B. less quickly
C. more quickly
D. most quickly
试题【We"re happy that our country has developed ____ these years than before. [ 】;主要考察你对副词比较等级的用法等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. the quickest
C. slowest
D. quickly
His computer is _____ expensive than _____.
2. On Sunday the boy did his homework at home. He didn"t go to the Internet bar.
On Sunday the boy did his homework at home _____ going to the Internet bar.
3. I"m not good at fishing. He isn"t good at it,either.(合并为一句)
_____ _____ us is good at fishing.
4. Both my sister and I have been to the Great Wall.(改为否定句)
_____my sister _____ I have been to the Creat Wall.
5. The teacher didn"t do anything except writing some words on the blackboard.
The teacher _____ _____but _____ some words on the blackboard.
B. faster
C. fastest
D. the most fast
Sam runs _______ in his class.
2. She came here two hours ago.
She _______ _______ here for two hours.
3.The box is light enough for the boy to carry.
The box is _______light _______ the boy can carry it.
4. All the boys are laughing,but Jim isn"t.
All the boys are laughing _______ Jim.
5. He likes watching TV, and his sister likes watchin TV, too.
He likes watching TV , _______ _______ his sister.
6. He spent more than two hours on his homework.
_______ _______ him more than two hours _______ _______ his homework.
7. I don"t know how I can keep my room clean.
I don"t know how _______ _______ my room clean.
8. The problem is too difficult for me to work out.
The problem isn"t _______ _______ for me to work out.
9. Mrs. White told Tom that he mustn"t throw paper on the ground.
Mrs. White told Tom _______ _______ throw paper on the ground.
—Leo is more careful. I think Leo did _____Nick.
B. as well as
C. better than
D. worse than
- 1李老师是我们的数学老师,他不仅教给我们数学知识,而且当我们遇到交友、为人处世或其他方面的烦恼时,他都会给予我们积极指导。
- 2为了不影响学校正常的教学活动,某学校附近施工场地的搅拌机装上罩子,教室靠近施工场地一侧的窗子都关起来.这两项控制噪声的措
- 3比较下列各数的大小:①-227______-π;②35______210.
- 4写作(写作40+书写5=45分)从下面两道题中,任选一题作文。(1)我看见了 要求:将题目补充完整,然后
- 5建筑工业上常用石灰石煅烧得到生石灰,生石灰与水反应生成熟石灰后再粉刷到墙上,过一段时间后,发现墙壁会“出汗”.请用化学方
- 6进入历史新时期后,邓小平提出了“一国两制”的科学构想。“一国两制”构想所适用的范围是 [ ]A.沿海经济特区
- 7(11分)积温是指作物生长发育阶段内逐日平均气温的总和。图16为中国局部地区日平均气温≥10℃的积温分布图。据图回答下列
- 82010年春天,我国西南地区遭遇百年不遇的旱灾,并有向湖南北蔓延之势,将严重影响水稻生产。预计2010年大米的销售价格也
- 9炎热的夏天,在太阳的照射下,海滨浴场沙滩上沙子的温度升高,而海水的温度明显低于沙滩的温度,原因是海水的比热容比沙子的比热
- 10My sister wants to work in a tall building which _____ still
- 1若正多边形的每个外角都是72°,则这个正多边形的边数为( )
- 2简述。(任选一题,100字左右)(甲)简述爱斯梅拉达一夜之间变成杀人凶手的故事。 ___________________
- 3下列关于古罗马法律文献的叙述评价不正确的一项是( )A.公民法基本上只包括成文法,不包括习惯法B.万民法是罗马帝国统治
- 4战国时期,各诸侯国为了富国强兵,对本国的政治、经济制度进行了不同程度的改革。其中,影响最大的是商鞅变法。(1)商鞅是在哪
- 5神舟七号返回舱约3吨多重,是世界上现有的最大的返回舱。为了防止飞船与大气摩擦产生高温而起火燃烧,在飞船表面覆盖着某种特殊
- 6制造普通玻璃的主要原料是_________、_________、_________。
- 7It turned out that she could _______ in time of need.[ ]
- 8 “大美大爱”的龙江人勤劳智慧,2012年全省粮食总产量达到1152亿斤,夺得全国粮食总产第一,广袤的黑土地正成为保障国
- 9在“问题奶粉”事件中,某股份有限公司为追求自身的经济利益而侵害消费者的合法权益,在社会上造成了极坏的影响,这一事件也促使
- 10【题文】用下面的短语组成有关春节和端午的对联。要求:上下联各为7字,语言连贯,符合节日和对联特点,不得重复使用短语。(4