B. Mary often helps her mother with the cooking.
C. Mary often cooks for her mother.
B. Kate is putting on a red skirt.
C. Kate is having a red skirt.
B. I"m mending my computer.
C. My computer works quite well.
B. Peter"s favorite sport is football.
C. Peter is a member of our school football team.
B. You are talking too much now.
C. I"m happy to have a talk with you.
试题【选择与你所听到的句子意义最相近的句子。1. A. Mary"s mother often cooks. B. Mary often helps her m】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
( )2.I invited many friends to come to my birthday party.
( )3.Everything was ready for the party at five o"clock.
( )4.I received many beautiful presents.
( )5.We danced and sang and had a good time.
B.It’s hard to tell you.
C.Ah,it’s a secret.
B.I like him.
C.No,I don’t like him.
B.Thanks.You look fine,too.
C.Not at all.
B.Yes,I’d like one.
C.I have had enough,but thank you all the same.
B.I don’t think it is.
C.No,it is.
B.This is Li Lei speaking.
C.I’m Li Lei.
B.To the second corner.
C.At the second crossing.
B.Thank you.
C.Could you show me a shirt?
C.Of course.
B.No,of course not.
C.No,you can’t open it.
B.They are brothers.
C.They are father and daughter.
B.October 1st.
C.January 1st.
B.At the bus station.
C.In a car.
B.Go out for a walk.
C.Go to see her teacher.
( )2.We didn’t watch ball games.
( )3.A player fell down and broke his leg in the middle of the match.
( )4.The match went on without rest.
( )5.Our team won the match at last.
B.A Canadian.
C.An English woman.
D.An Australian.
B.An amusement park.
C.A beautiful park.
D.A library.
B.November 18th.
C.November 19th.
D.November 20th.
B.230 Beijing Road.
C.310 Beijing Road.
D.203 Beijing Road.
C.Hard work.
D.Farm work.
- 1在日常的社会活动中,人们常常面临一些道德冲突,遭遇到世俗功利与良心道德的“两难选择”。65岁的詹女士的自身经历对这一问题
- 2读台湾省位置图,回答问题:(1)写出图中序号代表的海域:①__________洋,②__________海峡,③____
- 3在某地 (30°W,30°N)正东方向的是( )A.30°W,30°SB.20°W,30°NC.40°W,30°ND.
- 4“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的思想,源于下列哪部著作 A.《明夷待访录》B.《日知录》C.《天下郡国利病书》D.《船山遗书》
- 5下列属于生物基本特征的是 ( )A.能快速运动B.是由细胞构成的C.能进行光合作用D.能生长和繁殖
- 6顾炎武指出:“自天下为家,各亲其亲,各子其子,而人之有私,固情之所以不能免矣。……合天下之私以成天下之公,此所以为王政也
- 7 No sooner ________ down on bed ________ the telephone rang.
- 8下图是青蛙的发育过程示意图,请据图回答:(1)青蛙的生殖和发育是在_______进行的。 (2)刚孵化出来的蝌蚪头部两
- 9太阳升落地平的方位随季节、纬度而异,日出、日落点偏角是指日出、日落点分别相对于正东和正西的偏角。读表二、三,回答下列问题
- 10英国前首相撒切尔夫人尽管不希望香港回归中国,但她仍然称赞***的构想是“最富天才的创见。”这一“天才的创见”是指A.和平
- 1用一条最大可承受1200牛顿拉力的细绳,从深为480米的矿井底部提取一个质量为100千克的重物,要求重物到井口时的速度恰
- 2函数y=lg(x2-1)的定义域是______.
- 3据新闻报道,以美国为首的北约在科索沃战争中投下了至少10t的贫铀弹,不少人患上了“巴尔干综合症”.贫铀弹的主要成分是低放
- 4生物反应器是指
- 5(18分)下图为实验室制取纯净、干燥的Cl2,并进行检验Cl2性质实验的装置。其中E瓶中放有干燥红色布条;F中为铜网,F
- 6物体的冷热程度叫______.热的物体比冷的物体温度______;要准确地判断物体的温度,需要使用______.
- 7下列说法中,正确的是( )A.失去电子的物质是还原剂,具有氧化性B.氧化还原反应的本质是元素化合价的升降C.氧化还
- 8将下面三个句子整合为一个单句。(可调整语序,适当增删词语,不能改变语意)(4分)①幸福感是在生活满意度基础上产生的一种积
- 9一个物体只受到一个逐渐减小的力的作用,力的方向跟速度的方向相同,则物体的加速度大小和速度大小的变化情况是
- 10“α=kπ+512π,k∈Z”是“sin2α=12”的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充