1. How many restaurants are there?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
2. What kind of food does the man like to try?
A. Chinese food.
B. Western food.
C. English food.
3. Where is the Chinese restaurant?
A. On the third floor.
B. On the seventh floor.
C. On the second floor.
A. To have a science lesson.
B. To clean their classroom.
C. To visit the Science Museum.
B. The post office.
C. The teachers’ office.
B. He has a cough(咳嗽).
C. He can’t sleep.
B. Summer.
C. Autumn.
B. David.
C. Kate.
A. At home.
B. At school.
C. In a park..
2. What does Jack like to eat?
A. Tomatoes and chicken.
B. A tomato sandwich.
C. A chicken sandwich.
A. Because he doesn"t exercise.
B. Because he eats too much.
C. Because he watches TV all day.
2. What do we know about David?
A. He never eats lunch at noon.
B. He is busy but always does exercise.
C. He works all day for many hours.
3. What does the woman suggest (建议) in the end?
A. Eating less food.
B. Going on watching TV.
C. Enjoying music while taking a walk.
2.Which watch is the boy’s?
3.Which one is Peter?
4.What does the woman like doing?
5.What time did Lily get to school this morning?
A. At 7:10 a. m.
B. At 7:00 a. m.
C. At 6:50 a. m.
6.Who has a big nose and small eyes?
A. Jack.
B. Jim.
C. Sorry, I don’t know.
7.What’s Sandy like?
A. She is very helpful.
B. She is very honest.
C. She is very generous.
8.Who is the best at English?
A. Jim.
B. Lucy.
C. Kate.
9.How is Sally’s maths teacher?
A. Pretty and slim.
B. Tall and handsome.
C. Beautiful and handsome.
10.Where are they talking?
A. In Sandy’s room.
B. In Sandy and Bob’s room.
C. In Bob’s room.
A. Because Amy is pretty and helpful.
B. Because Amy is kind and likes helping people.
C. Because Amy is in the same class with Sandy.
2.Who is the oldest?
A. Amy.
B. Sandy.
C. Nick.
- 1中国书法艺术的发展经历了自发和自觉两个阶段,汉字发展为自觉的书法艺术是在:A.新石器时代B.商周时期C.秦汉时期D.魏晋
- 2如图是生成氯化钠反应关系的归纳和整理.请回答下列问题:(1)物质A是常见在碱,写出A的化学式:______.(2)写出反
- 3(8分)现有饱和一元醇的混合物和饱和一元羧酸的混合物在一定条件下反应生成多种酯的混合物,酯的相对分子质量分别为M1、M2
- 4用代数式表示,比x的倒数小5的数的相反数为( )。
- 5.(本小题满分12分)设数列的各项均为正数,若对任意的正整数,都有成等差数列,且成等比数列.(Ⅰ)求证数列是等差数列;(
- 6下列图像中x轴表示个别劳动生产率,y轴表示单位商品价值,不考虑其他因素,下列正确反映两者关系的是( )
- 7The best way to deal with these bad habits is not to _______
- 8轻生或自残等行为与社会道义相悖,与法不合。[ ]
- 9下列叙述中不正确的是:A.过氧化钠着火不可以用水灭火B.钠在空气中燃烧生成氧化钠C.钠与氯气化合时产生白烟D.镁着火不可
- 10在用重锤下落来验证机械能守恒时,某同学按照正确的操作选得纸带如下图所示.其中O是起始点,A、B、C、D、E是打点计时器连
- 1下列名言警句中哪些是关于礼貌待人的[ ]①彬彬有礼是高贵的品格中最美的花朵--温特②生活里最重要的是礼貌,它比最
- 2已知等比数列{an}的前n项和为,则x的值为[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 3With our country entering an aging society, ______ the retir
- 4第三部分 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中
- 5如图是一个正方体的表面展开图,已知正方体的每一个面都有一个实数,且相对面上的两个数互为倒数,那么代数式的值等于[
- 6辨析改错(本大题有4小题共8分。辨析下列史实的正误,在题前的【 】内正确的打√;错误的打╳,并加以改正)27.追求民主是
- 7【题文】偶函数()满足:,且在区间与上分别递减和递增,则不等式的解集为 &
- 8化学与科学、技术、社会、环境密切相关。下列说法不正确的是( ) A.家用铁锅用水清洗后放置在干燥处,能减弱电化学腐
- 9两列频率相同的水波发生干涉的示意图如图所示,实线表示波峰,虚线表示波谷,M点是实线相交的一点,N点是虚线相交的一点,则下
- 10小兰在海边游泳时发现,同样在烈日下,沙滩很热,而海水却比较凉,这是为什么?答:因为水的比热容较______,水和沙相比,