( ) 1. A. It"s cloudy.
B. It"s snowing.
C. It"s windy.
( ) 2. A. He wants to be an actor.
B. She wants to be a nurse.
C. Because it"s an exciting job.
( ) 3. A. A teacher .
B. At school .
C. He teaches Chinese.
( ) 4. A. Play basketball.
B. Play computer games .
C. Go to the movies.
( ) 5. A. She"s watching TV.
B. No, she isn"t .
C. She"s cooking.
A. 14
B. 13
C. 40
2. What language does he speak?
A. Chinese and Japanese
B. English and French
C. Chinese and English
3. How’s the weather in New York?
A. Hot and humid
B. Cold and raining
C. Cool and windy
4.Where is his school?
A. It’s next to the park
B. It’s in front of the supermarket
C. It’s between the park and the supermarket
5. What kind of animals does he like best?
A. lions
B. dolphins
C. giraffes
B. He is cooking.
C. He is watching TV.
B. No, she is watching TV.
C. She is very busy cooking.
B. During New Year"s time.
C. On Teachers" Day.
1. What does Tom"s pen pal do?
A. She"s a teacher.
B. She"s a doctor.
C. She"s a nurse.
D. She"s an assistant.
2. What language doesn"t Tom"s pen pal speak?
A. English
B. French
C. Chinese
D. English and French
B. On Sunday morning.
C. On Friday.
B. It"s sunny and cool.
C. It"s rainy and hot.
B. By bus.
C. By boat.
B. Swimming in the sea.
C. Lying on the beach.
B. Six.
C. Eleven.
1. Why does the girl like to see the dogs first?
A. Dogs are friendly and clever.
B. Dogs are fun.
C. Dogs are cute.
2. Where are the lions from?
A. Africa
B. China
C. Canada
3. How many kinds of animals do they see?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
- 1下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是( )A.中国足球的球迷们现在真的感到很迷惘:面对这片绿茵场,不知道是继续呐
- 2如果向东走80m记为+80m,那么向西走60m记为[ ] A.﹣60mB.|﹣60|mC.﹣(﹣60)mD.m
- 3人类应以可持续发展的方式使用资源,以合理的方式对废物进行处理并循环使用,下列做法不利于环境保护的是A.回收并合理处理废电
- 4设C+CO22CO-Q1,反应速率V1;N2+ 3 H22NH3+Q2反应速率V2 。对于上述反应,当温度升高时,V1和
- 5在启蒙运动中,主张信仰上帝,但极力抨击天主教会;反对君主专制,又赞成君主立宪制度的法国启蒙思想家是①Voitaire
- 6如图,点D是⊙O的直径CA延长线上一点,点B在⊙O上,且AB=AD=AO。(1)求证:BD是⊙O的切线;(2)若点E是劣
- 7下列词语运用不当的一项是[ ]A、当今社会,挑战和机遇并存,我们只有不怕竞争,不怨天尤人,敢于迎难而上,才能把握
- 8如图,是马戏团中上演的飞车节目,在竖直平面内有半径为R的圆轨道.表演者骑着摩托车在圆轨道内做圆周运动.已知人和摩托车的总
- 9北魏孝文帝改革是以下现象结果的是[ ]A.民族融合 B.长期分裂 C.连年战争 D.民族矛盾激化
- 10以下不属于无性生殖的是[ ]A.用马铃薯的块茎繁殖B.葡萄的扦插C.克隆产生“多莉羊”D.用小麦种子繁殖
- 1在△ABC中,∠A,∠B,∠C所对的边分别为a,b,c,则“sinA>sinB>sinC”是“a>b>c”的( )A.
- 2【题文】定义在上的函数满足:①当时,②.(
- 3【题文】图2示意某区域多年平均降雪量与雪期(从当年初雪日到次年终雪目的天数)的空间分布。读图完成6—8题。【小题1】根据
- 4三元里抗英是近代中国人民第一次自发的大规模反侵略斗争。请问它发生于何次列强侵华战争期间?A.第一次鸦片战争B.第二次鸦片
- 5公元前21世纪,夏朝的建立标志着早期国家的产生。 ( )
- 6一个钢管放在V形架内,如图是其截面图,O为钢管的圆心.如果钢管的半径为25cm,∠MPN=60°,则OP=( )A.5
- 7观察右图,对图中“善意”的正确理解是①控制西欧国家 ②阻止西欧崛起 ③提升英镑地位 ④遏制苏联力量A.①④B.②③C.②
- 8合金是指两种或两种以上的金属(或金属与非金属)熔合而成的具有金属特性的物质。分析下表数据,不能形成合金的是 [
- 9I hope _____ the job she"s applied for (申请) . A.she"s going
- 10下列说法不恰当的一项是 [ ]A.《孟子》是孟子及其门人所作,继承并发扬了孔子的儒家思想,它与《大学》《中庸》《