B. Classmates.
C. Neighbours.
B. She has a round face.
C. She has a long nose.
B. A worker.
C. A doctor.
B. By train.
C. By car.
B. For 8 hours.
C. For 6 hours.
B. No, she isn"t.
C. I don"t know.
B. Tom is taller.
C. Yes, Tom is.
B. Jack.
C. Janet.
B. By bus.
C. By taxi.
B. Every month.
C. Only at weekends.
B. On the bus to Nanjing.
C. In the park.
B. In the northeast of China.
C. In the south of China.
B. Polite and generous.
C. Helpful and friendly.
B. Boating and fishing.
C. Swimming and flying kites.
B. On the top of Zijin Mountain.
C. On the Great Changjiang Bridge.
A. A book.
B. A watch.
C. A pen.
6. How does the woman go to school today?
A. By train.
B. By bus.
C. By bike.
7. What colour blouse is Miss Green in?
A. She"s in a green blouse.
B. She"s in a blue blouse.
C. She"s in a red and yellow blouse.
8. Who took the man"s bike?
A. Lucy.
B. Peter.
C. A friend of Peter"s.
9. What did the man want?
A. A glass of milk.
B. A cup of tea.
C. A cup of coffee.
10. What time does the plane leave?
A. At 6:00.
B. At 5:20.
C. At 5:40.
1. Where does the dialogue happen?
A. In a bookshop
B. In a library.
C. In a classroom.
2. How many books can he borrow at a time?
A. Only one book.
B. Two books.
C. Many books.
- 1下图是某同学在“研究匀变速直线运动”的实验中打出的纸带的一段,其中A、B、C为三个计数点,有关长度如图所示。已知此物体的
- 2下列不属于中华传统文化的是( )A.年画B.十二生肖C.芭蕾舞D.园林
- 3阅读理解。Dear God, Now that I am no longer young, I have fr
- 4当肋间外肌和膈肌舒张时,气体经过的路线是A.外界气体→食管→肺B.肺→气管→口腔→外界C.外界气体→气管→肺D.肺→气管
- 5有关糖类物质概念的叙述中,正确的是( )A.糖类是有甜味的物质B.糖类是具有CN(H20)m通式的物质C.糖类是含有醛基
- 6.下列词语中,加点字的注音有误的一项是( )A.提防(dī)亲眷(juàn)谛听(dì)鳏寡孤独(ɡuān)B.伺
- 7陈独秀在《新青年》撰文说:“说什么爱有等差,施及亲始,未免太滑头了。”最早提出“爱有等差”的我国古代思想家是( )A
- 8如图所示,在虚线所示宽度范围内,用场强为E的匀强电场可使初速度是v0的某种正离子偏转θ角。在同样宽度范围内,若改用方向垂
- 9巫山西侧的地形区是A.长江中下游平原B.东南丘陵C.四川盆地D.云贵高原
- 10阅读下面的文字,完成后面试题。(9分)坐 忘 张彩拢庄子是先秦道家的代表人物,在继承老子学说的基础上提出了自己独特的
- 1Tom is ____________ boy now.A.a 11-years-oldB.a 11-year-oldC
- 2若,设函数的零点为,的零点为,则的取值范围是
- 3集合{0}和∅的关系是( )A.{0}=∅B.{0}∈∅C.0⊆∅D.∅⊆{0}
- 4导体电阻的大小决定于导体本身的______、______、______以及温度,导体的电阻是导体本身的一种______.
- 5— Let"s go to the zoo by taxi, _____? — Maybe we can go ther
- 6有一组数据如下:3、a、4、6、7,它们的平均数是5,那么这组数据的方差是[ ]A.10 B.C.2 D.
- 7陶渊明在《桃花源记》里给我们描绘了一个他理想中的世外桃源。假如真有这么一个地方作为乡村旅游福地,请你为它设计一段旅游广告
- 8f(x)是以5为周期的奇函数,f(﹣3)=4且cosα=,则f(4cos2α)=( )。
- 9找出下列词语中的错别字,并加以改正。 漩律 沸腾 哄烤 春华秋实 喇叭 高梁 积蓄
- 10已知函数在区间上恒为正值,求实数的取值范围.