"s population grows fast.
B. Because China"s education is good.
C. Because China"s economy has developed a lot.
( )4. A. Yes, he think so. B. No, he doesn"t. C. I don"t know.
( )5. A. Too much traffic. B. Poor education. C. Population growth.
B. He likes drinking
C. He likes swimming
B. He hit a woman
C. He hit a car.
B. Because he had drunk too much
C. Because- something was wrong with his car
B. He loves his girlfriend.
C. He hates drinking.
B. Twice.
C. Never before.
B. Several months.
C. Several days.
B. In three days.
C. In four days.
B. Sixth.
C. I don"t know.
B. He doesn"t like here.
C. He doesn"t think it"s a wonderful place.
2. He stayed in the shop for hours.
3. The dog didn"t him to sit in the small car.
4. Mr. Smith had to start his car, but the key couldn"t .
5. At last he looked at the car again. It was not his car. He was in the car.
B. whether he wanted to put something in or to take something out of the fridge
C. locking the door when he left the room
B. what he wanted to buy
C. what he should bring
B. he w as less forgetful than the others
C. he could remember what he was doing
B. The second old man.
C. The third old man.
B. the second man is the most forgetful
C. all of them are not young
- 1下列物质中,属于盐类的是( )A.HNO3B.(NH4)2SO4C.MgOD.Fe
- 2电磁学的成就极大地推动了人类社会的进步.下列说法正确的是( )A.甲图中,这是录音机的录音电路原理图,当录音机录音时,
- 3下列各句中的标点符号使用不正确的一项是:( )A.你的生日——四月十八——每年我总记得。一切都是照着你是正式嫁过周家
- 4温家宝总理在2009年政府工作报告中提出,今后三年内各级政府拟投入医疗卫生领域的资金将达到8 500亿元人民币,用科学记
- 5【题文】下图示意某区域某季节等压线(单位:百帕)分布,完成9~10题。【小题1】甲处可能的气压值和所处大洲分别是
- 6水浒传》中有这么一段描写:店家切一盘熟牛肉,烫一壶热酒,请林冲吃。又自买了些牛肉,又吃了数杯。就又买了一葫芦酒,包了那两
- 7计算题:(1)-4.27+3.8-0.73+1.2 (2)2-22×2-3×(-1)2013(3)25×34-(
- 8如图所示,由粗细均匀的导电材料做成的单匝矩形线框abcd的电阻为R,线框的质量为m,高度为L、宽度为2L.若线框无初速度
- 9不属于特务机构的是 ①三省 ②六部 ③军机处 ④锦衣卫 ⑤东厂 ⑥三司 [ ]A、①②④⑥ B、①②③⑥ C、①
- 10等腰三角形的底角是顶角的两倍,则此等腰三角形的顶角为______.
- 1如图,OC平分∠AOB,点P是OC上一点,PM⊥OB于点M,点N是射线OA上的一个动点,若PM=5,则PN的最小值为__
- 2有一种AB2C2型分子,该分子以A原子为中心,下列有关它的说法正确的是A.假如为平面四边形,则有两种同分异构体B.假如为
- 3美国历史学家斯塔夫里阿诺斯认为:梭伦采取的减轻社会痛苦的措施是简单而又严厉的。以下措施中能充分说明梭伦对旧贵族“严厉”的
- 4下列划线词语古今意思相同的一项是 ( )A.行李之往B.樊将军以穷困归丹C.沛公奉卮酒为寿,约为婚姻D.人为刀俎
- 5—Oh,dear ! Bill, come here !Our little son ate a pill
- 62009年4月以来,从墨西哥蔓延开来的流感,最初被诊断为猪流感。后来,世界卫生组织等权威机构研究发现,这种流感病毒实际包
- 7He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will
- 8下列物质的化学式书写正确的是A.NaCl2 B.AlO3 C.HeD.CaCl
- 9若定义在R上的偶函数f(x)满足f(x+2)=f(x),且当x∈[0,1]时,f(x)=x,则函数y=f(x)-log3
- 10卢梭说:“社会秩序乃是为其他一切权利提供了基础的一项神圣权利,然而这项权利绝不是出诸自然的,而是建立在约定上的。”这句话